Simple and Vital Truths, Hidden by Jews
by David Sims
EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS that there are both good people and bad people in all races. Certainly, I’ve never said otherwise, even if at times I’ve referred to groups of people in general terms. But there are times when we must generalize.
Not every grain of sand in a pile of sand is tan, but most of it is, and tan is the color that you get an overall impression of, if you look at a pile of sand from a distance. Not every atom in a metal can of hot compressed air is moving faster or has more kinetic energy than does the average atom at room temperature, but most of the atoms in the can do, and if you try to pick up the can with your bare hands you will get burns and blisters.
Although evil exists among all peoples, it does not exist in all peoples in the same proportion. Some peoples are more evil than others. The differences aren’t entirely, or even primarily, the result of circumstances — a fact you can check by controlling for circumstances and verifying that the differences persist. Nor are the differences a minor matter of a few per cent. One people might exhibit a particular evil with double or triple the rate of another. And for some evils one people might display a rate that is two or three orders of magnitude (i.e., a factor of hundreds or of thousands of times) larger than that of another people.
How much will you pay to extract a few tiny grains of gold from the pile of sand they are hidden in? The effort might cost you more than the gold is worth. Or it might not. It all depends on the proportions of sand and gold, and on how much effort must be invested in separating them.
We are morally responsible, first, above all, bar nothing, to protect our genes as they occur in our own children, and then in the children of our race born to other families.
Our genes didn’t evolve to sacrifice themselves so that different genes could replace them: That kind of morality is improper (or unnatural) and its practice is evil (or “illegal” under the laws of Nature) — with extinction being the penalty.
We have been duped, mostly by the Jews, into behaving immorally, into sacrificing the prospects for the future survival of our race, of our descendants, so that the prospects of other races, especially those of the Jews, might be enlarged. The duping has been carried out with propaganda in television, newspapers, movies, and magazines, but a fair bit of it is also propagated via corrupted curricula in public schools. Although a certain number of lies are standard fare in all of these media, mostly the deceptions involve abuses of emphasis, abuses of omission, and abuses of psychology.
The abuse of emphasis is carried on by elevating social differences of opinion into major political issues, which our national lawmakers debate on TV with much apparent concern and gravity, spinning away the hours on a minor matter that could, and should, be handled in minutes, probably ending with the conclusion that government need not treat this particular matter at all, and that people can, and should, be left alone to decide for themselves how to live.
Meanwhile, the US Congress does not, most decidedly not, speak about whether or not to send weapons and money to Israel, or whether the US ambassador to the United Nations should use the US veto in the Security Council to block resolutions that the Jews don’t like. Such matters as these have already been decided by the Jews, you see, and it would be impertinent, not to mention dangerous, for any mere Congressman to meddle in their affairs.
One of the abuses of psychology is making the subject of history in high schools boring, filled with details that should be left for those seeking advanced degrees — whereas teaching it well, with a focus on what is important to our own lives, with reasonable completeness and accuracy, would shock most people and provoke fear, anger, and bitterness, and, in a few, resolve to make right what has gone wrong. But this the Jews do not allow. A history teacher in a public high school would probably lose his job if he tried to do it properly.
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Source: Author
I believe “The Jews” are the first audience the oligarchs recruit because the Jews are low hanging fruit. Then the public employees are next because they are the next low-hanging fruit, and so it goes until they run into a group that says no. What is that group? I have no idea but there are enough of them to slow down the conspiracy to a crawl. It may simply be those who are heavily armed. But here is a statistic that segments the Jews. How many Jews died on 911? The official figure in 200-300. The real figure seems to be closer to 4. How many worked at the Twin-Towers? At least 1,000 to 2,000 I would think. So how did they avoid the attack? According to former mayor Ed… Read more »
I refuse to hate any particular group of people, but the reality is Jews have had a very corrosive effect on Western civilization. Thanks largely to their outsized influence, our history is being erased, morals debased and standards eroded. I’m glad there is beginning to be some pushback, as in Virginia against critical race theory, but it’s probably too little, too late. Then there’s the fact that there seems to be very little awareness of how much control Jews have over the cultural life of this country. Too many Christians seem to believe that Jews can do no wrong. Only if things get really bad, perhaps people will wake up.
I would like for anyone to define jew. I have tried for myself. I’ve been down the road of Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Turkish descent, Negro, Asian, & Arab. At this point they seem to really be a made up race. I say that because they come in all colors of racial backgrounds, & they themselves scream about that they are a race, but what race…Did they steal another race identity & kill off the real jews thousands of years ago?? or are they just a bunch of half breeds of any of the above I mentioned?? If so, then jews don’t really exist as an exclusive race of people.
Trying as always to organize my files, I just found this: Racial Biology of the Jews, at
Also, find on ,podcasts and transcripts in which Tanstaafl addresses your question. I was hunting around yesterday in search for a specific one in which he concludes the best description is an “ethny,” but didn’t find it. Each 30 minute podcast covers an area of the Jewish problem and is worthwhile listening or reading.
Susan, Thank you for your time. Read most. The Radio link did not go through.
Oh, sorry about the link. You can just go to which gets you to the blog section, then click on radio to get to the podcasts section. I see there is a new blog entry on Oct. 31.You are welcome.
I think that the Jews are best understood as an anti-race. In The Law of Blood: Thinking and Acting as a Nazi (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018), Johann Chapoutot summarizes the National Socialist viewpoint on the Jews as follows: “As a miscegenated people, the Jews were . . . intellectually and psychologically schizophrenic, because they were substantively mixed. According to raciologists, the Jews were . . . a non-race (Unrasse) or a counter-race (Gegenrasse). Jews were always described as a coagulated jumble of different racial elements, never whole, never complete: ‘The Jew is a bastard,’ taught the SS department of racial expertise, an aggregate ‘of the Oriental, the Asian of Asia Minor, the Hamitic, the Negro.’ This meant that diverse and contradictory beings coexisted and warred within them. They… Read more »
Anthony, What I find most amazing is the connection between Schizophrenic & mixed races. I’ve been saying this for many years that mixed races seem to be lacking something. And they seem to be more prone to Auto immune Dieses. I’ve known someone for over 35 years that is half Mexican & half Japanese, talk about confusion, they will never know who you are. & They have already buried 2 siblings out of 6 from auto immune connection, and the 2 brothers are very unhealthy.
Anthony, Thank you as well. I found a huge possibility in the part about the connection between racially mixed beings, being a contradiction to nature and produces imbalance. It is something that I have noticed.
Victoria, you might find the web page linked below interesting, for it lists genetic diseases said to be commonly found in all Jewish groups or in specific Jewish groups (Ashkenazi, Sephardi-Mizrahi). I don’t know how common the diseases listed are among Jews — “common” presumably means “relatively common, relative to non-Jewish populations” — but the length of the lists and the severity of at least some of the diseases listed is quite striking. The Jewish gene pool must have what geneticists would call a high genetic load (i.e., a high frequency of harmful mutations).
Insightful analysis.
I would say they are an ancient cult of racist mongrels and therefore highly inbred and mad who would be extinct had they not had the luck to mutate in the vortex of Rome.
Hi Stefan, I wondered about the Mongols as well, General Patton revealed that. He stated “The Mongols were coming out of USSR and raping the German women” I have ‘The Patton Papers’ Martin Blumenson compiled parts of the General’s diary and letters he had written, mostly to his wife.
Czarist Russia was an imperial state overtaken by the kosher Bolsheviks who overtook the far eastern colonies and sicced their Mongols on the Germans although the Mongols had done that independently centuries before…Patton’s own army was siccing Afro’s on the Axis, so there is an imperial pattern of Europeans using muddy golems on each other…now, that wars winners are siccing the Orcs on all of us…the kosher became acronyms, UK,USA,USSR…they all sic Orcs on the paleface continent.
Yes, I understand this history of “using muddy golems” on each other. When I learned of the ‘Horror on The Rhine’ what France had done to Germans living there in the 1920’s.I can’t comprehend why we have spent so much energy against our own selves.We could have at it all by now.
Too much greedy infighting and petty disputes over lingos and borders plus Juden funding and slandering each side.
that’s the bottom line concerning our inertia. The Jew , whispering in the ears of everyone involved in this struggle, both sides.
The bottomest is that we don’t know what Jews are whether we love or hate them so that we cannot shed them and go our own way:
1.Rabbi’s are pseudo-Egyptians-no Rabbi’s, no Jews.
2.Jews are formerly Greeks-are a golem of the rabbinate.
3.Priests are fake rabbi’s, a Rabbi’s Euro diaspora golem.
4.Imam’s are a rabbi’s local Arab golem.
5.Monotheist Ecumenicism is the model of Communism.
6.No rabbi’s, no Judaism, no Christians, no Muslims, no Communism.
7.Rabbi’s make Rabbi’s and Rabbi’s make Jews, literally, with circumcision.
well put…..
though there are certain characteristics of these present day “Jews” that are spiritually cancerous and completely foreign to our Aryan DNA…..
all that is in our power to do is avoid them and their poisonous cultural tentacles…
take care ….and keep thy blood pure of their toxic jew juices.