Douglas MercerEssays

Race Above All

Ukrainian folk dress

by Douglas Mercer

THE CONFUSING SITUATION IN Ukraine reminds us that ideologies, nations, borders, languages, empires and alliances can all shift like the sand. You can put them on or take them off like a mask, or change them at a moment’s notice, but the only enduring value, which is older than time and more modern than tomorrow afternoon, is race.

Ukraine is the brood ground of the Aryan race and is home to the White man; but it is run by a cabal of Jews and globalists who treat it like a pawn; Holy Russia clamps down on degeneracy and the White man cheers but meanwhile it confers with rabbis, goes to Israel to celebrate the advance of the Red Army, and unleashes Muslim migrants in Poland.

Do you want to know who is good? Don’t listen to what they say; see what they are doing for the White race. Are they helping it, and do they care about it? Or do they have other aims?

Ukraine is the home of millions of proud good White people. But who is looking out for them? Who speaks for them? Where is their tribune? The West has carved it up and looted it and props it up as the exemplar of “democracy.” But democracy never saved a White man — and has done him much evil.

Now the two supposedly opposed systems contest over the country; neither one cares for the White race; the country’s leaders are evil Jews who use their people as fodder; the invader unleashes Muslim soldiers on the population.

Do you want to know who is good? The rubric is simple: See what they do for the White race.

It’s a simple test which both sides fail.

In the time of the ideology of asphalt it is not surprising that the people will turn to what is oldest, and most primordial: race. Citizenship can be conferred, but race is a birthright; a language can be learned but race cannot be learned. A country can be created with the stroke of a pen but not so race; to create a race takes eons. A border can be moved but race remains constant; you can subscribe to an ideology but race is simply what you are. You can form any alliance you want, but your race is unchangeable.

Race is nature’s gold standard, the thing by which everything else is measured; it is both the oldest and the most new; it is what the future is about.

Which is why the racial lens is the most frighteningly clear; what people say or claim becomes irrelevant. One can always see what they are doing for the race.

Which is why the confusion about Ukraine isn’t confusing at all. That the leaders and financiers of that country have nothing in common with, and no interest in, the people is obvious; and what some think is the so-called great savior of the White race is shown to be nothing of the kind by race’s simple calculus.

The situation in Ukraine is clarifying. Like all dealings between peoples, it reminds us of what never changes and never can change because it alone on the Earth is eternal. Ideologies, nations, borders, languages, empires, and alliances can all shift like the sand — you can put them on or take them off like a mask, or change them at a moment’s notice

You can say or claim whatever you want. But none of that matters because the only enduring value, the only constant, which is older than time and more modern than tomorrow afternoon, is race.

* * *

Source: Author

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Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
3 March, 2022 6:11 pm

Race above all? How about racial wisdom above all?

Did not these people elect a billionaire Jewish comedian to be their leader?

Not wise.

Race alone won’t do it. We need wisdom and insight, not corruption and ignorance.

Reply to  Lazaris Procrustes
5 March, 2022 4:33 pm

They fix the elections. The people in power also select the people who run for office. Democracy is code for a nation ruled by the chicken swingers.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Karen
14 March, 2022 3:41 pm

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 “Modernity is a tribe of pygmies furiously trying to bury the giants that came before them so as not to feel inadequate.” 

The Mega Capitalist Agnelli and Rothschild families in control of the Economist magazine love to tell us what we must accept as inevitable, whether we “like it or not”. In this case, they want us to accept EURAFRICA as “Europe’s demographic and cultural destiny”.

The Social Engineers who wish to mess with people’s countries first use their inky rags to spread their lies globally, to demoralise, deceive and destroy. Isn’t it odd, the goals of the Mega Capitalists and the Communists are the same: culture destruction, heritage destruction, border destruction, country destruction, people destruction, with all power resting in the Global Central Bank.

Source: (

Reply to  Lazaris Procrustes
10 March, 2022 7:36 am

For those familiar with this site and have listened to Dr William Pierce podcasts, it is clear that the despotism of the masses is the worst type of government due to the nature of herd instinct and the minority who understands how to manipulate it.

In truth, the population is never in charge to govern itself, so it will always relies in the responsibility of one man to rule them.

That man is the one who must put Race Above All, like what Adolf Hitler did.

Jim Beam
Jim Beam
3 March, 2022 7:09 pm

Awesome essay!

3 March, 2022 8:18 pm

Lovely article
People of the white race(nation) do not believe the propaganda on either side. Putin is not our friend and neither is the EU right now. There are millions of putin fans in america and other places, yet at the same time many of them also calling for “white sharia” against ukraine and other white countries.

wars good for only jews1.png
Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
6 March, 2022 5:29 am

A wakeup call. Thank you.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
8 March, 2022 6:49 pm

Ah, the primacy of race! No one expresses it better these days than does Douglas Mercer.

Now is the time for all good White men and women to come to the aid of their race.

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Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
9 March, 2022 3:22 pm

I fully agree with the core idea of this article. The fact that race is the main factor is undeniable. All other aspects are derivatives. We, as White People of the world, should remain neutral in this conflict; it is especially true for North Americans. But we, Russians and other East Europeans can’t remain neutral. We are bound to be biased. Putin and his regime built their system on the myth about “great victory against fascism”. Putin declared this war to be a “denazification” and “demilitarization” of Ukraine. And his troops behave accordingly, with utter disregard to civilian lives and property. It is all too reminiscent of Red Army of WW2. Putin declared war against our values and we can’t ignore this challenge. This fact alone (“denazification”) is enough to… Read more »

Russian Dissident
Russian Dissident
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
9 March, 2022 10:13 pm

Totaly agree with you Russian brother. Let’s hope neither Jews nor money-men of our own race will succeed in replacing Putin when he dies, or everything will be for nought. We need total chaos to undone what befell on our people.

Nat Sosh
Nat Sosh
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
15 March, 2022 3:26 pm

great article.

it’s sorta weird and near impossible, with the absurd propagandic assortment floating around out there… truly figure the important things out.

granted , Putin is no White Saviour…
really, who is?…..but sometimes i wonder ,what it is that is so evil and malevolent about him?

Pictures taken of him with Rabbis?
come on, really?

i keep going back to my blunt and crude Goebballs paraphrase : “ If you are universally despised by the Jew, and the credulous mass of hypnotizable Goyim who parrot what the Jew repetiously says….there might just be something decent and noble about you.”

Filippo Albuquerque
Filippo Albuquerque
11 March, 2022 8:26 pm

Most of White nationalist content are in English. English language is just one Aryan language and the Aryan race is capable of creating infinite languages. How can we spread White contents to other languages? If English language has a supremacy over White nationalism doesn’t it limit the range of such contents to White people who don’t speak English, such as the small White nations on East Europe? What about the Whites who are nomad living near to the North Pole, how we are supposed to reach them in case of them not speaking English?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Filippo Albuquerque
11 March, 2022 10:01 pm

To reach non-English-speaking Whites, the National Alliance asks for volunteers to step forward to provide translation services. It’s highly recommended that these volunteers show some commitment to our race and join us and then contact our National Office in writing to offer their time and expertise. Our mailing address is: National Alliance, PO Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683. Incidentally, new members who have just joined are sent a survey sheet wherein the member can list out his capabilities he has so that we may make the most of our people’s talents, skills, and experience. I can’t go into detail as to what Chairman Williams needs at this particular moment, although recently he made a post stating he’d like some folks to monitor certain Jewish/Israeli websites for news and… Read more »

13 March, 2022 6:58 am

That the Elvish race devolves itself to choices between Jews/Shabbes goyim shows how far we have fallen into the witchcraft of ideology over blood…Jew-worship is hoax and a hex and so our job is to awaken the sleepers who choose between the Putin’s and Zelensky’s of this era…the first thing to do is to withdraw from interest in Liberal Democracy and to take the side of race first…the best and only start for that is rigorous Judeophobia.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  stefan
13 March, 2022 12:46 pm

Elvish race? I’m unaware of any such kinds of humans.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
13 March, 2022 4:13 pm

Alba-Albumin-Alps…white, thus Elvish, a handy alternative to Aryan as in noble which so many of our real and fake brethren are not.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  stefan
14 March, 2022 1:02 am

I’d rather speak a bit more plainly with words like “White” or “Aryan,” Mr. stefan. I can do that here in the US without being imprisoned for that and understand if others under less free circumstances have to code their language.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
13 March, 2022 9:27 pm

The alleged “king” was Elvish Preshley

Nat Sosh
Nat Sosh
15 March, 2022 2:11 pm

“Older than time, and more modern than tommorrow afternoon….”

dig the syntax


Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer
22 October, 2023 1:49 am

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