A Thousand Miles of White Men
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 February, 2023
by Kevin Alfred Strom
I USED TO LIVE in Rochester, Minnesota in the 1990s. Prior to that, I spent a lot of time in Minnesota as a child during the 1950s to the 1970s. I know Minnesota. Minnesota then was almost entirely White — White and extremely naive on racial matters. The modern descendants of the largely Scandinavian and German settlers there, with a few exceptions, totally bought into the Jewish media version of the “Noble Black Man” and “Noble Cesar-Chavez-type Mestizo” mythologies presented to them on their flickering, snowy TV screens. Even in the 1960s, the Jew-created “White oppressor” narrative was in full swing — and northern Whites like my Minnesota neighbors and relatives were psychologically programmed to “show the world” how much better and more truly Christian they were than those awful, nasty, cousin-marrying, “racist” trailer-trash southern Whites, as portrayed by Jews on prime time TV. They thought that “Abraham, Martin, and John” was a great song and that passing the endless “Civil Rights” acts and the 1965 open-borders immigration act were literally moral obligations. After all, Hubert Humphrey and the “Democratic Farmer-Labor Party” had always done the right thing, hadn’t they? — and that’s what they were telling us now, so it must be true. Their local Lutheran minister said the same.
I have a deep affection for these folks, but they had the political awareness of an underground invertebrate. They had no idea how — even as early as the 1960s — their own institutions had been eviscerated from within and repurposed by their deadliest enemies.
You’d think that after the Somali invasion and the Hmong invasion, which were complete or well underway by the time I left, that some good sense would have been pounded into my blockheaded neighbors and relatives, but alas, not so — or at least not enough. (There are some exceptions, of course, and I salute them. One inveterate letter-writer to the Rochester Post-Bulletin — which newspaper I’ll be quoting in a moment, and which didn’t hesitate to attack me as a “White racist” when I lived there — used the nom de guerre “Norman Blood” in his letters, and skewered the local anti-Whites again and again until eventually the paper evidently refused to print any more of his works. And the race-thinker and philosopher Kenneth Anderson of Affirmations is a Minnesotan.)
But, even conceding — more like hoping — that an awakening is gradually taking place there, we have to deal with reality. And the reality is that the managerial stratum in Minnesota is still “liberal” on race to the point of verifiable mental illness. Let’s go to the Rochester, Minnesota Post-Bulletin of just two weeks ago for proof:
A 20-year-old Rochester man will serve 180 days in jail and up to 30 years of probation in a case involving the rape of two juvenile girls in Olmsted County.
Mohamed Bakari Shei [a Somali — Ed.] appeared before District Judge Jacob Allen Monday, Jan. 30, 2023, for his sentencing hearing where multiple family members spoke about how Shei’s actions affected them.
Shei was facing three different felony first-degree criminal conduct charges in two separate cases. His plea deal called for no prison time, a stay of adjudication and the dismissal of two out of three charges. If Shei completes his probation, all charges against him will be dismissed and will not be on his criminal record.
One of the juveniles in this case was around 9 years old and the other juvenile was between 4 and 5 years old at the time of the sexual assaults.
“There is no moving on or getting over it, I’ve tried,” one of Shei’s survivors said while fighting back tears in court Monday. She broke down and cried following her statement to the court.
A family member described one of the juvenile survivors as a bubbly girl who loved to share with others, but following Shei’s multiple sexual assaults, the juvenile became withdrawn and more reclusive.
The family member asked Shei to take responsibility for what he’s done to his victims and to their families.
“Some day you will have to answer for this egregious act against a child,” the family member said.
Shei was 15 and 16 years old at the time of the sexual assaults and he was initially charged in juvenile court in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, his case was pushed back to the point that prosecutors would soon lose jurisdictional authority to prosecute the case.
Charges were dismissed against Shei in those cases but were soon refiled. Shei was then given a plea deal that included his stay of adjudication and no prison time in exchange for him not challenging certification in adult court, which allowed for his continued prosecution, according to Olmsted County Senior Attorney Thomas Gort.
Shei entered an Alford plea in December 2022, meaning that while he does not admit guilt, he admits that a jury would convict him based on the evidence.
Shei’s lawyer, James McGeeney, argued that the court lacked the authority to impose any jail time, as that was not “the spirit” of the plea agreement and any jail sentence would be in violation of the agreement.
Allen ultimately disagreed with McGeeney’s argument, pointing out that judges ordering stays of adjudication in drug cases routinely impose a 30-day jail sentence.
“I hope you heard what was said in this court today,” Allen told Shei in court. “The conduct they described and the way it affected them should be something that haunts you.”
With good behavior, Shei will serve, at most, 116 days in the Olmsted County Adult Detention Center. His jail sentence will begin Feb. 13, 2023. Shei was also ordered to undergo a sex offender program and complete 200 hours of community service.
He will not be required to register as a sex offender.
According to court documents:
A female juvenile reported to a Rochester police investigator in April 2020 that Shei first raped her on Mother’s Day in 2018 at a Rochester residence. The juvenile would have been around 9 years old on that date. Shei would have been around 16 years old.
Shei told her that he would give her money for a book fair at school or buy her toys, the juvenile told police.
A different juvenile told an RPD investigator in June 2021 that Shei had raped her several times at the same residence during the same time period.
Shei denied to investigator[s] that he had raped the juvenile.
So, let’s get this straight.
Mohamed Bakari Shei is a Somali, which means he is of primarily Congoid ancestry and racially is a baby step above a pure-blooded Congoid. He is described by the Post-Bulletin as a “Rochester man.” Likely he was born there, as if that matters, since the feds have been importing Somalis into that once heavenly pure White city, home to the Mayo Clinic, since the 1990s, more than a generation.

Blacks sexually mature faster than Whites. At 16, Shei was fully sexually mature. He was not a “child” in any meaningful sense of the word, as a White boy might be at the same age. And he was perverse, though perversity seems to be more the norm for Congoid types. And he was aggressive in his perversions. Shei told a 9-year-old girl, race never specified in media reports, that he would buy her toys — in order to get her guard down. And then he repeatedly raped her. (Other media sources say he raped her at least eight times.) After getting away with raping the 9-year-old he then raped a 4-year-old, again race not disclosed, and kept on raping her well past her fifth birthday.
If the victims are White, this would be cause for making this a capital crime. But even if they aren’t White, this creature and his ilk are still grave dangers to us: If they will treat their own kind this way, how, then, are they likely to treat us, who the Jewish media are inciting them to hate each and every minute of every day?
It took some legal wrangling just to get Shei tried as an adult in the Rochester, Minnesota court system. And he eventually was. But for all the good it did, he might as well have just booked an appearance on Romper Room and been declared a “Don’t Bee” for five minutes. His sentence will result in just 116 days in jail, 200 hours of community service (like cleaning up in parks and playgrounds, perhaps?), 30 years of probation, an expungement of his criminal record after successful completion of his sentence so he will not have a criminal record — and he will not be required to register as a sex offender.
If George Soros and other Jews have their way, and prosecutors and court officials keep getting more lenient on non-White crime, expect that 30 years of probation to evaporate into next to nothing.
To be fair to Somalis, always one of my goals here, I have to say that they themselves know the type of draconian discipline it takes to keep their own kind under control. Witness the headline in Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper: “Two men who gang-raped and killed a 12-year-old girl in Somalia are publicly executed by firing squad chosen by girl’s father… who inspected bodies to make sure they were dead.” And, to be fair to the justice system, also one of my sacred goals, it is true that the recommended sentence in the guidelines for these crimes is a very lenient 12 years in prison. But the judge gave him 180 days, which means, in Rochester, that he gets out in just 116 days unless he offends in jail in some way.
I think that the judge in this case, Judge Jacob Allen, an appointee of anti-White multimillionaire Target Stores heir and then-governor Mark Dayton, could learn a lot by spending the rest of his days in Somalia without access to any funds, something which both he and Dayton richly deserve. I’m sure those indigenous, unspoiled Somalis could teach them so much.
You know, there was a time not so long ago, within my living memory, that the White children of the Minnesota towns and villages where I walked were separated from the likes of non-White rapists like Shei by hundreds, and in some directions, a thousand miles of decent White men, any one of which would have taken up arms and terminated with prejudice any Congoid who placed his paw on a fair White shoulder with bad intent — and the placement itself would be proof of bad intent.
Some will tell me that “we can’t go back in time to those good old days,” and they are right. Social change never — and I repeat, never — goes backwards, toward what is now dead but that we might wish had never perished. It always moves forward, toward a new ideal. The only operant question is whose ideal? We can do better than we did in the Old America. We can have more than a thousand miles of decent White men between our children and the non-White haters and monsters who would despoil and destroy them. We can have a thousand miles and more of a pure White land, in every direction and not just in some, of White men and women and families taught from an early age, and every day of their lives, that racial survival and progress is the highest value, the value from which all other values flow, and for which any sacrifice is justified. The men and women of the National Alliance are working for that day. Then, and only then, will our children have the chance at life and at greatness that they deserve.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
A distressing but inspiring message! Our people are too trusting and conforming, and would not dare believe that someone was actually presenting dangerous fantasies on their TV screens! Actually, it was (is still, I hope) the Southern Folk who knew reality as it is, and who were not deceived by the Sugar Candy Mountain world or the To Kill a Mockingbird misrepresentations of those who live in their own minds without being corrected by actual experienced events, and who have probably never even worked outside and broken a sweat, doing real work in the real world. That real people would get their notions of reality from these soft screen-writers is perplexing, and tells me that we need to stop fearing being browbeaten and ridiculed by these sissies and momma’s boys.… Read more »
The only solution for the racial situation facing WHITE European peoples of Europe and America is total racial separation!!!! The days of reading crime articles and statistics are long past!!! The WHITE people of the world who want to survive have one choice and one choice only, Total separation starting with their whole outlook emotionally and psychological thought process. WHITE people must work with all their survival energy to become a separate group of people in all ways physically and in thought! No more miss guided compassion and altruism should be allowed to enter one’s mind! Separate yourselves! If a WHITE person cannot at this time for various reasons physically separate then psychologically separate in every way possible!!! The present system right now in the western world is anti—WHITE !… Read more »
Having never been to Minnesota and being born after the boomer generation, I found this educational. I knew the White guilt brainwashing was going on in my childhood, but had no idea that it was even aimed at a number of boomers too. There are White race traitors of all ages who I’ve seen in mainstream online forums discrediting any other White person who posts anything racially aware as “some inbred hillbilly trailer trash redneck hick”. These are probably the majority of the race mixing rice kings and men afflicted with beaner fever, if they think that sticking with one’s own kind is akin to incest. I also wasn’t aware of all the Somali and Hmong foreigners taking over the Midwest. In the case of the latter, I can’t tell… Read more »
One of the biggest flaws of the White man – the Celtic or Germanic White man in particular – is his native altruism. This normally very good quality has been exploited by the Jew, who has tricked the White man into believing that all peoples of the Earth are basically the same as he is, only darker. Which is an easily provable, quantifiable, objective lie. How did the Jew get away with this – and MANY other- egregious lies ? By first presenting HIMSELF as the ‘chosen people’ of a ‘God’ he also invented and making White men believe that a Jewish death cult is the White man’s true native religion. Scandinavians – and, to a somewhat lesser degree, their descendants in the Americas – have been living in relative… Read more »
I live in a neighboring state to Minn. and have one child living there (in the Twin Cities of course). I know the state well enough. The Whites there are cucked beyond belief, especially in the larger cities. I am ashamed to share Scandinavian blood with them. The faggotism and Negro-worship, especially in the Twin Cities, is astounding.
Other than that, Kevin, how do you do it? How do you write and produce these great articles/broadcasts week after wee, for all these years? You are a very talented fellow and huge asset to our side.
The ugliness of the Black race is obvious, even if you only see photographs of Blacks. You don’t have be around them for very long before you begin to see other patterns. You notice that they tend to be noisy, egotistical, unintelligent, violent, and oversexed. Their speech is different, their music is different, they smell different at times, and many of them seem to have a taste for garish clothing that White people would be ashamed to wear. It appears that many Minnesotans–including their Lutheran ministers–think that we should ignore these obvious differences and pretend that Blacks are the same as Whites. The kindest thing that I can say about this attitude is that it seems very childish. A century ago it was not considered un-Christian to frankly acknowledge the… Read more »
Christianity has been known to contain confusing messages in addition to some of the more fantastic (that is, totally unbelievable) claims it has made, Mr. Carlson, and that has provided a weakness whereby it can be manipulated by actors who wish to change its overall message. So far as I can tell, that religion’s dogma has never been explicitly pro-White anyway, rather, it appears to be an universal “we’re all the same in god’s eyes” sort of claptrap valuing Jews above all others. For millennia before Christianity the White man did well racially, but the recent 2000 years since haven’t been so kind to us. Coincidence? Racially healthy Whites don’t believe so and are abandoning that creed for something closer to our race-soul. National Vanguard has quite an extensive archive… Read more »
“…and “Noble Cesar-Chavez-type Mestizo” mythologies presented to them on their flickering, snowy TV screens…” I forgot to mention Cesar Chavez day, because although I was in school in the 70s and 80s, I’d never heard of this uppity brown lettuce picker, probably propped up by the (((usual suspects))). I didn’t see the awful word Chicano until I was flipping through my mother’s fashion magazine, which gave makeup tips for different women. It wasn’t just about what worked best for redheads vs blondes vs brunettes. The diversity push was already being put into place in the late 70s. I had to ask my mother what this Chicano thing was, because at first, I thought the article misspelled Chicago. I was raised mostly in Maryland and although there began to be a… Read more »
Trust and conformity, it starts when these characteristics are natural when one is a child. That is how we have become indoctrinated, not on the high school level but from kindergarten on. There is a saying that covers this-the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
The Jew World Order File.
“if you really are serious when you talk of Jewish plots, may I not direct your attention to one worth talking about?… You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt.”
JEWS Control Britain File. Cromwell bought by Menasseh Ben Israel to present day………. From O.C. (i.e. Oliver Cromwell), by Ebenezer Pratt. “In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England: This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.” In reply was dispatched the following:- 12th July, 1647. To O.C. by E. Pratt. “Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape: His recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless… Read more »