Posts Tagged
Black Criminality
Violent Crime: “White Racism” Isn’t the Problem — Black Racism Is
by David Sims IN 2018, THE US resident population was 60.4% White and 12.5% Black. However, the Department of Justice (including the FBI and the Bureau of Justice Statistics) routinely categorizes Mestizo/Latino offenders as “Whites.” (They get their own category when they are victims…
Wow, Facts Are so Racist!
by David Sims THE QUESTION was asked on Quora, “Is it true that Black people are involved in criminal activities in the USA more than White people?” Yes, it is true. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports section “Crime in the United States, 2019” in Table 43A, we see that for the crime…
The Jurisprudence of Floydism, part 2
The justices of the Washington state Supreme Court by Douglas Mercer MANY WILL RECALL THE lament that there are more Blacks in prison than college. But when the Black man knocks off a liquor store at gunpoint, what’s the store clerk going to do — hand the tar monster a Harvard application?…
New Stats, Same as the Old Stats
by David Sims THE Black-to-White (b/w) per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of a particular crime tells you how much more likely the average Black person is to commit that crime, as compared with the average White person. It is the statistic required for comparisons of race differences in behavior.…
Are Non-Whites Penalized More Harshly by the Justice System for the Same Crimes?
by Russell James ARE non-Whites penalized more harshly by the US criminal justice system for the same crimes? To the contrary, most evidence points to the fact that Whites are held to a much higher standard regarding crime than any other group. Crime is so rampant in some non-White communities that “minor”…
White Justice
Tulsa, early 20th century: raised in the wilderness in just a few decades by White men, and for White men, women, and children by Douglas Mercer BLOODY TULSA is very much on their perverted minds of late, as surely you’ve noticed. It’s Tulsa Tulsa Tulsa, as they wave their made-up blood-soaked…
Amplified Narratives
IN TODAY’S globalist kosher bodega, almost everything we hear is a lie and when the truth is grudgingly admitted you can be sure there will be many critical omissions and distortions. When we’re not being fed total inversions of reality, like the serious terrorist threat of “White…
The District of Contamination
Current DC Mayor Muriel Bowser speaks during the “Statue Dedication and Commemoration of Mayor Marion Barry” on March 3, 2018. by Douglas Mercer IN THE television series The Man in the High Castle the Germans complete their conquest of the eastern half of North America by dropping a Heisenberg…
I’m Suffering From Negro Fatigue
DON’T KNOW about you but I’ve had it up to my teeth with Black ‘communities’ everywhere. I’m suffering from Negro Fatigue. The endless drumbeat of whining, bitching and complaining about the discrimination from which they allegedly suffer, the rioting and looting…
Pure Criminality
Videos circulating online show widespread looting and clashes with police across Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district early Monday, sparked by an officer-involved shooting hours earlier that left a 20-year-old man wounded. LOOKS LIKE the “White supremacists” are at it…