Douglas MercerEssays

Red America

by Douglas Mercer

SCOTT MCMEEKIN’S BOOK Stalin’s War (2021) is eye-opening and stomach-churning. It reveals in fine detail and straightforward prose that everything you heard about the communist subversion of America is not only absolutely true but is even much worse than you’ve been led to believe. Every true American should read it, to find out about the origins of today’s Red America.

McMeekin is a professor in good standing at Bard College, so naturally he is reticent about the all-important Jewish factor, but anyone can read between the lines. The president of Bard College is Leon Botstein, whose daughter is Ken Burns’ longtime collaborator. This Jewess just pumped out a poisonous documentary about America and the “Holocaust.” So McMeekin is not exactly going to print the name of every Jew in blue; though, if he did, the text would look like the inside of a Zyklon canister.

The truth is this: If you control the media and the educational system in a country for going on decades you can get people to believe anything, no matter how outlandish. Members of the Bush team who met with Gorbachev after the USSR fell swear that he sincerely believed that the material aid provided by America to the Soviets in World War 2 was insignificant. That means that an entire society from top to bottom had been deluded — a situation we fast approach, though on other and far more important issues.

Remember the term “Red Scare” from the post-World War 1 era, and how the alarm over communist infiltration of American institutions was supposedly so exaggerated?

It was not exaggerated. It was all true.

Notice how FDR is lionized and McCarthy is spat on? The reverse should be true.

Remember the Hollywood Blacklist and how it “stifled creativity and freedom of expression”? The ones they said were communists were all communists. (Though the blacklist purposely never touched the upper echelon men at the studios, and it should have.) And a huge percentage of them were Jews, too.

And remember how World War 2 was the “good war”?

Well, nothing could be further from the truth.

Any more victories like that and we are done for.

This is all what comes when Jews control your media and your education system for decades. Pretty soon the entire society is brainwashed from top to bottom. Anyone telling the truth will be looked at as if he had three eyes. And just about everything that people think they know as a matter of course, everything that is “obviously true,” is a lie.

* * *

Franklin Delano Roosevelt despised Germans from the beginning. He thought the Versailles treaty was too lenient, that after the Great War the Allies should have subjugated Germany permanently. When he became President, he vowed to himself never to make that mistake again.

You know who else hated the Germans from the beginning?

The Jews.

Judea famously declared war on Germany in 1933. And they also got their military war against Germany. That it was “America” that was waging the war doesn’t change a thing in this world of illusion. It was Jews waging war on the Germans, the Americans being dupes or collaborators.

As Goebbels said, the intentions of the Jew-crafted Morgenthau Plan was to reduce Germany to a potato farm. Once, in Hyde Park, cabinet Jew Morgenthau suggested to FDR that after the war young able-bodied German men in their peak reproductive years should be shipped to the Congo as slave labor. Germany Must Perish was more than a book by a genocidal Jew; it was in essence, if not in exact particulars, the American war aim above all others.

FDR gave way to Stalin on every single issue save one, one that Stalin thought unwise: that the final war aim be unconditional surrender. McMeekin says FDR made the pronouncement out of the blue to impress Stalin at what he terms a “bizarre press conference.”

Thus it would be war to the tooth and war to the nail: a war to the knife; a war to the death.

Unconditional surrender. Like in the South 80 years earlier. The smug joke was that that was what the “U.S.” in U.S. Grant stood for.

Germany, like the South, must perish.

Atlanta had to burn, and Ilya Ehrenburg had to make sure all those German women were raped.

See the pattern here? See the plot afoot?

It was what FDR cared about above all: unconditional surrender. He was not going to let the Germans live to fight another day. Like Churchill, he believed that Germany will always be at your throat or under your heel, and he was determined that they be the latter.

It didn’t really start in 1933. The Jews and the Germans have been at war since time immemorial. From the first time the Jews set foot on the European continent, Judea declared war on Germany. The Germans were the bulwark of Europe, the elite of the elite. In never surrendering to Rome, they never became decadent or soft. And they never lost their nerve. England and France and then America in turn succumbed to the worst excrescences of the Enlightenment and so-called natural rights, but Germany, never. Sensing this, the Jews from the beginning knew that it was Germany that needed to be destroyed or neutered. Relatively powerless, they at first began a war of attrition. And, as early as 1880, William Marr said the war was already lost for Germany. Hitler proved him wrong, and came within a hair’s breadth of defeating Judea forever. Communism was on the ropes, had been thrown back across the Urals, and could have been finished off — and would have been, forever, had not Americans supplied the needed war material to the Soviet state. It was Jews who managed this giveaway. We were that close to living in paradise. Had Hitler broken through at Stalingrad, not one stone standing on another would have been left in the communist edifice, and the Jews today would be a rumor. The key action in this war happened decades earlier, though: when the Jews in their millions flooded America. Later those same Jews exploited the forges and furnaces and industrial might of the befuddled New Colossus to save the Soviet.

It’s not like we could not have seen it coming, even way back when Goethe warned us that if Jews were ever welcomed into civil society they would never spare us.

And so they have not.

The Jews and the Germans were in a war to the death; we still living are the inheritors of this war’s final battle.

* * *

Arthur Miller came to the fore by writing a novel called Focus. It’s about a Gentile living in New York City whose eyesight goes bad, so he gets glasses. Once he puts them on, everyone takes him for a Jew and he begins to be treated badly. It’s a lachrymose tale, sort of a Jew Like Me. In 1953 he wrote The Crucible, ostensibly about the Salem witch trials, in which he was able to attack two sets of Americans at once: the Puritans and red-blooded Americans who were trying to stop the communist takeover. His play was a factor in convincing a large part of the cultured stratum of American society that identifying treasonous Jews was a “witch hunt,” a phrase he was able to popularize and usher permanently into the American political lexicon.

Arthur Miller was a Jew, and therefore a liar.

FDR’s Administration was riddled with Jewish communists from top to bottom; during the war nearly every political, strategic, and diplomatic decision made by Washington favored the Soviet Union over America, and this was no coincidence.

McMeekin’s book is a merciless exposé of this treason. He says there were anywhere from 216 (according to Soviet records) to 319 (the Venona de-crypts) paid assets of the USSR working in the United States government during the war in the Departments of Treasury, State, and Agriculture — and the US Army.

Any way you slice it, that’s a lot of Yids.

Safe to say, the fix was in. Germany must perish. And communism must spread.

George Racey Jordan testified before Congress in 1949 and spilled the beans. He said he worked in Great Falls, Montana at a military base which was operated by the Soviets. He said that, against regulations, he ripped open packages and what he found shocked him, as well it might. Great Falls was the choke point for every secret and every patent owned by Americans — which were being shipped to Stalin by the thousands. It was a clearance or fire sale, except nothing was being sold — it was being given away. The only thing that was being sold was you and me being sold out. Naturally the Jews depicted Jordan as a crank and a kook and, as McMeekin says, his testimony was “subsumed in cold war polemics.” Subsumed in cold war polemics means it was killed and buried.

But Jordan spoke the truth.

Stalin never let an American soldier set foot on Soviet territory, but Great Falls was owned by the communists.

So was America.

In 1943 and 1944, when the tide had already turned on the Eastern Front, Harry Hopkins ensured that the “lend lease” giveaway to the USSR was ramped up, while Americans had sparse dinner plates and rationing, massive quantities of all foodstuffs were shipped to the Soviet Union, Soviet fisherman were allowed to harvest crabs off the coast of Washington and Oregon, an air base in Great Falls, Montana became for all intents and purposes owned by the Soviets as tanks and trucks were requisitioned from private companies along with their patents — even uranium used in the atomic bomb was shipped out and, in one gratuitous shipment, made for unknown purposes, a million dollars worth of female apparel was sent via Alaska to our “gallant Soviet comrades-in-arms.”

Though rope was desperately needed in the Pacific Theater for American needs in 1942, Roosevelt gave the order to divert 4,000 tons of raw manila hemp to the Soviets — Roosevelt knew this would be so deeply controversial that he put paid Soviet agent Harry Hopkins in charge of it, with orders to lie to Congress about it and deceive the American people. The most shameless requisition by the Soviets was for three million yards of silver braid, costing fifty million dollars (a half per cent. gold content on a sterling silver base). It seems that when the USSR was formed, they took all fancy insignia off of military uniforms — but now that it was the “Great Patriotic War,” Stalin was re-introducing epaulets.

Starting in June 1941 the American government began to give the USSR hundreds of billions dollars worth of war materials. They also allowed Soviet agents to inspect production sites in America, from Riverside, California to Gary, Indiana, thus revealing top secret processes. Anyone who objected to this was demoted or cashiered by the government. Corporations like Westinghouse were ordered to make products for Moscow. At one point the charade was dispensed with, and to save time Soviet agents were simply issued US Army requisition forms which they could fill out and give to the government — and the requests were granted. Roosevelt asked nothing from the Soviet Union in return for this colossal largesse, so in the end Lenin was wrong: The capitalists didn’t sell the communists the rope with which they might hang them — they just gave it to them as a gift.

When the war ended, the fate of Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic States, Hungary, and virtually all of eastern Europe was foreordained. Roosevelt had already ceded them to the USSR.

The fact is, we had the Soviet Union over a barrel and could have driven any bargain we wanted to with them. We could have punished them and driven them back behind any borders we desired; could have de-fanged them. Instead we armed them, gave them the very blueprints of our industrial might, gave them the bomb, and created an “enemy” that tied us up for half a century.

The only two entities that gained territory as a result of World War 2 were the Soviet Union and Israel.

This is no coincidence.

It was the plan all along.

* * *

Contrary to what you hear, George S. Patton upon his death was not quite “our guy” — at least not yet (and, as it turned out, never — since he was murdered). The truth is that Patton had been a muddled thinker who’d been obsessed by war his entire life. He had never given much thought to politics until after the war.

Of course he got a crash course, but his progress was uneven.

He was a fast learner, but not fast enough. It’s good to remember that he personally found FDR charming, they had that “aristocratic” background in common; all through the war, he sent mementos to his chief as a token of friendship; he was for integrating the Army; had a Black valet who was like an old friend; he said of his Black soldiers if they fight I don’t care what color they are. If a Jew in Alabama said Patton was a god, then, by god, the Jews can’t be that bad, can they? And his objection to the “peace” in Germany was all along civic nationalist lines, that America had fought the Revolutionary War for the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery — and he didn’t want us now “to go back on that.” Also, to end of his days he unequivocally said he hated “Nazism.”

Not promising at all.

Nevertheless, the education of George Patton was just beginning. There is every reason to think that over time it would have become complete. His son-in-law was a vehement anti-communist and was sending him books on the subject. And on the issue of communism, Patton would brook no opposition himself. When it came to anti-communism he was a fire breathers’ fire breather.

He knew we would have to fight them sooner or later — so better sooner. It would have saved all kinds of tragedy.

His position was sound: Tell the Soviets to get back to their borders of the morning of September 1, 1939 or we’ll push you back.

When he told his colleagues of this plan in Paris, they were aghast. He was told that to do that would require years of hard fighting, a notion at which he scoffed. He said he could go though the Red Army “like sh__ goes through a goose.”

“I understand the situation. The Soviet supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof — that’s their supply system. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days.”

Five days in May, it could have been.

And he could give you Moscow if you wanted it

They didn’t want it.

Constantly in the last months of the war Patton complained that he had been “subverted by my own side.” Indeed. No gas at crucial moments slowed down the Third Army juggernaut. The Falaise Gap was not closed in time due to a halt order to Patton. And the thing was, at this point (unfortunately) Germany had lost the war — so the only question is what Europe would look like afterward. There is no doubt that by restraining Patton, the war lasted a year longer than it had to, hundreds of thousands of American lives were lost needlessly, and it was set up for the communists to go on their murder and rape sprees in Germany.

As was the plan all along.

Patton could have taken Prague, could have taken Berlin, could have given them anything they wanted.

But they wanted half of Europe in chains at the hands of communists, and the communists breathing down the neck of the rest.

Because they were themselves communists.

Makes sense in retrospect.

It was about then that Patton had his “My god, what have I done?” moment.

It must be brutal to become slowly aware that you and your men have been used as a blunt instrument in the worst and most bloody crimes in history by an international criminal conspiracy.

A Jewish criminal conspiracy.

Could anything possibly be more eye-opening and stomach-churning?

* * *

During his last six months in Europe, Patton wrote his preliminary memoirs and gave them to his wife for safekeeping. After his death, a copy was given to George Marshall who counseled Beatrice Patton not to publish them as written because they made serious accusations against the American military regarding how the war was fought, and contained “unpopular” opinions about how Germany was being managed after the war. Marshall said publishing the memoirs as they were would embroil her husband’s memory in acrimony and controversy and, as he was dead, few would care to defend her husband. Mrs. Patton took this advice, and published a seriously expurgated version. The original, unless it has been destroyed, presumably remains in the possession of the Patton family to this day.

So the truth was buried with him, the truth of what happened in those pivotal months of 1945. To say that Patton could have blown the lid off the whole sordid enterprise is an understatement. And he was the only one who possessed both the prestige and the courage to rip the bark off the “good war” mythology. Also, as the years progressed, he would have learned many things: the extent of communist subversion of the American government, the real reasons he was stymied militarily; and the extent to which we armed and equipped the communists — who all along had been our deadly enemies.

We gave them the bomb, for crying out loud.

It would have been an explosive cocktail, for them a witch’s brew and a hornet’s nest. He said he was going to run for the senate in California. He said he was going to resign and not retire so he would not be muzzled. His family had money, so he could afford to do without retirement money. He would have been free and independent, to speak the truth of how the war effort was sabotaged, to make sure that 1) Germany was utterly annihilated by the Reds and 2) communism would rule half of Europe. He had a mouth that was unstoppable and a courage that was never daunted. That is, he was their worst nightmare. There was no way they could possibly let him live. With him alive and telling the truth, there was no way Eisenhower could have been elected President. There was, for example, that famous meeting where Ike said there would be congressional hearings on the conduct of the war and they all had to get their stories straight and sing from the same hymn book. Safe to say, Patton would be off-key. And like their co-conspirator Stalin said, death solves all problems. No man — no problem. No Patton — no problem.

And no more America.

The truth was buried with him.

* * *

Far from marking the end of Marxism in 1989, the fall of the Soviet Union gave it new life. For a long time its vanguard theoreticians were trying to decouple the Marxist idea from the lunacies and failures of its economics. And in freeing it from a defunct political state, the fall of the Soviet let communism enter its ultimate realm: the war for the hearts and minds of new generations. Better to subvert the youth than to overthrow the fat cats. It turns out the fat cats were more than willing to ally with them.

Just as the Soviet brand of communism was falling, communists in America were saying death to dead White males. The evil empire was being transferred from the Soviet Union to America, and the White man, not capital, was the preferred target. That meant it was “people of color” and queers and deviants against the White race. It was all much cleaner and more clear, and capital itself, just as much in Jewish hands as Moscow had ever been, joined on their side. Instead of falling, communism went from strength to strength and soon swept all before it. That rope we gave them sits tight around our necks, and the still-warm ashes of their dead victims beckon us.

The war was never really Stalin’s war. It was the Jews’ war.

The war for a Red America.

* * *

Source: Author

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22 October, 2022 9:22 pm

If General Patton’s son was such a staunch anti-communist why hasn’t there been an attempt to obtain a copy of the original memoirs?

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Ian
23 October, 2022 5:30 pm

He wasn’t cut from quite the same timber as his dad, Ian, but George Patton IV had a distinguished military career nevertheless, also a tanker: Thank you Mr. Mercer for opening my eyes to the real truth of General Patton’s murder. In 1943 and 1944, when the tide had already turned on the Eastern Front, Harry Hopkins ensured that the “lend lease” giveaway to the USSR was ramped up, while Americans had sparse dinner plates and rationing, massive quantities of all foodstuffs were shipped to the Soviet Union, Soviet fisherman were allowed to harvest crabs off the coast of Washington and Oregon, an air base in Great Falls, Montana became for all intents and purposes owned by the Soviets as tanks and trucks were requisitioned from private companies along… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 October, 2022 9:30 am

I suspect that you’re thinking of George Racey Jordan’s book, From Major Jordan’s Diaries. From the references to it that I’ve seen, it sounds like it would be extremely relevant in this context. Douglas Mercer refers to Jordan in his article above. Patrick Pappano refers to Jordan in his comment below. A PDF file of scanned pages from Jordan’s book is available at:

Another possibility — or a source of confusion regarding the title of the book you were searching for — might be Werner Keller’s East Minus West Equals Zero. I think you once posted a picture of Keller’s book on the White Biocentrism forum.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
23 October, 2022 8:08 am

An excellent article. Not mentioned was the discovery of U.S. Treasury currency (U.S. Dollars) printing plates by Jordan. He balked but was overruled by Harry Hopkins. As I recall, Harry told Jordan that the Soviets promised to use them sparingly.

23 October, 2022 8:01 pm

I’m embarrassed that I used to be a hyper-patriot and served some years in the military. How naive I was, but I was younger and bought the narrative. An expression from my European country of ancestry is “We are too soon old and too late smart.”

24 October, 2022 12:45 pm

Author says that the only entities, which acquired territories after World War II were the Soviet Union and Israel. Although, a large portion of Germany’s eastern territories was given to the Poles by the communists: Eastern Prussia, Silesia and Pomerania. However, Poland has lost it’s eastern territories, which are now western Belarus(Brest) and Ukraine(Lviv). Minor parts of Eastern Prussia were given to Lithuania(Vilnus) and the Russian Socialist Federative Republic(Kaliningrad, former Königsberg).

24 October, 2022 5:52 pm

An engaging article.

“We were that close to living in paradise.” And yet we’re not. One must wonder why. Of course, we can understand the worldly fundamentals of “why,” but these seem unsatisfying, as if, in this Cosmic Struggle, there were some deeper reason, some deeper meaning behind why things turned out as they did.

When we answer this why for ourselves, when we see the arc from Arminius to Barbarossa to Friedrich II to Goethe to Wagner to Nietzsche and all the great Germanic martyrs and Kämpfer of the 20th century, we have taken the first step to establishing our new Myth. This Myth unites us in our cause and binds us to our ancestors.

M&S cover.jpg
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  1889
25 October, 2022 2:29 am

We already have a life-philosophy, Cosmotheism, to lead our race into the future in accordance with our race’s nature. If you would like a glimpse into how this is to be put into actual practice “in real life,” check out the National Alliance’s prospectus here:

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
25 October, 2022 8:05 am

Perhaps you might find a different expression of the same idea in the book pictured above. It could be a title worth carrying in your inventory. Certainly there are parallels in Myth and Sun and the link you provided (good reading, by the way). This, of course, is because the source is ultimately Nature.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  1889
25 October, 2022 11:51 am

Thanks for the offer, 1889, perhaps you have a copy that can be sent to our National Office for review. We’re accepting donations at PO Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683, addressed to National Alliance. As for What is the National Alliance? publication, it is not only a very good read, but contains a plan of action for Whites to offer time, resources, and effort to accomplish all within an organized framework that’s intelligently led. Many Whites are presently crying out for leadership, and now they have it. Are they ready to step up and work with us towards building that future for our race? Is the White race worth saving? The National Alliance is ready to hear your answer to these questions.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
25 October, 2022 6:20 pm

The publisher has sent you a review copy already, as I understand it.

I’d be happy to talk with you via email.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
25 October, 2022 6:24 pm

Absolutely, Jim. Somebody is pushing this “Myth and Sun” book onto us pretty hard, under different names, and while it may be a fine book – or it may not, I don’t know – books alone will not save our people. Joining the Alliance is easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made; I’m proud to be a part of such a strong organization. What we’re doing gives me a lot of hope for our race’s future, because I can see the tangible results of our efforts every day. Some of these visitors to NV may not realize just how much progress we are making, since if they aren’t Members or Supporters, they don’t get the BULLETIN. But, good things are happening and many more are on the horizon.… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
4 November, 2022 8:00 am

Excellent article. The most important points of the MacMeekin’s book were presented. I have read it couple of months ago. MacMeekin exposes perfectly the fact that without American supplies of all essential materials and technologies the Soviet Union would never be able to withstand German invasion. This fact is very important. It helps to destroy the widely circulated myth about “invincible Soviet army”. This myth is especially virulent in Russia where it is now a crime to question the official Stalinist version of the war.   Yet one aspect that MacMeekin exposes is that American aid to USSR didn’t start in 1941. The whole Soviet industry was, essentially, created in 1930es by American engineers. All those giant factories, hydroelectric plants and mines had become possible exclusively due to infusion of… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
4 November, 2022 2:14 pm

Excellent points, Mr. Stoner. To that I would add that building our own System while withdrawing our support from the anti-Whites’ system is necessary to bring more Whites to us for assistance in bringing that down. Our communications infrastructure requires greater expansion for its outreach efforts in doing so and for that volunteers who are capable of doing that and so many other tasks are needed. Many here believe my efforts to lead Whites to the plan here at is akin to a broken record playing the same thing over and over and may become annoyed, but it is of the highest necessity for our race that I do so. None of us can do what you’ve outlined alone, but together we can if we join together under a… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
7 November, 2022 12:49 pm

Yes, fully agree. No one can do big things alone. Only collective effort can bring real changes. Cooperation of the likeminded people is the key for success.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
7 November, 2022 12:55 pm

Yes, it is one of many examples of American crucial role in creating Soviet industrial giant. American technologies (together with plundered German industrial facilities and enslaved engineers) allowed Soviet military industry to thrive for decades after WW2. In essence, America itself created prerequisites for Cold War.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
7 November, 2022 1:09 pm

Up to 1990es the bulk of Soviet people didn’t even know that the most numerous and ubiquitous Soviet truck of WW2 GAZ-AA was a copy of American Ford AA. Only some technical books mentioned the fact that “American Ford truck was taken as a prototype for the new Soviet truck in 1929”. But the mass media and popular historic literature never mentioned any American connections. Soviets always borrowed foreign designs but never acknowledged the original source.

6 November, 2022 6:27 pm

Roosevelt was adamant that Hitler was a bad leader because he was a dictator. What the hell did he think Stalin was ? I doubt if FDR ever used the words “Stalin” and “dictator” in the same sentence he was so one eyed. It’s plain to see he was a repulsive, two faced hypocrite so why did the American public go along with it ? After all, Roosevelt won the 1944 election after being a public bootlicker of the Soviet leader.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Les
7 November, 2022 12:58 pm

The problem is that mainstream crowd is stupid in everywhere; be it USA or USSR. Hollywood explained to Americans that Uncle Joe is a good guy but Hitler is a Devil incarnate; so, America needs to support Uncle Joe in order to defeat the Devil. The same story each time America needs to start a war somewhere.

9 November, 2022 10:44 am

A book about George Patton’s death or murder as the author WIllcox attempted to prove fails to make relevant the jews in his staff , who informed the superiors like Eisenhower and the OSS. George Patton failed to discriminate too soon . Two important films in the 60’s were published to settle the Patton “question.”, with George Scott playing the non conforming General of the American army. Both show him as a voluble egoist , with an unpredictable irascibility demonstrated in spontaneous irrational behaviour , like with his pistols against a German bomber’s machine guns, restoring known Nazis to competence in the new communist government and advocating war with SOviet Russia as inevitable in its sequel. He was an uncompromising enemy of the Morgantau Plan and uncontrollable opponent to the… Read more »

Reply to  Paul
10 November, 2022 4:09 pm

Patton helped to destroy not just national socialist Germany but also fascist Italy. In the 1970 film Patton (as played by George C Scott) made derogatory remarks about Italians. When the Americans invaded Sicily in 1943 Patton’s landing barge was strafed by a Macchi 202 fighter plane of the Regia Aeronautica. Naturally they didn’t show this in the movie.
The sequel which is called The Last Days of Patton was made for tv and originally aired in 1986. It is currently available to watch free on the Tubi streaming site. Use the search engine at the top of the page.

Reply to  Les
11 November, 2022 10:15 am

@ Les: thank you for interest reply. I did not know the Italians attacked him. But they were the enemy at the time . Considering time of history George Patton was in the dilemma as an ambitious officer , who discovered his error too late . I have seen the film sequel . Pure propaganda to justify his murder. My great uncle who joined the US Army before the fin de siecle would guard his office during the second war and would retire in Arlington , now a jewish , liberals’ sanctuary. He was a Virginian as was George Patton, whose family lost all their lives and property in Chaleston after the traitorous people and jews abjured their loyalty and integrity to Virginia and confederacy. He knew the General and… Read more »

Reply to  Paul
15 November, 2022 7:44 am

Interesssant reply to Les, Paul…naturally, Fascist Italia would attack Patton….the old 1970 film included Malden Sekulovich as ‘Patton’s’ critic but I think George C. Scott looked like a rabbi, too…but then biopics are far dishonester than fiction per se because subtexts are plain in the latter but faction in the former is tied to lies of omission and commission to show a false balance in films like Patton, let alone rubbish like Downfall. It was also a technically inaccurate film where the German tanks were Patton tanks if I recall, no more obvious to consumers than Patton’s real ‘error’, honesty-it could have been expliciter in its blackening of his repute just as TE Lawrence’s repute was blackened, in Lawrence of Arabia, a much likelier convert to Fascism itself. The Arab-friendly… Read more »

Reply to  stefan
15 November, 2022 1:19 pm

Lawrence of Arabia was going to see Hitler to discuss Anglo-German relations. A few days before the planned meeting he had a fatal “accident”.

Reply to  stefan
15 November, 2022 3:20 pm

Thank you for your reply ,Stevan . I have not experienced a film in years . But historically all ,whether it is The Little SHop On The Corner with James Stuart and Margaret Sullivan or The Eternal Storm with the same cast to current TV commercials , 100% Nrgro when they used to be 100 % jew are eulogy to the decline foe culture because they serve jew strategic plan before and after the war. None edify or expose any truth. Gone With Wind was “highly acclaimed ” by everyone except the ravished book’s author , Margaret Mitchel, who forbade any other “sequal” . She had a sudden and unexpected death in downtown Atlanta. Walt Disney was given the same ultimatum. He declined . His name is abused and transformed… Read more »

Reply to  Paul
16 November, 2022 7:20 am

Bist Du Deutsch, Paul? Gibson was partly guilty of his own downfall because he was also a Germanophobe who mocks Hitler on the Apocalypto commentary.

Reply to  stefan
16 November, 2022 12:46 pm

Was is Deutsch? Today the real people are imprisoned in Buntesland. by others often , “ueberstiegene Frauenzimmer.” All not jews . WHich is German? Ein schlafender Geist , den sie nicht erwecken will , wessen auferstandener Geist der Vergeltung des Verrats und Rechts dient. I know not much about Gibson. One is free to speak so long as you hate Third Reich , Confederacy and Herrn Hitler , who has become a myth. His earlier films were not tainted with jew propaganda. He hides in his sometimes Rausch in Sodom and Gomorra , to speak truth from which he later repents . I used him as a reference against the Zensorburo. He has opened his eyes and seen and apologized . Be he another prostitute ? Where does he live.… Read more »