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WLP90: Storm, Break Loose!
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

The Improbable We Do at Once
The launch of Apollo 17 by David Sims THE QUESTION was asked: “Why does it matter if the moon landing was fake?” Even apparently insignificant truths might be important. However, the truth of the Apollo moon landings is significant in a number of ways. First, they prove that man can go to…

It Turns Out “Democratization” Is Actually a Good Thing
by Russell James THE RIGHT WAS wrong. “Democratization,” as it turns out, is a good thing. As presented by the left, the World Wide Web was going to enable a brand of “democratization” that would empower the various privileged identity groups–Jews, Blacks, Mestizos,…

Simple and Vital Truths, Hidden by Jews
by David Sims EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS that there are both good people and bad people in all races. Certainly, I’ve never said otherwise, even if at times I’ve referred to groups of people in general terms. But there are times when we must generalize. Not every grain of sand in a pile of sand is…

Adolf Hitler on Religion
These quotations are from Hitler’s Table Talk, which is a series of informal, private conversations among Hitler and his closest associates, as recorded by Martin Bormann. THE CONVERSATIONS from which these excerpts are taken occurred from July 1941 to June 1942, mostly late at night or in early morning.…

Solstice 2020: The Honest Truth
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 December, 2020 2020-1219 – Solstice 2020 – The Honest Truth.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom HAPPY SOLSTICE. As the Sun stands still, and changes direction, and begins to come back to us, have hope…

Sagdluk the Liar
by Kevin Alfred Strom A CERTAIN Greenland Eskimo was taken on one of the American North Polar expeditions in the early part of this century. Later, as a reward for faithful service, he was brought to New York City for a short visit. At all the miracles of the White man’s civilization he was filled…

Selfless Action
by Matt Koehl WE ESPOUSE A CAUSE. It is a Cause far greater than our individual selves. It is one of Life. It is one of Right and Truth – of our fundamental being. Few today recognize the
awesome dimensions of that which we represent. Fewer still have come to act
upon that recognition. Many, disturbed by the…

Religion, and How to Tell a Human from a Sub-Human
by David Sims BECAUSE I am an atheist, I don’t agree with the god-idea, and I don’t believe in the existence of any god. However, I concede that religion has a necessary social utility. False hope is still hope, and hope can calm the masses in difficult times. A suitable religion can prevent…

The Figure
“Although I am unborn, everlasting, and I am Lord of all, I come to my realm of Nature and through my wondrous power I am born. When righteousness is weak and faints, and unrighteousness exults in pride, then my Spirit arises on Earth. For the salvation of those who are good, for the destruction of…