American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Leo Frank: Jewish Sex Killer, part 1

Leo M. Frank, murderer of Mary Phagan

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 August, 2022

by Kevin Alfred Strom
and National Vanguard staff

FIRST, let me apologize for the quality of my voice this week. I got an unknown viral infection that I successfully fought off, and then a secondary case of Lyme Disease, and the combination has left my throat and larynx not working quite up to par. But I’ll power through it, and I trust that I can still make my factual points — and my feelings about my subject matter — sufficiently clear.

August 17 is a special day. It’s the day I was born. But 41 years to the day before I was born, in 1915, it was the day that a group of prominent Georgia citizens, in the face of a state government corrupted by Jewish money, had to enforce the law themselves, and carry out the sentence of death handed down by the judge and jury in the case of Leo Frank, the B’nai B’rith official and Jewish sex pervert and rapist and murderer who strangled a White girl, 13-year-old Mary Phagan, to death just two years before. That verdict and sentence had been affirmed by every level of the entire court systems of the state of Georgia and the United States of America. But a corrupt governor who also happened to be a law partner in the firm that defended Leo Frank nullified the courts’ and jury’s decision and commuted Frank’s death sentence, sparking massive outrage — an outrage that we should be feeling a thousandfold today, for far, far worse things are being done to us on a daily basis now.

A National Alliance supporter, P.C., wrote to us recently volunteering to distribute many thousands of National Alliance fliers if we would be so kind as to create one highlighting the murder of Mary Phagan at the hands of Leo Frank, and the important role the case had in the founding of the ADL. We have done just that. I’ll link to a PDF copy of the new flier in the text version of this broadcast. (Another good time for distributing this flier would be around the anniversary of Mary Phagan’s murder, April 26.)

When you have the flier printed, you should also fold it as shown in the illustration I’ll put in the text version of this show — or have the print shop do it for you; in large quantities the cost is very small at most such establishments.

The fliers should be folded as shown.

The Leo Frank case is important, and its messages and lessons should be hammered home to our people again and again.

Why is it important? It’s important because, in this event, the very first large and visible “flexing of the muscles” of the Jewish power structure in this country, what did the Jews do? They stood up for a Jew, and against our people, despite the fact that they themselves knew he was guilty of sex perversion and horrific abuse of a White child.

It’s important because the Jews, who now pose as “friends of the Black man” and friends of non-Whites generally, attempted to leverage the racialist feelings of Whites on the jury and in law enforcement in order to frame two innocent Black men for the crime — Newt Lee and Jim Conley. They’re still pushing their frame of the long-dead Conley even today, more than a century later.

It’s important because of the blatant use of Jewish media power to blast unquestionably fake news all over America and the world in order to change public opinion about the case.

It’s important because of the Jews’ outrageous use of their money to corrupt witnesses and public officials, subverting the entire law enforcement and judicial system.

You can go to to download the new flier.

I have freely adapted my own work, and the work of other researchers and National Vanguard contributors to create the flier, the text of which I’ll be presenting today and on our next broadcast. So let us begin — here is “Leo Frank: Jewish Sex Killer.”

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MOST AMERICANS would be amazed to know that the largest and most well-funded so-called “anti-hate” organization in this country, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), was founded with the specific purpose of freeing, and reversing the conviction of, a Jewish rapist and child murderer. And Americans would be even more amazed to learn that the ADL is still trying to rehabilitate the reputation of this sick sex killer — who also just happened to be an official of the ADL’s parent organization, the B’nai B’rith.

That Jewish sex killer in question is Leo Max Frank. His victim was an innocent young White girl named Mary Phagan.

Three views of Mary Phagan during her brief life; far right, her aunt Mattie Phagan

Mary Phagan was just thirteen years old. She was a sweatshop laborer for Atlanta, Georgia’s National Pencil Company. On Saturday, April 26, 1913, little Mary was looking forward to the festivities of Confederate Memorial Day. She dressed gaily and planned to attend the parade. She had just come to collect her $1.20 pay from National Pencil Company superintendent Leo M. Frank at his office on the second floor when she was attacked, struck down, sexually abused, and then strangled to death. Her body was dumped in the factory basement.

Leo Frank, who was the head of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith, a Jewish fraternal order, was eventually convicted of the murder and sentenced to hang. After a concerted and lavishly financed campaign by the American Jewish community, Frank’s death sentence was commuted to life in prison by an outgoing governor (who also happened to be a partner in the law firm that defended Frank). But Frank was snatched from his prison cell on August 17, 1915 and hung by a group of leading citizens outraged by the commutation order. One result of Frank’s arrest and trial was the founding of the still-powerful Anti-Defamation League.

Today Leo Frank’s innocence, and his status as a victim of “anti-Semitism,” are almost taken for granted. But are these current attitudes based on the facts of the case, or are they based on a propaganda campaign that began more than 100 years ago? Let’s look at the facts.

Only Leo Frank had the opportunity to be alone with Mary Phagan. Factory sweeper Jim Conley, a Black man that Frank partisans now blame for the murder, was sitting near the factory’s front door one floor below. Had Jim Conley been the killer, he would have had to attack Mary practically right at the entrance to the building where he sat almost all day, where people were constantly coming and going, and where several witnesses noticed Conley, with no assurance of even a moment of privacy.

Besides Mary Phagan, there were only five people in the building at the time of the murder. (Two workers on an upper floor, 14-year-old Monteen Stover, Jim Conley, and Leo Frank.) We know that four of them didn’t do it. That leaves Leo Frank.

Leo Frank had told Newt Lee, the pencil factory’s night watchman, to come earlier than usual, at 4 PM, on the day of the murder. But Frank was extremely nervous when Lee arrived (the killing of Mary Phagan had occurred between three and four hours before and her body was still in the building) and insisted that Lee leave and come back in two hours.

When Lee then suggested he could sleep for a couple of hours on the premises — and there was a cot in the basement near the place where Lee would ultimately find the body — Frank refused to let him. Frank insisted that Lee had to leave and “have a good time” instead. When Lee returned at six, Frank was even more nervous and agitated than two hours earlier, according to Lee. He was so nervous he could not operate the time clock properly, something he had done hundreds of times before.

When Leo Frank came out of the building around six, he met not only Lee but John Milton Gantt, a former employee who was a friend of Mary Phagan. Lee says that when Frank saw Gantt, he visibly “jumped back” and appeared very nervous when Gantt asked to go into the building.

After Frank returned home in the evening after the murder, he called Newt Lee on the telephone and asked him if everything was “all right” at the factory, something he had never done before. A few hours later Lee would discover the mutilated body of Mary Phagan in the pencil factory basement.

When police finally reached Frank after the body of Mary Phagan had been found, Frank emphatically denied knowing the murdered girl by name, even though he had seen her probably hundreds of times — he had to pass by her work station, where she had worked for a year, every time he inspected the workers’ area on the second floor and every time he went to the bathroom — and he had filled out her pay slip personally on approximately 52 occasions, marking it with her initials “M. P.” Witnesses also testified that Frank had spoken to Mary Phagan on multiple occasions, even getting a little too close for comfort at times, putting his hand on her shoulder and calling her “Mary.”

When police accompanied Frank to the factory on the morning after the murder, Frank was so nervous and shaking so badly he could not even perform simple tasks like unlocking a door.

Early in the investigation, Leo Frank told police that he knew that J.M. Gantt had been “intimate” with Mary Phagan, immediately making Gantt a suspect. Gantt was arrested and interrogated. But how could Frank have known such a thing about a girl he didn’t even know by name?

Also early in the investigation, while both Leo Frank and Newt Lee were being held and some suspicion was still directed at Lee, a bloody shirt was “discovered” in a barrel at Lee’s home. Investigators became suspicious when it was proved that the blood marks on the shirt had been made by wiping it, unworn, in a pool of blood. No such pool existed at the crime scene. This was the first sign that money was being used to procure illegal acts and interfere in the case in such a way as to direct suspicion away from Leo M. Frank. This planting of false evidence is not the act of an innocent man.

Leo Frank claimed that he was in his office continuously from noon to 12:35 on the day of the murder, but a witness friendly to Frank, 14-year-old Monteen Stover, said Frank’s office was totally empty from 12:05 to 12:10 while she waited for him there before giving up and leaving. This was approximately the same time as Mary Phagan’s visit to Frank’s office and the time she was murdered. On Sunday, April 27, 1913, Leo Frank told police that Mary Phagan came into his office at 12:03 PM. The next day, Frank made a deposition to the police, with his lawyers present, in which he said he was alone with Mary Phagan in his office between 12:05 and 12:10. Frank would later change his story again, stating on the stand that Mary Phagan came into his office a full five minutes later than that.

Leo Frank contradicted his own testimony when he finally admitted on the stand that he had possibly “unconsciously” gone to the Metal Room bathroom between 12:05 and 12:10 PM on the day of the murder.

The Metal Room, which Frank finally admitted at trial he might have “unconsciously” visited at the approximate time of the killing (and where no one else except Mary Phagan could be placed by investigators), was the room in which the prosecution said the murder occurred. It was also where investigators had found spots of blood, and some blondish hair like Mary’s twisted on a lathe handle — where there had definitely been no hair the day before. (When R.P. Barret left work on Friday evening at 6:00 PM, he had left a piece of work in his machine that he intended to finish on Monday morning at 6:30 AM. It was then he found the hair — with dried blood on it — on his lathe. How did it get there over the weekend, if the factory was closed for the holiday? Nearby, on the floor adjacent to the Metal Room’s bathroom door, was a five-inch-wide fan-shaped blood stain.)

In his initial statement to authorities, Leo Frank stated that after Mary Phagan picked up her pay in his office, “She went out through the outer office and I heard her talking with another girl.” This “other girl” never existed.

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We’ll continue this important broadcast — Leo Frank: Jewish Sex Killer — next time right here on American Dissident Voices.

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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
6 August, 2022 11:18 am

Mr. Strom, your voice sounds the same as for any of your other broadcasts, as far as I can tell. Sorry to hear about your poor health, but get well. Thank you for educating those of us who didn’t know about how the evil ADL came to be. Yeah, the irony of jews like Soros funding blm, yet in Leo Frank’s day, he was so quick to scapegoat the nigger janitor. Great job of naming the jew and putting him on blast. Rhetorical question here: why does nearly everyone say antisemitist like it’s a “bad “ thing? They clearly do all they can to deserve any contempt that comes their way. Jewing should be outlawed worldwide and Israel blown away to smithereens. For now, one can dream, and all that… Read more »

Frederick Ford
Frederick Ford
8 August, 2022 7:16 pm

Leo Frank is an example not of sexual predation but also of the gradual blackening of White People either forceful or consensual, in Europe l. North America, Oceania and beyond. White People themselves are the only victims to this blackening because they are the only race, whether pure or mixed, that are anatomically & biologically different from all Nonwhites whether they are light skinned Midflw Easterners or the Blackest African. This difference in fact reveals that White People are genetically unrelated to Nonwhites or. in other words, Whites do not share a common ancestor with Nonwhites. So this means that all that diversity. Multiculturalism. The common biblical origins of man, the mass immigration. znd the tolerance towards nonwhites is all meant to destroy znd replace Whites with pure Blacks/Nonwhites &… Read more »

Reply to  Frederick Ford
9 August, 2022 7:37 pm

Right on. So our next move has to be conservation-oriented: physical separation, securing and protecting a territory, etc.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
10 August, 2022 2:19 am

The face of evil has but one face…
that of the face of the eternal Jew.

Sightseeing in Absurdistan
Sightseeing in Absurdistan
11 August, 2022 8:13 pm

A particularly perfidious “Operation Reinhart”: “Bruce
Reinhart seems to follow the Christian religion”. Yeah!

Are they trying to screw us? Since when do ethnic Germans
have such Jewish “appearances”? Gross. Even if this Ross-
täuscher “inherited” his name on his father’s side, he has
no Aryan maternal bloodline, and that’s decisive in Jewism.

(Also) wixi Category “Jewish surnames”