Our Executioners
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 22 October, 2022
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ONE WAY THE ENEMIES of our people are killing us is by the mass sexual abuse of White children, which involves them at early ages in shocking, demoralizing, confusing, and perverting displays of deviant sexuality, combined with intensive indoctrination with the ideas that 1) perverted sexual behavior, such as homosexuality, bestiality, and amputations to “make yourself” into the opposite sex, are legitimate “choices” and 2) that the evil which they, the children, must dedicate their lives to fighting consists of those who would “take those choices away from us.”
Now I want you to listen to a recording of one of these enemies of our people. Listen carefully to her words.
You know what’s not a problem for kids who are seeking a good education? Drag queens. Okay? Let me say this. Drag queens — not only are they not hurting our kids, drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun. Drag queens are entertainment. And you know what I’ll say, that was totally not poll tested? I say this. A drag queen for every school! That is what would be fun for kids, and lift them up when they are having emotional issues.
Those are not the words of some fringe figure in the pervert movement. Those are the words, uttered at a public function — supposedly a “civil rights” congress — of the currently sitting Attorney General of the state of Michigan, Dana Nessel.
Here’s some video and audio evidence of what this creature is promoting:
What are “drag queens”? The term comes from the pervert underground and refers to adult men, almost all of them homosexuals and many of whom are sexually attracted to children, who dress in outlandish and highly sexualized women’s clothing, displaying exaggerated buttocks and fake breasts, unnaturally emphasizing the genital area, in many cases touching themselves, and dancing or “performing” in ways that are deliberately designed to cross the boundaries of decency, all while maintaining a filthy monologue or dialogue with the audience. Now the Dana Nessels of this world want all our schoolchildren to be in that audience.
How many thousands of White children have been grievously, perhaps permanently, harmed by being subjected to such performances, so strongly endorsed by authorities and media figures and “educators”? How many have been put on a path that takes this mental and spiritual abuse to the next level, to actual physical abuse? How many have been put on a path that leads to amputation and mutilation and a lifetime of sterility? How many tens of thousands of White children are thereby prevented from being born? How many are so frightened, so terrified, by their exposure to these sick, demented “performances” that they will be afraid of all adult sexuality in the future and will never fall in love, form families, or have children?
“Drag queens” — it’s good to put the term in quotes to show it’s an enemy creation — have been known to encourage children to “explore” by physically touching the diseased bodies of the “queens” — have been known to encourage children to sit on them, or be touching or embracing them, during so-called “drag queen story times” at schools or libraries, as they read newly-created pro-pervert “children’s books,” sometimes mixed in with ordinary children’s stories as “cover.” This is what Dana Nessel wants in every school. This is what’s important to her.
Who is Dana Nessel? She is trumpeted far and wide as “the first openly lesbian” Attorney General in the state of Michigan. Not so well-known is that she is also the first Jew in that position. She is, of course, a lawyer. She is wealthy and privileged. She is a former prosecutor. She is a former attorney in private practice. She made many thousands of ill-gotten dollars making sure that perverts can adopt innocent children and keep them behind closed doors for whatever purposes they may have. She also worked for giving sexual perverts the “right” to “marry” and gain all the legal status and protections that were intended for real married couples. Her accomplices in these efforts included the judge before whom she argued the pervert marriage and adoption case, Michigan-based federal judge Bernard A. Friedman. Friedman, almost certainly a Jew himself, working closely with Nessel, openly “invited” the perverts who wanted to adopt to amend their suit so that it could be used to corrupt the institution of marriage itself, and, later, when they “succeeded,” Friedman actually presided personally over the wedding of the two perverts over whose case he ruled and on behalf of whom Dana Nessel had “argued” — as if you can even call it an “argument” in such a totally corrupt, illegal, and immoral Jewish set-up masquerading as a court case.
If it were not for two things — the non-White element and the insane “feminist”/”sexual minority” element — Dana Nessel could never have imposed herself on the good and decent people of Michigan. Nessel began her legal and political career in the Detroit area. Unlike most of Michigan, rural Michigan, which still looks like an impoverished version of the Old America, the Detroit area is a nest of non-Whites — heavily Black, with huge numbers of other non-White invaders and their offspring. It is also a nest of Jews and “leftist” political types who know that such Third World hellholes are places where they can thrive and be elected — they have the Black vote locked up, preventing politically-divided normal Whites right there from having much influence, so things like the pervert vote and the “feminist” vote become “decisive” in such places. Nessel has played up to the man-hating “feminist” crowd with skill both devious and disgusting to behold. Witness this advertisement in which she states that a main reason she should be elected is that she “doesn’t have a penis.” Listen:
(By the way, when Nessel says “going to bat for the people who need it most,” the images in her ad show perverts and pervert activists.) As a local media outlet (and many others) reported:
A Democratic candidate for Michigan attorney general has released an ad that is sure to catch your attention.
Dana Nessel released a campaign ad this week focused on sexual harassment in the workplace, telling voters they should vote for her because she won’t harass anyone — because she doesn’t have a penis.
“So when you’re choosing Michigan’s next attorney general, ask yourself this: ‘Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting?’ ” Nessel asks. “Is it the candidate who doesn’t have a penis? I’d say so.”
“I will not sexually harass my staff and I won’t tolerate in your workplace either. I won’t walk around in a half-open bathrobe,” she said.
“And I’ll continue to take all sex crimes seriously, just as I did as a prosecutor.”
In typically brazen Jewish fashion — so brazen that naïve White people have a hard time believing anyone could be so hypocritical — she takes upon herself the mantle of crusader against sex crimes, all the while planning to make pervert access to our children as easy as possible. Also brazen is the implicit assumption in her ad that only males can sexually misbehave, a complete lie.
If it weren’t for the giant running sore called metro Detroit — and its overabundance of defective people, invaders, and domestic racial enemies — Dana Nessel could never have imposed herself on that state or upon our nation.
The Dana Nessels of this world, and her enablers, are constantly whining about the “White racist” “threat to our democracy.” By “democracy,” they mean the political system that ensures we can do nothing — and our craven “elected representatives” can do nothing — without the permission of crazies and enemies in places like Detroit — can do nothing without the endorsement of the alien-owned media, who have a decisive hold on the minds of the rubes and how they vote.
It’s time to start working on doing what is right, on doing whatever is necessary to keep the paws of these monsters far, far away from the minds and bodies of our children. It’s time to start working to do this without asking the permission of any so-called “electorate” or party leaders or politicians or legislatures. It’s time to just plain do what is right — to gain the power necessary to defeat these monsters forever, and then exercise that power — to gain territory that we control, living space for our people, territory from which these demons in human form will be forever excluded.
It’s time to start planning — serious, long-term planning — and execution of William Luther Pierce’s strategy of permanent separation from non-White enemies like Dana Nessel — separation from the Browns and Blacks and deranged, damaged Whites who made Nessel’s career possible — total separation from the sick, depraved mess that America has become. It’s time for a new consciousness. It’s time for a new order. It’s time for a new people — a society composed of those who are not fooled, will never be fooled, will never give in, and who are determined that healthy White families will still exist, and healthy White children will still be coming into the world, ten thousand generations from now.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
I Agree, in this case, from first to last word with Kevin Alfred Strom. In Italy we are not yet to this degree of jewish hell, but very close. And the horrid enemies of childhood, of beauty, of goodness, of truth are always the same. Against whom white people, if they want to live, must carry out the most radical boycott and APARTHEID.
Hearts up.
Joe Fallisi
If you agree with Kevin Strom, Mr. Fallisi, then you also are agreeing that joining the National Alliance and contributing meaningfully towards our commonly agreed on principles, goals, and plans is the right thing to do. Read this http://www.natall.com/what-is-the-national-alliance/ and put action to your words.
Stop ……
No, our race’s future is too important to just sit by and do nothing.
… because you are okay with how things are? If you aren’t part of the solution you are the problem.
I live in Michigan and have most of my life. I have worked in Michigan most of my career, the last 30 as a business owner. It has been becoming increasingly difficult to operate here year after year, but the absolute worst has been lately with our know-nothing governor, Gretchen Witmer and this hawk-faced nut job of an attorney general. I am growing accustomed to NOTHING in politics making sense any longer and nothing I see walking on the streets shocks me. Said state of a state, wish leaving was the answer, but in this country today? And go where?!
NatAll supporter-go AS and WWW!