American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Solstice 2020: The Honest Truth

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 December, 2020 2020-1219 – Solstice 2020 – The Honest Truth.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HAPPY SOLSTICE. As the Sun stands still, and changes direction, and begins to come back to us, have hope for the future. That is the real meaning of the season.

Have hope for yourself, for your family, for our emerging White nation, for our great and immortal race, for the evolving consciousness of the Universe of which our race is the vanguard.

My Winter Solstice message this year is about truth and its power and why they should give us hope. After listening to this program you may have a deeper understanding of why I named our series of William Pierce CDs The Power of Truth.

It may seem strange to begin a discussion of truth and its power with the subject of Bitcoin — but it is not strange. It is not strange at all.

* * *

HAVE YOU BEEN watching Bitcoin lately? It seems that the bankers, who initially hated and probably still hate this bank-killer digital currency, have thrown in the towel and admitted that, with all their trillions, they cannot win against it. And they (and other Establishment financial institutions) are starting to accumulate Bitcoins, sending the price in dollar terms maybe a tenth of the way to the Moon. Now the main subject of this program today is not economics, but truth. But the two are related.

The very Jewish economic system under which we suffer today — the “fractional reserve” banking system — is the essence of dishonesty, of lies. The liars can create money almost at will, and distribute it to their friends, who are basically required to be our enemies. They can change — increase or decrease — the value of the dollar also almost at will. They almost always decrease it, but periodically and abruptly increase it momentarily in order to “shake out” the last bit of wealth from those who managed to retain some while the rest of us sheep were being fleeced by their continual inflation. Now an inch or a mile or a kilogram are, so far, honest measures that cannot be changed, but the Jewed dollar is the essence of dishonesty, of untruth.

I don’t know who originated the phrase “bring the truth to power” or “speak the truth to power.” I’ve heard David Duke say it. I’ve heard preachers, even Black preachers, say it. I’ve said it myself. Wikipedia claims that the Quakers originated the phrase, but admit that the concept can be found in ancient Greek writings. I like the bring the truth variant over the speak the truth variant, because there’s a Hell of lot of doing necessary to change this world once the speaking has been done, though of course the speaking is absolutely necessary, and that’s what I’ve spent most of my life doing.

Bitcoin brought the truth to power by simply creating a system which cannot be dishonest. Some people with ideas left over from the 18th century think that precious metals are the only honest money, and that any currency not “backed” by precious metals is “fiat” money, meaning money that gets its value from the force-backed dictate of the state that says that a given currency shall and must be accepted.

Simply put, Bitcoin doesn’t fit into that simple binary view. First, it’s not issued or endorsed or pushed on people by any state, or any company or corporation, or anyone at all. It just exists, and people can mine it or buy it or spend it — or leave it alone.

So why does anyone believe it has any value at all? Simply this: It is crystallized honesty. It represents truth. Reality which cannot be faked or fudged.

Bitcoin is nothing more than a ledger, written with software. Every “coin” on the system is accounted for in the ledger, and every full node on the network has a complete and updated copy of the ledger from the beginning of time — so a record of how many coins each address possesses, or has sent to other addresses, or received from other addresses, is contained in hundreds of thousands of nodes. So any fakery would be instantly detected and deleted because the fake data would disagree with all the other copies of the data. No Jew banker would ever be able to game this system like they’ve gamed Wall Street or like they’ve gamed central banking or like they’ve gamed banking in general or even how they gamed the so-called “gold standard.” The inventor of Bitcoin knew all of those games, hated them, and figured out a way to make all that kind of cheating impossible. The ledger doesn’t depend on a “spokesman” or a board of directors or a CEO to say what’s what. There are no executive officers and there is no board of directors. It’s a system run basically on auto-pilot that automatically, absolutely, and truthfully tells you what’s what — and it never lies. Bitcoin, simplified to its basics, is just a way of maintaining an honest ledger. Yes, it’s a ledger of intangible numbers, intangible numbers called Bitcoins — but what makes it new is its infallible truthfulness. That’s the essence of the invention.

And that is enough to allow Bitcoin to be used as a store of value and a payments system. It doesn’t matter at all that Bitcoins are just numbers. Nothing else is needed. And people are starting to realize that. Unlike fiat currency, the supply of Bitcoins will top out at 21 million and never increase after that — that’s a hard limit built into the system. There are about 18 million of them now, so the supply will never increase much from this point. There aren’t enough coins for every American to have one, there aren’t even enough for every person in Florida to have one. If all the Bitcoins there will ever be in the world were divided equally among the Earth’s population, each person would receive 3/1,000ths of a coin.

So, as every American and every Briton and every resident of Ugga-bugga Land decides he wants one, too bad. He’ll soon have to settle for a few thousandths or hundredths of one, as Bitcoin replaces gold as the ultimate hard money and hedge against the bankers’ trick of inflation. He will probably have to settle for even less than that, as the hedge funds and money managers for the wealthy have already started to buy up the already-tiny supply. And this already-tiny supply will soon have a market capitalization, as the finance guys say, comparable to gold as it will serve the same function better.

Better? Yes: Gold is inflated by real world mining at a rate of several per cent. each year. Better than the bad deal the bankers give us, but not a hard limit at all. And when America was on the so-called “gold standard,” that didn’t stop bankers from creating money using their “fractional reserve” system of issuing paper notes at many multiples of what they actually possessed in their vaults. They haven’t figured out a way to do that with Bitcoin, and they never will. Oh, they’ll create “central bank digital currencies” and the like. They’ll create derivatives “based on” Bitcoin. And they’ll try to make them attractive and push them on us, so long as patriots allow them to run around loose (which I hope won’t be much longer). But, absent the absolute global tyranny they’re aiming for but haven’t achieved yet, I don’t think they can shut Bitcoin down or corrupt it or disrupt it. In fact, many of those at mid to high levels in the current system will soon be utterly dependent on Bitcoin to maintain their wealth.

So that’s what a bedroom code-writer was able to do when he baked honesty, baked truth into a new financial instrument. He had truth on his side and he is well on his way now to unseating the undeservedly wealthy and powerful. We also have truth on our side. We have also baked truth — immutable, cosmic, biological truth into our “system” — racial-nationalism, National Socialism, Cosmotheism.

I’ve often speculated on new technologies being developed, as dissatisfaction with the System grows — technologies that might give their users extreme power, such as a weapon; or technologies that might confer near-invulnerability from existing weapons; or technologies that would be global game-changers in some other way — I’ve speculated about such technologies not being given to any government, not being given to the Jewish or Jew-allied capitalist oligarchs, but instead being given to us. It could happen.

The pseudonymous “Satoshi Nakamoto” who invented Bitcoin may well have been a White man — there’s evidence to suggest that. And he gave Bitcoin to anybody and everybody who wanted to avoid bankers, governments, and their scams — the scams I’ve touched on here on this radio program. He pointedly did not give it to the oligarchs or their pet politicians. And now his invention — just a decade later — is set to turn the entire financial system on its ear.

Open your mind to a million new possibilities. One of you hearing my voice might have the mind and the character and the energy to make one of those possibilities real: What about a cryptocurrency system that assigns exchangeable value tokens to a man or woman based on his or her service to the cause of racial-nationalism — the more service, the more value? It’s not inconceivable. What about a system that uses artificial intelligence to expose media lies in real time? What about our own “social credit” system that, with absolute reliability, ranks the useful versus destructive behavior of groups and individuals, with a reputational rank being given that calls for, say, appointment to high office, generous rewards or grants, or the granting of decision-making powers if the score is high — or perhaps deportation to a walled-in salt mine full of fellow miscreants if the score is low? Even a system that can’t be implemented in society at large now because the termites won’t allow it can still be demonstrated once it exists. Maybe no one will immediately go to a salt mine, but a million people might become convinced they ought to — and that’s a beginning.

There could be a very large number of different “disruptive technologies” totally divergent from anything I’ve talked about today. Ones having nothing to do with weapons or defense or cryptocurrencies or social credit rewards and punishments. Aryan genius can create a new technology every week. And some of them — and more and more of them going forward as the toxicity of the System becomes more obvious to our best minds — will not be sold or given to the System or its agents. Some of them may well be given to us, if we show ourselves worthy in the eyes of Aryan genius. Let’s become worthy. We can do that. We do have it in us. So there is hope. Truth is powerful and we have it — and the enemy does not. Happy Yule, Happy Solstice, and may hope blossom in your heart.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help. 2020-1219 – Solstice 2020 – The Honest Truth.mp3

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19 December, 2020 10:02 am

The current system relies on fiat currency, military power and media domination. Of this triad, fiat currency makes the others possible. The system can’t be replaced as long as the system’s fiat currency exists.

A currency with a hard limit makes fractional reserve banking and usury impossible.

One problem I see is that as knowledge of production and scope of production is increased by (primarily white) ingenuity, won’t the general price of products decrease and possibly make some production unprofitable?

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  guest
19 December, 2020 6:23 pm

There are over two thousand cryptos in
existence as of this day. I also like the
idea of a currency free of control and
manipulation by the Jews. That was
the idea behind US currency and it did
work well until 1913. However, my
question: where will the cryptos be when
the power goes “out?”

Reply to  Walt Hampton
19 December, 2020 7:26 pm

It would impact the ability to conduct transactions unless you are using a mobile device. I don’t believe it would wipe out your savings.

I don’t know how other cryptocurrencies work but mining additional bitcoin requires increasingly more energy per bitcoin. Currently, bitcoin mining consumes a small but noticeable fraction (about 1%) of the worlds electrical power. I wonder how this compares to the so-called US Department of Defense which is the largest organizational user of oil on the planet.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  guest
22 December, 2020 11:04 pm

Documentary on “World Currencies, Dollars, 
Gold and Money: End Of The Road: How Money 
Became Worthless” – Wall Street is being 
occupied. Europe is collapsing in on itself.
Around the world, people are consumed by 
fear and anger, and one question is on 
everyone’s lips: Is the financial crisis 
over, or are we headed towards economic 
disaster? End of the Road is a documentary 
that chronicles the global financial collapse.

This video is almost an hour long, but is 
well worth the time. Exposure of the con
game know as the Federal Reserve is
explained expeditiously and effectively.
Ranks right up there with some of Mike
Maloney’s stuff.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
23 December, 2020 1:51 am

Thanks! I’ll check it out.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
24 December, 2020 12:43 am

I did view the video. Excellent!

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
19 December, 2020 6:46 pm

Very inspiring. Yes, we should do everything possible to thwart ZOG system. Varg Vickernes formulated it very aptly by calling to “disengage from the system”. He not only calls for this but practices it; his example is very impressive. All worthy white people should stop being the silent bolts of the state machine that is hostile to our race. The system stands only as long as able white people continue to energize it by their work and creativity. The moment the best white people stop putting their efforts in vitalizing this monster, the system would fall ignominiously. Something of this sort happened with USSR. People simply faked their work; actually they stopped doing things, they stopped inventing and working for the system; not because Russians were particularly ardent enemies of… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
20 December, 2020 6:00 am

I think it’s inevitable that any European will reference biblical characters or themes whether they believe them literally or not but one cannot be a racist and Christian and that is the gist of the matter…most Christians are cognitively dissonant hypocrites anyway…very good post, Wolf, excellent insight.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Stefan
20 December, 2020 8:11 pm

Thank you for your favorable opinion. Yes, I agree that we can reference various biblical topics as any other piece of literature. Bible is the most widely published book of all times and its mythology is the best known throughout the world, so, using some quotes or biblical allusions is inevitable. But one thing is to use its content and another is to believe its assumed claims. I am frustrated when see clever people with sound common sense who continue to recycle Biblical fancy-stories as something really divine. What is it? We don’t know much about human subconscious mechanisms. People’s minds are programmed mostly in childhood and in most cases what was put in their heads in those formative years remains there unshaken for the rest of their lives. I… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
20 December, 2020 10:47 am

Wolf Stoner: …Yes, [Mason] says the same good ideas but they are interspersed with some Christian trash about “prophets”, “satan” and other attributes of paleoconservative Bible-bearing crowd. It shocked me. I didn’t think that this man ascribes value to such trash. I watched only couple of his new videos, not all; maybe I have missed something. If there is someone who knows better about the man, please, write your opinion about him. — I haven’t paid much attention to Atomwaffen which is apparently Mason’s dreamchild. When searching for information about this group, which Mason has apparently disbanded now that the heat is on it, of course the most comprehensive source for information turns out to be the SPLC “fact-gatherers.” So consider the source: Atomwaffen Division | Southern Poverty Law Center… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
20 December, 2020 7:10 pm

Thank you, Mister Williams, for your thorough explanation about James Mason. I fully agree with the National Alliance’s vision. I like that you celebrate winter solstice, instead of birth of Middle eastern vagabond. White Race should have nothing in common with this cult of the nailed dead man. Yes, I too think that we are at the threshold of birth of the rejuvenated White Race, that would be purified from all alien cults and influences. The fact that our enemies seem to almost won and celebrate their victory, is the sure sign of the coming change. They are delusional about their abilities; they think that they could control the whole world but in reality they can’t even manage properly their hateful patch of “holy land”. Yes, they were able to… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
20 December, 2020 10:55 pm

I totally agree with you sir. The ones that
can be counted on to see the error of their
ways can be counted on by the fingers of
one hand. William G. Simpson is one. My
position is simple. Do not be patient with
them beyond a certain point. After that,
show no mercy. Take no prisoners. My
patience with the bible-thumpers can also
be counted in the single digits. That digit
is 0.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Walt Hampton
22 December, 2020 5:07 pm

Yes, the ability to reshape own views is an exceptional one; most people unable to do it. Yet one quality of majority is the lack of critical thinking process as such; they simply accept dominant attitudes and behavioral templates; they don’t even bother to reexamine their validity. This fact undeniably confirms the idea that most people are born to be serfs and only few have the qualities of masters. And even if those serves are given freedom, they would instantly find a new master. History teaches this lesson. When freed from serfdom, people rapidly transited into serfs for industrialists. Now, when everyone thinks that he is free, in reality, almost everyone is a slave to the mass media, advertising tyrany and Hollywood. And this type of serfdom turned out to… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
22 December, 2020 10:41 pm

You know, this is absolutely the best
description I have ever seen concerning
the current environment here on the
North American continent. Kudos, my
friend…you are spot on!

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
25 December, 2020 8:54 pm

Thank you, Mister Williams, for your thorough explanation about James Mason. I fully agree with the National Alliance’s vision. I like that you celebrate winter solstice, instead of birth of Middle eastern vagabond. White Race should have nothing in common with this cult of the nailed dead man. Yes, I too think that we are at the threshold of birth of the rejuvenated White Race, that would be purified from all alien cults and influences…  At some point the organized society is sure to collapse. But we need neither accelerate it, no try to prevent it. It is the natural process of decay of the Christian world. Europe of the last two thousand years is dying. But this death isn’t something bad, because in the same time the new White… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
29 December, 2020 5:45 pm

Thank you for your kind words. I like to share my views with racially conscious white people. We are a minority but it is normal. It is natural order of things. The mainstream multitude can’t have deep understanding of big things. They are born to make little things and to be preoccupied with their everyday life. They would make obeisance to any dominant force and would copy standards of behavior that is prevalent among ruling class. So, when a bunch of perverts and traitors rule, the mainstream crowd resembles them. When decent people return to power, the crowd would change too. Democracy is a sham. Majority cannot rule; it is born to obey; it is genetically ingrained in them. Only few are born to lay guidelines, rule, and think about… Read more »

Albert Pike
Albert Pike
20 December, 2020 11:37 am

Great radio show Kevin
Thank you

Johnny Reb
Johnny Reb
21 December, 2020 10:38 am

We’ve been getting our asses kicked by kikes for all of my 70 years. I want to see us win something before I kick the bucket. We have lost almost all of our “so-called freedoms” when do we begin to win something? Where and how do we start something? We can’t rent buildings for our meetings… If we have marches we are faced with violence or prison if we defend ourselves. Where do we go now???

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Johnny Reb
21 December, 2020 5:29 pm

White Christians have allowed themselves to be defeated. In their defense, they’ve been indoctrinated by the school system for generations. Hell, they’ve even been taught to welcome muzzrats who don’t even try to disguise their intentions of destruction. I’m glad I’m 72 & not younger.

Wm. Richard Gullick
Wm. Richard Gullick
Reply to  Johnny Reb
22 December, 2020 9:14 am

To start with, we people of like mind need to immediately cease in aiding the enemy by boycotting any and all corporations, leagues, churches and charities that support them. Stop watching professional sports. Be very selective in where you send your kids to college. Homeschool, and if you haven’t already, abandon Christianity! Religion, especially Christianity, is the single most destructive force to the detriment of humankind in existence. Look into “Cosmotheism” if you really must “believe” in something. Form small committees or groups that can and must meet (for now) in the members homes. It’s time to start living in stealth, so……abandon all social networking sites and be very careful as to how much of your life you share with others.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Johnny Reb
25 December, 2020 3:45 pm

The Jews have power because they control mass media and the western financial systems. Control of money, though, is the primary source of their power. All western financial systems are deeply in debt, especially the US. Our opportunity will come when financial crisis arrives. This is why all of us should understand something about finance and economics. The key to Jewish power in the West is the US dollar, which has existed as the global reserve currency since the bankruptcy of the British Empire during WW II. The Breton Woods global financial arrangement gave the US global reserve currency status because we had almost all of the world’s gold. Now it’s doubtful if the US has any gold. We only have tens of trillions of dollars of debt. This is… Read more »

23 December, 2020 9:29 pm

Australia: Government to Fine People $110,000 for Being Mean on the Internet Cyber bullies and online trolls could be slapped with huge fines of up to $110,000 under world-first laws to be introduced by the Federal Government.The Online Safety Bill will make it illegal to post “seriously harmful content” on websites and social media, such as death threats, revenge porn and comments that intentionally “menace, harass or offend’.’The proposed laws will also give the government powers to force social media companies to erase harmful content and to hand over the personal details of offenders hiding behind pseudonyms and fake profiles.“We’re taking action to keep Australians safe online,” Federal Minister for Communications and Cyber Safety, Paul Fletcher told Sunrise.“It’s not good enough that we can have vicious online trolls engaging in… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
24 December, 2020 10:06 pm

Tune into CNBC or CNN Business and no guest comes on the show who is not asked a leading question about Bitcoin. Fox Business is almost as bad. These cable business networks are constantly pumping Bitcoin. Why? And shouldn’t this make Kevin’s radar go off? When Bitcoin began it was priced at a few cents. Now people are saying its price will go to a million dollars a coin. Well, if something has no intrinsic value, then it can be priced at any value one likes, much like a fiat paper currency note. Add as many zeroes as you like after the first digit. Kevin speaks of the honesty surrounding Bitcoin, but everything about it is fake. It is represented by a coin that looks to be made from gold… Read more »

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Old Aardvark
25 December, 2020 8:20 pm

OA: There is a reason the Jewish cable news networks are pumping Bitcoin: They are master con artists. They have even conned Kevin Alfred Strom. — Thanks, OA. I’m a natural cynic, especially when I see the Jews on those TV business channels offering their advice on anything. Kevin gives an interesting argument for cryptocurrency but I’m with you on this one. I do not trust Bitcoin, though I’m glad that for the present our online bookstore customers can use Bitcoins for purchases since the Jews have made it where they can’t use traditional means like PayPal or their credit cards. Checks and money orders sent through USPS still work. One thing Kevin says here during this season should be embraced by all of us: Have hope for yourself, for… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Old Aardvark
25 December, 2020 10:53 pm

Here is an analysis of the perilous place our finances are now in and what the result will be. It also looks at the possibility of cryptocurrency replacing our present money system and the possibility of a return to a gold and silver backing of currency. If we are truly concerned about the future of our people, we have to have some understanding of our financial systems.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Old Aardvark
27 December, 2020 4:59 am

Another installment of the “6000
year” obsessions with gold. Likewise,
this one is also a bit less than an
hour long, but worth the watch:

How gold is bought and sold around 
the world, the difference between 
‘the gold price’ and ‘the price 
of gold,’ and explores some of 
the legends that surround the 
yellow metal. The possibility 
of the world returning to a 
gold standard and addresses 
the all-important accusations 
of manipulation. Far more difficult
questions as to how to extract
gold from the Jews remains 

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Old Aardvark
29 December, 2020 6:58 pm

Very interesting analysis. Everything is based on hard facts. Bitcoin is too vague for me. I can’t make judgements about it. Maybe it is something really worthy but maybe only yet one “king’s new clothes”. I like the idea about currency which price is based on an average value of wheat, rice and some other staple grains. It means that for a unit of money you can buy certain fixed amount of grain. I have read this idea long ago in an article by a Russian economist. It seems the most honest and transparent approach. Gold has its intrinsic value but only because of its rarity. In itself it has little practical usefulness. So, in the long run gold cannot be the measure of all things. But for the time… Read more »

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
12 January, 2021 8:57 am

Wolf Stoner: Bitcoin is too vague for me. I can’t make judgements about it. Maybe it is something really worthy but maybe only yet one “king’s new clothes”… — Ditto. I don’t gamble except on a sure thing, like the knowledge that if we work hard enough at it and with the best strategy the White race will survive and prosper, despite the demographic odds stacked against us and the power wielded against us by the Jew and his collaborators. As for Bitcoin, it’s a gamble. I may as well invest in lottery tickets, or go to Las Vegas and play against the Jew-owned houses there. Here must be some disappointing news for those who invested $4 in Bitcoin day before yesterday and today has less than $3 invested in… Read more »

George H. Brown
George H. Brown
18 August, 2021 9:23 am

A few days ago trader, economist, and philosopher Matthew Kratter made a video comparing the hard-money, hard-honesty, and incorruptibility encoded into Bitcoin to the harmonies and melodies of great European composers, using some of the same examples Dr. Pierce used in the 1970s in his Attack! newspaper. It’s inspiring food for thought. Don’t criticize it unless you’ve read and understood the White Paper: