Violent Crime: “White Racism” Isn’t the Problem — Black Racism Is
by David Sims
IN 2018, THE US resident population was 60.4% White and 12.5% Black. However, the Department of Justice (including the FBI and the Bureau of Justice Statistics) routinely categorizes Mestizo/Latino offenders as “Whites.” (They get their own category when they are victims of crime.)
When Mestizos/Latinos are tracked separately, as they are in some states, they show an average per capita rate for violent crimes that is, overall, about three times higher than that of actual White people. The US population is about 19% “Latino,” who are almost all Mestizos.
Thus, we can estimate that nearly half (48.6% in 2021) of the violent crimes attributed to “White” offenders in the BJS and FBI statistics are actually the doing of Mestizo/Latino offenders.
Sometimes we get more detailed information, as we do in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports document, “Crime In the United States, 2019.” We have violent crime rates (for that year) broken down by race, with that of “Hispanics” presented separately.
Of all US murders in 2019, for example, 45.8% were perpetrated by “Whites” (including Latinos) and 51.2% were perpetrated by Blacks. If you didn’t know better, you’d think that the Black-to-White per capita rate ratio was 5.40, which is plenty high enough to raise your eyebrows.
But 20.7% of those murders were committed by “Hispanics,” who are mostly Mestizos. When you remove them from the “White” offenders, you are left with only 25.1% of murders being committed by real Whites, making the Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for murder perpetration 9.86.
Of course, this method of correcting the White offender numbers is crude. A small fraction of “Hispanics” in this country are truly White people, and another small fraction are more correctly categorized as Blacks. But most non-White “Hispanic” offenders are counted as White people for DoJ statistical purposes.
By this analysis, the average Black is about nine times more likely to commit murder (without regard for the victim’s race), as compared with the average White.
When we focus on interracial murders that cross the Black/White divide, we’ll see that the ratio is much higher.
According to the International Business Times, in 2015 there were 500 Black-on-White murders and 229 “White”-on-Black murders. The IBT probably didn’t correct the BJS data for inappropriate Mestizo inclusions. So really there were only about 119 White-on-Black murders in 2015.
So the Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of interracial murders that cross the Black/White line is 20.3. We can use that figure with that for the previously derived B/W per capita ratio for the perpetration of murder to make an interesting estimation.
Let us assume that the B/W per capita rate ratio for murder perpetration represents the greater degree of Blacks’ tendency to “chimp out” and kill somebody. Or, if you prefer, their lesser degree of self-restraint where killing is concerned.
Let’s further assume that the B/W per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of interracial murders that cross the Black/White racial line represents both the greater tendency of Blacks to kill people and the greater degree to which Blacks experience racial hatred.
We can estimate, then, that Blacks have racial hatred against Whites that is
20.3/9.86 = 2.06
about twice as great as that of Whites toward Blacks.
So as far as violent crime (particularly murder) is concerned, “White racism” isn’t the problem. Black racism is. As usual, Political Correctness gets the problem pictured in reverse, and reaches a conclusion that is the exact opposite of the truth.
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Source: Author
While the statistics show negroes account for 50-60% of the murders, this is an understatement because of the low clearance rate for murders in negro urban hell holes where many black murders take place.