David SimsEssays

Homosexuals and Buckets of Maggots

by David Sims

ACCORDING TO A STUDY published in Psychology & Sexuality, a peer reviewed scientific journal:

Research shows healthy normal people show the same biochemical reaction to seeing gay men kissing as when they are shown maggots crawling over each other.

Here’s an abstract of the study:

What do two men kissing and a bucket of maggots have in common? Heterosexual men’s indistinguishable salivary α-amylase responses to photos of two men kissing and disgusting images

The current study sought to examine how Utah men’s physiological reactions to viewing same-sex public displays of affection (PDA), measured through salivary alpha-amylase (sAA), differ as a function of sexual prejudice, as assessed using the Attitudes Towards Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG) and the Modern Homonegativity Scale. In examining physiological responses to same-sex PDA, the present study hoped to assist in explaining current levels of anti-gay hate crimes despite growing positive public opinion for the LGBTQ community. Participants in the current study viewed six different slide shows depicting same-sex PDA, mixed-sex PDA, everyday items, and disgusting images, while providing saliva samples in the lab. A series of paired-samples t-tests was performed and found that sAA responses to images of same-sex kissing (t(98) = 3.124, p = .002) and universally disgusting images (t(98) = 2.128, p = .036) were significantly greater than sAA responses to the slide show depicting everyday items. This result held across the full sample, regardless of individual levels of prejudice. The results of the current study suggest that all individuals, not just highly sexually prejudiced individuals, may experience a physiological response indicative of stress when witnessing a male same-sex couple kissing. The possibility of a socialised disgust response to same-sex PDA is discussed.

Africans, though not as intelligent as Western Whites, are also less subject to Jewish media indoctrination, and, one could argue, more in touch with their natural instincts. In an interview with the press, a CNN reporter asked Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni whether he, personally, disliked homosexuals. Museveni replied: “Of course! They are disgusting.” Another reporter asked Kenya’s President President Uhuru Kenyatta about the topic, and he explained at some length that “gay rights” have no particular importance in his country. In an interview with Sky News, a reporter asked the (then) President of Zambia, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, what he thought about “gay rights.” Lungu said he believed that decriminalizing homosexual acts would not be the right thing for Zambia and that the West should not judge Zambians as uncivilized because their culture did not favor the tolerance of “men having sex with other men.” In most African countries where homosexuality is legally frowned upon, meddlesome US ambassadors and leftist media representatives travel around trying to stir up trouble for African politicians who don’t favor “gay rights” and aren’t open to persuasion (i.e. aren’t corrupt enough to change their minds).

Homosexuality is illegal in 70 countries, and, in seven of those, the penalty for engaging in homosexual acts is death.

One observer, Kenn Gividen, remarked:

Everyone is a “homophobe” regardless of what they claim to be, apparently.

I replied that “phobe” might not be the best root word. Homosikhasia (homo-seek-ha-seeya) might be better. It means disgusted by homosexuality, rather than the fear thereof. The Greek spelling of the Greek word for disgust/squeamishness is σιχασιά. (Another possible root word: abominatio — Latin for “disgusting.”) The only way that normal people fear homosexuals is the same way they fear getting fecal matter smeared on their faces.

* * *

Source: Author

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8 June, 2022 12:09 pm

Perfect article for this month when all the gays and lesbos are out in full force. Can’t wait to share this.

8 June, 2022 1:40 pm

If this country wasn’t under the control of Luciferian/Juden/Masonic/Indoctrinated White Females…….open displays of any type of homosexuality, male or female, would result in prison time. Why not, there’s plenty of room since we let all the Simians out?

What these demonic, defective,lost souls do in private is their ugly buisness, but their should be consequences when they try to make it ours.

Reply to  Pssssst
9 June, 2022 12:10 am

It’s not just women pushing it. Plenty of cucked me are going along with it.

9 June, 2022 12:10 am

Jews promote homosexuality

Reply to  WhtNProud
17 June, 2022 11:40 pm

You have got a lot of catching up to do my friend.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
9 June, 2022 7:14 am

The most refreshing article I have read in a long time. A nation-state acting rationally rather than beating up on its own citizens.

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
9 June, 2022 8:14 am

Perhaps the best policy to take towards “alphabet people” can be summed up in the formula “minus LGBT.”

Arthur Sido
Arthur Sido
9 June, 2022 10:58 am

I find homos even more revolting, how can you blame a maggot for being a maggot but change the m to an f? That is willfully gross.

10 June, 2022 1:47 am

I was expecting the usual reaction of “Bah, you evil racist!” when I slapped a straight pride bumper sticker (has a man & woman holding hands along with the words) on the new rust bucket on wheels I picked up but oddly enough this year I got a few “Where can I buy those?” reactions. Not too sure on how genuine the reactions were but if 10% were honest, atleast a few people are disgusted enough by the faggotry constantly on display to finally voice their displeasure rather than silently going with the flow of filth. The greaseball dyke neighbors were kind enough to try and run me over after seeing it. Proving once again “tolerance” to those preaching it simply means “You better bow to my degeneracy & if… Read more »

s-l400 (1).jpg
10 June, 2022 11:28 am

I’ve heard about this study before. It doesn’t surprise me really, a few “liberal” people I know have admitted that they find homosexuality disgusting.

15 June, 2022 10:33 am

What does Research show is the reason for intolerable Jew hatred against healthy normal White people  ?

Franklin Ryckaert
Franklin Ryckaert
16 June, 2022 3:55 am

I think a similar result would be obtained if pictures of inter-racial intimacy would be shown, especially of the kind black male with white female (which is nowadays almost obligatory in advertisement). On an instinctual level all normal people are “homophobe” and “racist”. The reverse is an artificial “social construct”.