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War in Europe: A Call for Neutrality
by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent FIRST LET ME STATE the main guiding principle from which all my deliberations here follow: Racial identity is supreme factor that defines everything else; ethnic and cultural identity are secondary factors. That means that narrow national…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent FIRST LET ME STATE the main guiding principle from which all my deliberations here follow: Racial identity is supreme factor that defines everything else; ethnic and cultural identity are secondary factors. That means that narrow national…
Russia: the Bloody Insanity of “We Can Repeat” — part 2
Soviet Field Marshal Zhukov, who once said of sending large numbers of his own troops to certain death, “Why spare them? Russian women will give birth to yet more.” by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 1 HAVING LEARNED ABOUT Soviet methods of warfare, one can’t…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 1 HAVING LEARNED ABOUT Soviet methods of warfare, one can’t…
Russia: the Bloody Insanity of “We Can Repeat” — part 1
You say that a good cause will even sanctify war! I tell you, it is the good war that sanctifies every cause!
– Nietzsche by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 2 HUMAN NATURE presupposes conflict. The phenomenon of life itself is impossible without conflict and constant realignment…
– Nietzsche by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 2 HUMAN NATURE presupposes conflict. The phenomenon of life itself is impossible without conflict and constant realignment…
The Oligarch Who Hedges His Bets
Jewish oligarch Len Blavatnik with degenerate pop singer Sofia Reyes, 23, at a 2019 “pre-Grammy party” at the NoMad Hotel in Los Angeles RECENTLY Spanish police seized a £70m ‘superyacht’ belonging to one of Vladimir Putin’s closest oligarch cronies. Tango is registered in the British…
Victory Frenzy
The Russian quest for lost greatness by Wolf Stoner
Russian correspondent PUTIN’S RUSSIA, being a state without roots or identity, has always suffered from an acute lack of any existential purpose. Initially, Putin and his gang placed their bets on increasing prosperity and an expanding middle class.…
Russian correspondent PUTIN’S RUSSIA, being a state without roots or identity, has always suffered from an acute lack of any existential purpose. Initially, Putin and his gang placed their bets on increasing prosperity and an expanding middle class.…
Race Above All
Ukrainian folk dress by Douglas Mercer THE CONFUSING SITUATION IN Ukraine reminds us that ideologies, nations, borders, languages, empires and alliances can all shift like the sand. You can put them on or take them off like a mask, or change them at a moment’s notice, but the only enduring value, which…
Putin Rejects ‘Gay Marriage’, Considers Amending Constitution to Protect Traditional Marriage
PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN said on Thursday Russia would not legalize gay marriage as long as he was in the Kremlin. He made clear he would not allow the traditional notion of mother and father to be subverted by what he called “parent number 1” and “parent number 2”. “As…
Impending False Flag in Syria?
by Michael Walsh RUSSIA, the People’s Republic of China, Iran, and Syria today are on red alert as they brace for an imminent US-inspired false flag operation in Syria. Hundreds may die, be maimed, and made homeless in a US-backed attack on Syrian civilians. As in all such events, without evidence or…
Russia, Ukraine, and White Nationalism
by Andrew Hamilton
MY INTEREST in events in Russia and Ukraine centers on their impact on White survival and Jewish power. By “Jewish power” I mean the totalitarian Left generally, including the US and other governments of the ex-West. In other words, the term encompasses cooperative and loyal goyim…
Putin: “If It’s Hillary Clinton, It’s War”
HILLARY CLINTON brings the real threat of war, not Donald Trump, according to Vladimir Putin, as recent news has Russia gearing up for a possible attack. Hillary’s image as a war hawk is lost on mainstream American voters, but Russia, Europe, and other nations saw a not-so-warm-and-fuzzy side of Hillary…