The Saxon Begins to Hate

by Douglas Mercer
EVERY COUNT has been proved, so the Saxon went on the march. If there is one immutable law of the social world it’s that there’s only so much merde that people will eat. And so a justified crowd of decent folk panicked the ruling class and “were in the Rotunda.”
According to Glenn Greenwald they just “waltzed right in.” Washington DC is still not under American control. But this is a harbinger of things to come, a good sign as we enter into the twilight of civil war.
Of course the usual cowardly cucks immediately began to denounce the brave men and women. Trump said to “be peaceful,” “we are the party of law and order.” Law and order! Ha! We left law and order behind long ago. Left it when those sick-souled Whites and Jews and Blacks torched our cities and you didn’t lift a single finger to stop them. We left law and order behind when you met with Kim Kardashian and her fat behind and freed all those Black super-predators. Bye bye, sir.
Uber-cuck Marco Rubio said such acts as taking back your seat of government from traitors, even symbolically, is “un-patriotic.” This bit of scum will be smiling and waving the fifty-star rag as millions of dark monsters overtake our people. This is the home of the brave and the land of the free, Marco Zero, not the home of craven rule-followers in the name of something as useless as “democracy.”
Pint-sized Jewboy Bennie Shapiro was outraged at White people taking a stand. He said that such a putsch was “definitionally un-American.” I’ll ignore that, coming from someone who is himself definitionally un-American. He said that such a march on our government buildings should be “met with the full brunt of the law.” Seems to me that patriots marching on the Capitol, as simplistic as their understanding may be, come much closer to representing the law than do the reptiles within. And the “full brunt”? — we haven’t come one one-hundredth of the way to that yet, Sunshine.
Shapiro is like a burglar in front of a burning house he’s just ransacked, screaming that the firemen didn’t ask his permission to go on the property. In our post-constitutional, illegitimate-government, and unleashed-savage age, law too is definitionally in the eye of the beholder.
Cons Incorporated weakling Erick Erickson (sorry for stuttering) said “shoot the protesters.” Which statement reminds me that if a Jew is one who cries out in pain as he strikes you, then a conservative is one who says “sorry” as he’s struck.
The unspeakable Boris Johnson piped up, saying these were “disgraceful” scenes in the US Congress. (As if every scene in the US Congress for more than fifty years hasn’t been disgraceful.) Then he resumed handing his country over to Pakis and Indians and Blacks.
No less a reptile than David Rothschild said that a “MAGA terrorist” has taken over the office of the Speaker of the House. Uh-huh.
Charlie Kirk said “Our side shouldn’t act like Antifa,” showing that Stockholm Syndrome is a deadly disease.
This of course will be called an ominous and dark day by those who themselves are dark-souled beyond imagining. The recrudescence of an atavistic fascism always latent in the White man’s soul, they will say. One can only hope that they are right.
By delaying the “certification,” these heroes did us yeoman’s service. They laid down a marker. We are not voting ourselves out of this, millions more now know.
Our land has been long occupied, occupied by Jews and non-Whites and traitors, and it was long past time we occupied some public space ourselves. Long shall it be remembered. Make war on us, lie to us, harm us at your peril.
And let the phrases ring down like “The British are coming!” and “Give me liberty or give me death!”
They’re in the chamber — There’s tear gas in the Rotunda — Guns drawn in the chamber — She is shot in the neck — Senators evacuated to a secure location
The people have re-taken the chamber.
The regime has used tear gas on the people.
The regime has killed a brave and innocent woman.
The pretender regime has fled, and did not return until they could be guarded by a phalanx of their paid mercenaries.
Yes, McConnell and Schumer were eventually able to pose as victors and continue their lies and treason in the chamber.
But among our enemies, there is now a distinct look of being hunted. Of looking over their shoulders. Of straining for the distant sounds of breaking wood and tramping feet.
Of wondering if they can really trust those mercenaries.
Much as the White man needs — desperately needs — an understanding of who his enemies really are, it’s heartening to see him finally go berserker. It brings forth and animates deep, too-long forgotten, ancestral memories.
Let all future history be marked from this day, 6 January 132 (2021). The day the Saxon began to hate.
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Source: Author
lol, “the saxon”, why not “the Danish” or “the French” (Normans, but they were frenchified nonetheless down to their language) given that these peoples invaded England more recently than the 6th century Saxons. Or “the Britons” who BTW came from Spain, the actual Britons aka the “Welsh” are dark curly haired like the Spanish (The native neanderthal celtiberians and basques, already living in Europe for thousands of years before Lucy the baboon left Olduvai gorge, not the Visigothic invaders), the Spanish or Hispanians ¿?arrived in Britain from Biscay Bay waaaaaay before the German “Saxons” who invaded Europe from Asia fleeing the Huns, begging the swarthy Latin, Greek and mixed Cisalpine undermenschen for asylum. Sorry my English isn’t Shakespeare level like yours, hopefully you won’t delete my humble comment, but I… Read more »
Yomismo, please lighten up. We in the National Alliance, unlike some, are not subracially hostile, this article had nothing to do with that, and any discussion threads headed in that direction (there have been very few) get quickly nuked by me or our team. It’s a reference to a very good poem, a paraphrase of Kipling, in this case a metaphor for White American people generally.
Thank you, Kevin. yomismo apparently isn’t aware of Kipling’s excellent poetry for White folks, and I expect some others who visit NV aren’t either. They should be.
The title of Mr. Mercer’s excellent article about the past couple of days of excitement over events at the Capitol is obviously a reference to one of Rudyard’s poems: THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED SAXON, in which the last line of each stanza ends with the Saxon begins to hate.
See that poem and more from Kipling, here:

Welcome yomismo and thanks! You are a scholar. More please.
Watch and assess the media. On about a hundred occasions I have heard herds of media presenters state Trump’s accusations of electoral fraud were/are “unfounded”, “baseless” etc. So far I have not heard any of the mainstream media mis-leaders tell the public what Trump’s complaints and claims are.
You can be sure that if the parties were reversed, there would be riots in the streets far worse than what happened last summer. The politicians, media, front groups, FBI, FEC would be bending over backwards to investigate what happened. I thought this march was a mistake and probably a setup. The organizers themselves called it a “Wild March” making it much easier to spin it with violent intent. Agent provocateurs where allowed to mix in with the cooperation of “law enforcement”. The provocateurs instigate the violence and the sincere marchers get the blame. Though masses marching have been given credit for “civil rights” legislation and ending US involvement in Vietnam, this is not true. The civil rights victories were a result of backroom political deals and rigged court cases.… Read more »
Fabulous! as for maggot Boris Kemal, him and his tyranny of parachutist Juden and their Asian kommissars are terrified it could happen elsewhere particularly in their own virtual 1984 gulag.
Exemplary, and it doesn’t matter too much at this point that they are mainly MAGA’s-factional Anglin thinks it will fail because there is no equivalent to the Enlightenment elite of 1789, but I thin he is wrong the NA has a chance to be that new elite. Good luck.
The Repulicuck party in my area have distanced themselves from the ‘violent protesters’, which is just as well as I am going to distance myself from them.
My vote hasn’t counted for anything for many years now – if ever – but until fairly recently, I was able to maintain a shred of hope that it would at least help slow the impending doom.
That hope is gone completely, voting is useless.
Prepare accordingly.
I’m re-registering as independent mainly to vote on ballot measures rather than politicians. Even so, ballot measures here have been overruled by judges.
Most ‘ballot measures’ can be summed up as ‘give us more money’.
I have voted ‘no’ on virtually all of them over the years, but that was useless, too, since all of them are always approved.
People vote for more taxes and then complain that their taxes went up.
Kill Hates is right: there are WAY too many people in the world.
Watch TV more rudely and stupidly believe what the system gives. absolutely everywhere elections were sheer idiocy. The best way to destabilize any country in general is through democracy, chaos, crime all over the place, as most of the population of the BblDLO world will plunge into a serious crisis. although not everywhere, but I think that some countries should break down.
I called the local Cuck HQ today and asked them what the point of voting for anyone was anymore.
Response: ‘lesser of 2 evils’
What an uplifting message. What a platform.
‘Vote Us. We’re the lesser of 2 evils.’
I also asked what type of person someone would have to be to shoot an unarmed girl in the neck and when he would get the chair.
Response: ‘not a good person and the justice system’…blah blah
The justice system.
Yeah, that one obviously works real well……
dynamite or grenade?
do you care how to explode?
Once one party goes, the other won’t be far behind. The only thing each has going for it is that it’s not the other. Even then, whatever tries to rise from the ashes will easily get infiltrated. The good thing is that the system loses legitimacy.
it has always been useless everywhere. redneck eating swill of lies
This is a predator/pimp parasitic regime seeking to force White magnetism onto hottentots and anyone else not naturally magnetic. This regime is OVER. If White races do not polarize and create their own Man —- a higher power above all “white” people that is for their BIOLOGICAL INTERESTS in their own biological life force, you may as well do nothing. I see no one capable among you as you are not able to act outside of Man-above-you and favor political empowerment and images (including appearance and name) over what the power on someone is—- which is pseudojewry actually as “Whites” were inculcated into it by parasitic jewry. This means you will always choose to ‘sacrifice’ your highest innovative minds, such as me, onto your group at large.
Curious comment.
Nuestros enemigos no dudarán en ejecutarnos.
She served several tours of duty in the Middle East.
A White girl who fought for Israel shot by the Moss-, erm, Crapitol insecurity.
How proud are you of your sons and daughters in the military, cucks ?
I am not surprised by this. In fact, nothing that happens surprises me anymore. I expect bad things to happen in a world like this. Perhaps I can understand the thinking of Trump supporters such as the ones in the above image. They believe that the electoral process has been subverted and that an election that should have been Trump’s has gone to Biden instead. They are outraged. They are rioting and revolting in response. Unfortunately, these people are misguided. 1, Trump is a Snake and has been a HORRIBLE President. Why fight to defend him? I could see defending him if he actually did something for America but he did nothing but Tweet. He does not deserve another four years of the same. 2. The entire American political process is owned by Jewish interests. It was this way long ago and… Read more »
My state elected an openly gay Jewish man Governor, needless to say he’s a Democrat. He’s got Democracy up the wazoo, literally!
However, I did chuckle when the Denver Post wrote that “Jared Polis and husband test positive” a couple weeks ago.
I knew Colorado was toast when they legalized pot.
Typical conservatives: they sit back and wring their pathetic little hands as this country’s moral degradation continues. This reminds me of Trump’s TikTok “ban”, which in reality turned out to be an arrangement to ensure that it was the Jew exposing children to pornography, miscegenation, and radical liberal propaganda, rather than the scum at the CCP. Antifa and BLM burn down small businesses and attack innocent white people? The Republicans deify a drug-addled scumbag who robbed pregnant women while the Democrats lambaste them for not worshiping him enough. Meanwhile, a group of patriots attempt to reclaim their own capital and the worthless GOP condemn them emphatically; most despicable is Trump throwing his own supporters under the bus yet again. Perhaps now the MIGA clique will realize that daddy Donald isn’t… Read more »
Can anyone else see that this was orchestrated and allowed? That the Kabuki called for this very means of demonization of “patriots”? And that many willing dupes fell for it?
Does anyone other than I know that had the government mafia NOT wanted those people within those walls, they could have EASILY stopped them.
They ALLOWED this to happen.
The last time was when the jew and its lackeys, including Lincoln, tried to force whitey into massive debt submission. Now we are fighting for what is but ANOTHER Lincoln. To me, this wasn’t just “let” to happen. It was orchestrated for optics. Did you get warm and fuzzies watching the weirdo in fur acting as if he did something, when in fact, all they accomplished was such bad optics that most people, including many whites, think it is ridiculous. But more succinctly, the whole fight for Trump is really bogus on its face as a Republic. He should never have this much power and control, virtually America’s king. Trump was never, is not, and will never be a hero. He’s an actor playing a part and strung along <MAga… Read more »
Without wishing to detract from the thrust of the piece could I just footnote that in my understanding and based on blog/chat posts from 2015 or earlier I’ve saved, the poem “Wrath of the Awakened Saxon” is an unattributed modification of Kipling’s poem entitled “The Beginnings 1914 – 18” which refers to “When the English began to hate”. (iirc he lost his son in WW1). You can find the poem on paper page 739 of “Rudyard Kipling’s verse : inclusive ed., 1885-1918” at, among other addresses, The earliest reference to the changed version I found online referring not to English or Whites but to Saxons appears in Louis R. Beam Jr.’s ‘Essays of a Klansman’ [1983] after the bibliography). Was he CI or something? I can’t remember now. Speaking… Read more »
General Custer was German
“George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River, which occurred on the night of December 25-26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War, was the first move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against Hessian forces (German auxiliaries in the service of the British) in Trenton, New Jersey, on the morning of December 26.”
“Washington Crossing the Delaware are three 1851 oil-on-canvas paintings by the German-American artist Emanuel Leutze.”