David SimsEssays

Watch and Listen — Critically

by David Sims

FACTCHECK, Snopes, and other so-called “authoritative” referees of what is true and what is not, are looking foolish in regard to their earlier pronouncement that the coronavirus was natural in origin and certainly did not come from a biological laboratory near Wuhan, China. These leftist “fact-checkers” labeled anyone who said that the coronavirus was man-made as a conspiracy theorist — by which they mean “spreader of lies,” even though many conspiracy theories are true.

But it is becoming clear that the idea that the coronavirus is man-made is not merely plausible, but the most probable contention.

This isn’t the only lie for which the “authoritative” sources can be blamed. They inflated the severity of the disease, including the mortality rate, too. I was, myself, fooled by those lies and believed for a time that the death rate might be as high as 15%. The cohorts of the “authoritative” sources within the government organized a systematic corruption of medical mortality statistics, in which anybody who died from any reason, including vehicle accidents and gunshot wounds, would be recorded as a covid-19 death whenever the victim had been tested positive for coronavirus, or when the victim’s body was found by the coroner to be infected.

The fact-checking business is, at best, an exercise in incompetence. More likely, it is a deliberate campaign to deceive the public and keep them believing the lies.

And these high-profile fact-checkers aren’t the only “official” liars, either. We also have the parade of “experts” pushed in our faces by the controlled media: Klaus Schwab is a German economist and engineer who serves the global elite as a faux-prophet. He stands before the public to “predict” what might happen unless people change their ways, either voluntarily or by coercion. However, the actual cause for that prediction isn’t what the people themselves are doing; rather, the cause is what the elites are doing.

For example, if the prediction is a global pandemic, then Schwab will be instructed to “predict” that a pandemic will occur because people are enjoying too much freedom to travel. In reality, though, the elites are cooking up a deadly virus in a laboratory somewhere, intending to release it upon the world, in order to bring about the curtailment of people’s freedom.

See how it works?

So, yes, do listen to Klaus Schwab and to others like him. But listen with the intention of learning the plans of the globalist enemies of all the peoples in the world.

* * *

Source: Author

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
27 May, 2021 9:03 am

The rubber hits the road late this year and
going into next year. That’s when the so-
called “vaccines” will begin to kill or seriously
maim those who were foolish enough to believe
the controlled mass media to allow the KILL
SHOTS to be injected into their bodies!

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Walt Hampton
28 May, 2021 8:43 pm

It will take at least that long for VAXXXees to discover that they are now sterile, have cancer, that their immune systems are now shot and any number of other lovelies.
In my area, you are now ‘free’ to enter stores without a bikini bottom strapped to your pie hole if you have taken the sterilization killshot.
How they intend to control or enforce this is unclear….

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
2 June, 2021 9:57 am

It will be easy enough for authorities to cover up the deaths from vaccination. All of those deaths will be ostensibly from other causes; and no single country would acknowledge its responsibility for the deaths from vaccinations. The only way to discover the approximate number of such deaths would be to compare overall death statistics with those of the previous years. It is very imprecise method but there is no other way. By this method the number of deaths in the result of the man-made famine in Ukraine was calculated; because Soviet authorities made everything to cover up their atrocities. What is going on now is comparable with the actions of the criminal Soviet state. The only difference is that the modern “democracies” are much more proficient in concealing their… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
3 June, 2021 6:53 am

Correct, no one will go to jail, nothing will be done, the whole thing will just kind of drag on forever in some form or another UNLESS we, the people, drag those responsible out of their beds, place them under arrest, and hang them after a fair trial.
Speaking of which, Bitchute have ‘updated’ their ‘community guidelines’ (read: censorship) o become more like JewTube.
Time to look for alternatives yet again.

27 May, 2021 4:50 pm

In reality, though, the elites are cooking up a deadly virus in a laboratory somewhere, intending to release it upon the world …” and we pay them with our taxes to do this to us.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Howard
28 May, 2021 4:09 pm

My associate Barney’s  words on the scamdemic: I despair of ever reaching  the vast majority of sheeple  who continue to switch the  brainwashing box (tv) on  every day to reinforce their conditioning and ensure  they’ll never be able to  accept the truth. I suspect  that the brainwashing itself  includes a (possibly  subliminal) command to  “stay up-to-date” with the  propaganda by re-exposing  themselves to it at every  opportunity. Most people in the street are too thoroughly immunized against truth to  be reachable. Truth comes from  the tv, and only lies are to  be found on the Internet.  They actually believe that. As with all subjects people  have been conditioned to  believe – our only hope –  frustrating though it is –  of getting through to them –  is to “plant a… Read more »

28 May, 2021 9:30 am

The acceptability of discussing the Chinese Lab theory of the virus origin could be due to elites trying to deflect blame. But one thing concerns me is that the main guy pushing this is David Asher who is with the neocon Hudson Institute. While the theory may even be true, but I wonder about his motives.


Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  guest
28 May, 2021 8:40 pm

Creating MANY false bottoms, entire carnivals of smoke & mirrors and enough misdirections to make even the Mad Hatter’s head spin is their specialty.
The ‘Chinese lab theory’ is just ‘nuddah’ way to keep the myth of the Kung Flu being real alive.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
29 May, 2021 2:51 am
Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
29 May, 2021 8:17 pm

All “vaccinated” people  will die within two years. Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier has confirmed for people who have received any form of the “vaccine.” In the shocking interview, Earth’s top virologist stated blankly: “There is no hope, and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to  incinerate the bodies.” The scientific genius backed claims of other pre eminent virologists after studying the constituents of the ((vaccine)). “They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement. Nothing more can be said.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luc_Montagnier WHY we have so many  idiots, morons, retards,  imbeciles, etc, etc,  STILL wanting to rush  out to get their KILL  SHOTS injected into  them, when there is  NO ‘pandemic’ and  these KILL SHOTS are  not ‘vaccines’ at all  and are not there… Read more »

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
30 May, 2021 12:48 am

I knew it was all lies. As a former agent of the system I know how these people operate. They are evil and they mean us harm. I do not trust a single fact they provide unless I can verify it for myself.
I had friends in the medical profession telling me that they were under immense pressure to cook the books about the death rate. One doctor told me a story about a patient who had died from cardiac arrest but the death certificate said the cause was covid19.
I think Dr. William Luther Pierce was correct – the elites want to create a world plantation of low IQ brown-skinned consumers and they will do anything they can to achieve this aim.

Reply to  Thomas Jefferson
3 June, 2021 6:19 pm

I would not want to contradict Dr. Pierce, but my understanding is that the NWO leaders want a world with 500 million Asians (who are good at following orders and conforming) and 200 million ethnic Europeans (who can maintain the infrastructure and invent). Everyone else is in the long term expendable.

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Reply to  Karen
5 June, 2021 9:50 pm

I can understand how you feel, but with modern technology, especially artificial intelligence and robotics, you can easily replace most of your middle class in most professions, with machines. What is difficult to do is to replace those individuals engaged in menial occupations requiring just brute force labour – for example paving roads or cleaning sewers. It would take several books to explain and illustrate the process in detail, so I can only be very brief in this forum. I suggest doing your own research.   Though my training was in Chemistry (PhD) I have been a keen amateur machinist for many years, and I derive great pleasure from using metal turning lathes, milling machines and sundry other metal processing equipment to turn ‘rusty’ chunks of metal into things of… Read more »

5 June, 2021 6:10 am

“Not sure about getting the vax boys & girls” Perhaps this should help make up your mind…. The public should be asking questions -Why stick a pcr-swab into your brain through your nose & call it a PCR test ? The swab should be called a intranasal vaccination. Its a delivery method. Its less invasive than sticking a long needle into your arm. Less concerning. This method is actually used to vaccinate farm animals.. Its a deceptive means of testing for covid while actually being vaccinated like a farm animal. The test/vaccination of the human livestock is voluntary. The caveat, your privileges are restricted without proof of compliance. Most people will blinding rush to restore their social privileges by voluntary compliance & obedience. To paraphrase, Communist Vladimir Lenin 1870-1924: “We… Read more »

Reply to  Charlemagne
5 June, 2021 5:19 pm

Alert ! Someone monitoring this website comment section hijacked the “charlemagne” comment by inserting the image of a blm african. Ha ha, very funny photo psyops. Last time I checked the mirror I wasn’t african.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Charlemagne
5 June, 2021 10:40 pm

You are spot on, Charlemagne. How about a little something to lower your spirits: New cover story. Reactogenicity  is the inflammatory response to  vaccination, now used as a cover story for “safety and efficacy”  of dangerous, deadly Covid  vaccines. Chronic inflammation is the root of nearly all ill-health problems. The CDC tries their best to  convince the worried, “hesitant”  populace that all the horror  stories are fake, and that the  only side effects from inoculations are slight pain at the injection  site, fatigue and a low-grade  fever. That’s only the tip of  the iceberg, and they know it,  but most Whites never look any deeper than that. Forget about “hesitancy.” It’s  gone way beyond that. The  skeptics of vaccines have  much more to worry about than  a slight fever or… Read more »