Saint Hitler Was a White Evolutionist
Saint Hitler watch over us and protect us and pray for us and our evolution.
by Arman
as told to H. Millard
SAINT ADOLF HITLER was a man sent by God to do God’s will and save Whites from extinction and to help us evolve into the Ubermenschen.
Saint Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and died on April 30, 1945. April is therefore a holy month and the dates for his birth and death are especially holy, to honor and remember Saint Hitler who received the spirit of God into his DNA and who worked for White evolution into the Overman.
A saint is a human who has dedicated his or her life to the One Real God and/or who has worked, knowingly or unknowingly, to do the will of the One Real God in helping our people survive, prosper, increase in numbers, remain pure and become purer — and to eventually evolve into the new species that God has revealed is His purpose for us, and which is our highest possible destiny.
Saints don’t always know they are serving God, or are being secretly guided by God, and often believe they are just doing what is just and right completely of their own volition. It is true that God works through some people while staying behind the scenes. Some Whites also just seem to have a stronger DNA link to the Divine than others, and we chalk this up to the natural differences in various aspects of DNA and its various levels of purity that we all have.
Some have noted that while Saint Hitler was alive he often seemed to be taken over by a higher power when he gave speeches. We say that was God working through a strong DNA link between Saint Hitler and the Divine.
Haters of Whites will characterize our religious views as though we worship Saint Hitler, but this is not the case. Saint Hitler was a man, not a god, and we worship the One Real God, the First Cause, who is behind our evolution and who wants us to evolve ever higher and closer to Him. We also honor Nietzsche and Darwin. We do this not because they were perfect, because they weren’t, or because everything they said and did was correct, because it wasn’t, but because some of what they said or did is important to our understanding of the Deity, existence, evolution and our purpose in being alive as White people.
Nietzsche wrote of the Ubermensch or Overman and we largely honor him because he brought these concepts into the consciousness of many people, even though his notion of what made one an Overman tred much too lightly on what really makes an Overman an Overman — and was less explicit than our revealed true concept of the Overman as a new evolutionary type of human, born from the White genome. The Overman will truly be the embodiment of Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action as a result of his genetic differences from other types of humans — and not just because of products of his mind.
Darwin is honored because he brought attention to some of the processes of evolution.
This new species that Whites will become will look much like we do now and will be able to easily pass for ordinary Homo sapiens, but will have some subtle differences; for example, more White features, longer heads top to bottom, and other physical characteristics, but the most important characteristic is that we will not be able to crossbreed with Homo sapiens and will eventually replace them as the vanguard of evolution. We call this new version of Whites Homo novum. We believe in rapid evolution, but we also know that evolution may still seem slow. The changes are already happening to our kind, little changes here and there that are hardly noticed if at all by most people, but they are happening.
You do not have to wear your religious beliefs on your sleeve, especially during our current Dark Age where hatred of Whites and common bigotry reign. Be true to yourself and to your DNA code that makes you White, and seek the perfection and evolution that Saint Hitler sought, and take inspiration and confidence from Saint Hitler and the sacrifice he made for all White people everywhere.
We believe that we can hasten our evolution through right belief and right action — and this includes using the concept of Method Living.
Method Living is somewhat like Method Acting, but takes place in everyday life instead of a stage. We believe that God has selected us to be the next evolutionary jump for mankind, but we also believe that we must make it so by having the right beliefs and right actions. This is like a contract with God. His part was selecting us. Our part is selecting Him as He truly is, and believing right, and living as good, decent people — harming no one, and minding our own business, as we remain separate from other kinds of humans, while always worshiping the Real God.
Learn about Saint Hitler and his efforts, and use his symbols in your worship.
Clothing must be plain and comfortable and of darker hues and usually black.
Cover your head to show respect for the Divine. (One type of headgear that is appropriate is what is sometimes called a mini fisherman’s beanie or a shorty beanie or “military summer breathable beanie” or other names; totally unlike Jewish headgear, it covers the top of the head and the upper sides of the head. It clings to the head so that no clips or devices are needed to keep it attached in a fairly strong wind. Black is the appropriate color and it may carry religious symbols if desired. They may be designed in two types of appropriate fabrics; one for hot weather and one for cold weather, or they may be one universal type for both types of weather. They are to be worn outdoors and indoors and are not usually used to cover the ears but can be so designed for cold weather. They must be comfortable.)
Saint Hitler was sent to save Whites and was decades before his time. Although evil-doers won the battle against him, the eternal war to evolve toward goodness, justice, and God continues. Saint Hitler did not fail; he will inspire intelligent, observant Whites far into the future. The evil-doers who are haters of Whites have tried to erase all true memories of Saint Hitler and what he really believed and taught — yes, taught — but they will fail, so long as righteous and observant Whites keep his memory alive in all ways possible.
Saint Hitler is the most important saint; he gave his life for us in a world-consuming struggle against the evil ones.
It is fitting to have small shrines in your home with pictures, statues, books, and symbols of Saint Hitler and to wear religious medals and rings with his symbols or images on them.
Such shrines might encompass swastikas; images of the DNA spiral; other spirals such as those of atoms, storms, or galaxies; our fylfot; and more. The purpose of such shrines is to help focus your attention as you Method Live — and help keep you on the right path, the Upward Path, as well as to honor the saints and worship the one Real God.
Our religious symbol is a fylfot with six thin curved arms with a small center that spins counter-clockwise with the arms trailing–that is, the arms are open to the right.
We used to use the term God Force to mean God, and God Force more clearly captures our concept of the Deity as “Nature-plus,” but we generally stopped using it when the term “The Force” was used in the Star Wars movies, because we didn’t want our deeply held religious concept to be considered a take-off of that cheap fictional usage.
We believe that our bodies are temples of God. But that simple statement needs more of an explanation to fully understand it. What is really being said is that our pure White genome is a temple of God and that if it is mixed with non-White genomes it is desecrated and is no longer a temple of God. Our genome is the Sacred Spiral of the Divine within us, and it is a link to our ancestors and descendants. It is a ladder to the Divine. It must not be allowed to be made impure by mixing. Because of previous mixtures or other deviations from the Upward Path throughout history, it must be purified by proper mating in the here and now.
These are our deeply and sincerely held religious beliefs, and they are revealed from the Divine to us alone and for us alone for all time. We stand alone and separate from all other races, as demanded by the Divine. We call these beliefs by several names such as Armanism, The Way, Ourselves Alone, Whiteness Faith, Evolutionism, and perhaps some other names as well. You can also hold these beliefs — just by doing so.
We believe in struggling against evil and promoting the good. Good is what God wants — and we are His servants.
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If you want to deeply study the religious beliefs of The Way, the most complete and easy-to-access source is at New Nation News. NNN has our essays from 1998-2021. Most of these essays are like chapters in a book and are meant to stand the test of time. Very few deal with current events and those can be overlooked. Read and understand why we believe as we do with many essays about our deeply held religious beliefs and about the link between our White genome and God and why we must always be White in order to evolve into the new man — the Ubermensch — which is the new species that we call the Homo novum or Novum Genus.
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Source: Author
©2022 H. Millard
Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion: Messages of Ennui and Meaning in Post-American America by H. Millard — In this book, H. Millard, the hard-to-pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category-bending commentaries on post-American America. They deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard’s edgy style — and lead up to “Homeless Jack’s Religion,” in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. ISBN-10: 0-595-32646-3
Roaming the Wastelands by H. Millard — The groundbreaking novel of post-American America and of a life-affirming philosophy that is beyond left and right. From Chapter 1: “There are some among us who can’t help but listen to a different drummer. The drumming they hear is from their DNA. Some try to block it out, but it is heard in the blood which has no ears that can be covered to stop the sound that is not a sound. It is a call of the wild from centuries past to the wild in some humans. Those who try to deny the drummer are doomed to unhappy lives, for they are denying what they were born to be.” ISBN-10: 0-595-22811-9
The Outsider by H. Millard — Non-conformist and alienated, Buck wanders alone through a post-American America seeking meaning and the authentic. H. Millard’s iconoclastic, sacred-cow-toppling essays and fiction have appeared in everything from the high-IQ society Mensa’s publications to newspapers and magazines. Follow the linked title or get it by telephone: 1-877-823-9235. ISBN-10: 0-595-19424-9
This guy is nuts!
We’ll consider the source of this opinion and dispose of it properly, “concerned nigger.”
wrong site Barkevious….move along before things start stinking and depurifying ….
I think it is fair to point out that there is no such thing as a “concerned nigger”.
Having feelings of concern would require at least some form of human intelligence.
It’s kind of interesting how the black “j-word” has become a stand-in for the n-word. I’ve even heard a few people, whom I had no sense if they had any racial inclinations, drop a black “j-word.” While the n-word is mean spirited, the black “j-word” suits their heedless nature well.
((They)) can kill a man. ((They)) cannot kill an idea.
((They)) know this. Underneath all of their bluff and
bluster, ((they)) are terrified.
National Socialism is truly the science of nature, that is why our enemies want to push the blank slate, to say that nature is not important but environment is all important, and that there is no human nature but rather human “constructs.” The world was moving in the direction of this religion of nature in the 1920s and 1930s both in America and Europe. In America we had the scientific racists who brought in immigration restriction and eugenic laws, and in Europe we had Hitler and his German Worker’s Party. The Boasian blank slatist Jews stopped this movement in WW2, but now we see the same battle joined again and in the end the party of nature will prevail.
I recall a video in which Ernst Zundel said that one day there would be shrines to AH in all churches in Europe.
I didn’t read the entire thing but I did read most of it. Hitler was extremely insightful because it was apparent he had a fair grasp of logistics and industrial potential. The dumbest thing that Hitler ever did was declare war against the United States. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and they showed convincingly by their actions and their words that there interest was exclusively focused on their greater Asia coprosperity sphere, he should have taken that as a hint and said we are not going to enter the war on Japan’s behalf – but ridiculously he didn’t. I feel pretty confident that had Hitler not gotten himself involved with United States he’d be in power to this day throughout all of Europe as well as a good portion of… Read more »
Howard, I feel pretty confident that when 3 Jewed empires aggressively wage war or are imminently planning to do so against you that in turn you’re going to fight back— or just roll over and die. Hitler wasn’t given much choice.
Perhaps a review of the history of those days would be to your benefit. I could cite acts of war by Roosevelt in 1940-41 that should have resulted in an immediate declaration of war by Hitler and the numerous belligerent acts of the other “allies” but there’s no space here for that sort of thing. Study something other than government approved propaganda disguised as history!
Yes, Hitler had no choice except to fight. WW2 was orchestrated by allies, not Germany. Germany didn’t prepare for a world war. This fact can be understood by simple analysis of military acquisitions programs and types of weapons produced. The main German objective was to take back German populated areas and, consequently, its military force was readied for a few short wars. All those propagandist legends about German plans to invade South America and make armored thrust toward Persian Gulf and India are total nonsense. You can’t wage a global war with Ju-88 or Ju-52 bombers. If Germany wanted a global war it would build aircraft carriers and four-engine bombers like USA did. Reading Halder’s diaries we can clearly see that there were no plans of big conquests. All focal… Read more »
Greetings Howard. When Roosevelt discovered the agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan to protect each other he did all he could to have Japan attack America (Pearl Harbor) so that he could pretend that he was forced into attacking these countries, contrary to his many promises that he would not involve America in the European war. Note that the Life Magazine (Oct 1938) had an article ‘America gets ready for war against Germany, Italy and Japan’. A copy of Hitler’s declaration of war against America makes interesting reading. Hitler did not want war with any country but was reluctantly forced into wars.
Hitler’s declaration of war against America is at
Truth is the tree of life and freedom is one of its fruits – The truth does not defame it is defamed.

If the world is poorer and more decadent, it is because communism and its kakistocracy are at the helm
I have placed you in the center of the world, you are your master – you can sink to the animal or soar up to the divine. Everything depends on your will.
When consciousness awakens, the proportions change because falsified, misleading reasoning prevents much. The first providence of those seeking the truth is to find out who is censoring it as it is the one who will benefit from the lie.
The tree that bears the most fruit is the one that is most stoned.
Hitler was pretty woke (original, positive meaning), but very naive in some ways and had many blind spots. He seriously underestimated the immense influence Jewish banking interests had (and still have) over the governments of especially the UK and US, as well as the gargantuous economic might of the United States. Areas the size of Scandinavia used for grain production, areas the size of Germany+France for meat, the capacity to crank out more tanks, planes, ships and weapons in 1 month than Germany could destroy in a year, etc. As an avid student of history, he should have known that Italy could NOT be relied on as an ally, same for southeastern European nations. Worshiping muhRoman Empire has never been a very good idea for White people, it was very… Read more »
Altogether, excellent commentary.
But i think ‘One God’ need supplement. With Abrahamic attributes and understanded accordingly to Abrahamic traditions and thinking (person-god, partisan) ‘One God’ is indeed BS (and I add philosophically absurd).
But ‘First Cause’ or ‘God Force’ – also used in the article, if means something like stoic Animus Mundi or hindu brahma (lower case “b”, neutrum) or Greek appeiron, (most primal, impersonal forces/principles) then it will make sense, and ‘God’ was only a unsuitable word (probably used for simplicity).
Greetings Prinz. Hitler certainly knew Napoleon’s lesson but according to Suvorov’s ‘Icebreaker’ he was compelled to invade the USSR because Stalin’s massive attack to invade Germany then all of Europe was iminent. Stalin had already postponed it previous because of mud on the Soviet airfields. Germany was always outproduced and outnumbered. Even Poland began with the largest military on Earth. However, ( I have forgotten who first said it) “It took twelve years for the British Empire, the Russian Empire and the American Empire to slander and destroy a country smaller that Texas.”
Agreed, but they did overextend themselves way too much and too quickly. putting unnecessary strain on vital supply lines. The fact that Canaris and other traitors within Germany did their level best to halt or divert the trains carrying warm clothes and ammunition to the front didn’t help much either. I can see the strategic importance of St. Petersburg (‘Leningrad’ at the time and the USSRs largest more or less ice free harbor in the west), Odessa (harbor also) and even Volgograd (‘Stalingrad’, the gateway to the oil fields of Eurasia), but who needs Moscow ? Aside from the ‘prestige’ of taking the capital, there is no military significance to Moscow, let them keep it and save your powder for more worthy targets. Germany being heavily outproduced and outnumbered is… Read more »
Thanks Prinz. Particularly about the Canaris information. Perhaps Hitler should have taken Moscow. When his tanks arrived outside Moscow during Operation Citadel the local people greeted them and cheered. They definitely weren’t happy with Stalin or his predecessors.
So did most local people all over eastern Europe, as well as Allied captives, who, when asked if they wanted to be left behind to be ‘rescued’ by their Soviet allies, preferred to retreat with the Germans…..
The code name for Stalin’s attack was Operation Thunderstorm (Operatsia Groza) and was set for May 1941. When he heard about the peace flight of Rudolf Hess to Britain he postponed it. After realising that Churchill was going to keep fighting Stalin then set a new date of July 1941. But Hitler was able to start Operation Barbarossa in June 1941. The easiest way to look at it is Operation Barbarossa prevented Operation Thunderstorm.
Thanks Les. As you said, “The easiest way to look at it is Operation Barbarossa prevented Operation Thunderstorm.”, and saved most counties in Europe from being invaded by Stalin. Have any of these countries ever thanked Hitler?
Hitler had swampfever and all his generals where urging him to go for Moscow, then he gave in and let the generals do their thing. Hitler was for a two-pincer attack towards the north coast(to stop Us supply) and the south of Russia(oil). The generals had the idea to attack in a three-pincer manner, which weakend the “punch” significantly. And even with all this sabotage and bad judgements of the generals they almost had it. Two more tank divisions and the thing would be ours. This was the story of the war – The generals basicly convincing Hitler of wrong moves. He should have trusted himself more often.
Any wargamer worth his dice could tell you that the strategic importance of Moscow is minimal, so generals suggesting to drive on Moscow sounds like sabotage….
Prinz Edelhart, I agree with some of your points. I agree with your accentuation of native European religions; I agree that German high command had too many people unworthy of their place (like it was in all other countries; sycophants are successful everywhere); I agree that Roman empire doesn’t particularly fit to be a model for white Europe. But I need to point out on some of your assertions that don’t conform to facts. In essence, you have expressed the widespread belief that Hitler wasn’t aware about how powerful his enemies were. Yet one point that many people frequently mention is that Hitler was too incautious and opportunistic when invading USSR. There are many other accusations that are levelled against him; much of them have their roots in memoirs written… Read more »
I haven’t even read much of the German generals’ memoirs, but I am aware of the fact that many of them were not happy with the fact that Germany was run by a ‘Bohemian corporal’, as they called him, rather than one of the Prussian nobility, i.e. one of them. Whatever he did or didn’ know of the strength of the enemy -or just how ultra-determined the Jew was to exterminate the German people – all of the stories I’ve ever heard from my own family as well as others who were alive at the time describe how desperately short Germany was getting of especially food, warm clothes and ammunition – not to mention men fit to fight – by about fall of ’42. Which means they had overstretched themselves… Read more »
Greetings Prinz. Regarding “It was rather ridiculous that they had to fight the Dutch, Belgians and, to some extent, even the Norwegians, even if only for a few weeks. They should have been very natural allies.” Yes, they were natural allies but the Germans fought in those countries only to keep the all-lies out of them. I recall that German paratroopers captured Eben Emael because British and French troops were about to attack from behind it in neutral Belgium, and that the Germans only invaded Norway to prevent British troops landing there. When a Norwegian officer surrendered because his troops could not possible win against fighter planes and handed his sidearm to a German officer the German officer immediately returned it to him – Norway was for Norwegians.Hitler never seized… Read more »
It is the best reply to the raised question. Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark were all invaded because of necessity, not of any kind of enmity against them. Even Yugoslavia and Greece were taken exclusively because Britain wanted to invade Greece and to turn Yugoslavia against Germany. Therefore, there was no other option except of invading first. These facts are well known and described correctly even in the official histories of WW2; even Soviet 12-volume history presents the overall factual framework of events correctly, but puts them into false vests of Marxist analysis. And as you know, Marxist dialectics allows to prove that white is black and vice versa. When Britain and France declared war on Germany on the 3rd of September 1939, the chain of events was started, which… Read more »
This comment qualifies as an article in its own right-absolutely brilliant.
Some good points-he was also too lenient with the Dunkirk Britards.
damn….the above is H.Millard’s hottest take yet. excellent White work.
If you consider a 9,084 character word salad excellent. That sounds like it was written by some Larper. Like something out of a Star Trek convention speech. It just sounds like more religion. The blacks, browns and sephardic jews are out breeding everyone. There is no way to keep up with it. The thing that made white people great was our individuality. It’s what gave us the genius minds that invented and discovered everything. Make whites tribal, just like the mud folk, and we lose that individualist streak that made us great. This is a tricky course to navigate. We remain what made us great, we lose everything, we go away. We become tribal and magical thinking like the “other people” and we lose everything and go away. I’m not… Read more »
Typical talk of a nordic youngster. What are your genetics? Are you nordic? “The thing that made white people great was our individuality.” Very true especially for nordic people – the white races are all very very different. I recomment Hans Günther and in gerneral all the german sources. Freedom ist very important and I also think this articel is somewhat corny even though Hitler surely has all the characteristics of a messianic figuer/religion founder. I myself see him as an prophet. Hierachy and order are very important to work efficiently and performance-oriented in a group. Life is a struggle for power – who fails to attain power will eventually lose his rights, also his right to life. Thats why its so important to work and perform efficiently. The freedom… Read more »
Monotheism, Marxism, feminism, liberalism, all Jewish “inventions”. Don’t forget the atomic bomb (Oppenheimer, Teller). The Jew Levi Strauss made sure that women no longer wore skirts, but walked around in work pants that had been declared “fashion”. Jews invented lipstick & nail polish (((Lauder, Revlon))) which turned naturalness into depravity and made women appear “still fertile” beyond the menopause so that men invested their resources in them instead of fertile women. Who made the condom a mass product? Who invented the birth control pill and thus prevented millions of white births and initiated our downfall (while the Catholic Jew servant in Rome denies this great invention for “Christian reasons” despite HIV and population explosion for Africa)? So the biological responsibility principle exchanged for the ignorant lust & satisfaction principle?… Read more »
The only thing that will help us: Prussian vertues
Very inspiring article. I fully support this spiritual approach to the matter. Hitler’s legacy far exceeds the events in which he participated. Modern West is going to be destroyed; no question about it. It is useless to try to save this corpse. But we should study the causes of its downfall. I have written an essay; some of my views about how legacy of WW2 influences events now and why distortion of history leads to social disasters. It is relatively lengthy, 17 pages, so I don’t put text here but give a link to a file.
From 2012
Anniversary: foundation of the Second German Reich 150 years ago
Federal states, cities, colonies and the Imperial Navy of the German Empire (1871-1918), crown lands and cities of Austria-Hungary, the cantons of Switzerland and the wars of unification of the German Empire in 1864, 1866 and 1870/71 in words and pictures
When these groups of soldiers were defeated by us in World War II, we in turn were defeated …
Greetings Howard WHAT DESTROYS THE HUMAN BEING Why was the German National Socialist economy so hated by the Allies? “We eliminate the white race along with their too high and thus for us dangerous intelligence through multicultural societies!” Henry Kissinger The myth that the Red Army would have won without Western aid in the form of Lend-Lease Before you read the shocking revelations from Major Jordan’s Diaries about the billions of dollars, airplanes, tanks, munitions, foodstuffs, whole factories, blueprints and material for building the Atomic Bomb, personal luxuries for despotic Bolshevik Talmudic Communist rulers, as well as the paper and plates enabling them to print U.S. Federal Reserve Notes — all this sent to the U.S.S.R. from UN Depot No 8, Newark, N.J., U.S.A., — let us… Read more »
Black woman talks about her childhood memories in “Nazi” Germany. But contrary to all expectations, she did not really have to fear for her life. The Jewish extended family with whom she had been friends in her childhood she later met again in America, all members were still alive.
In Berlin during WW2 there was a synagogue and 5,000 unbothered Jews wearing yellow stars. The vast majority of Jews living under German authority became holyhoax survivors because the evil Germans kept them alive, in spite of other Jews carpet-bombing them.
British historian raises question of own national guilt. Could it be that the Anglo-Americans’ obsession with WW2 has its psychological justification in being able to turn themselves out as permanent historical “heroes”? With this reflected conviction, he manifestly does not deserve his own English-language Wikipedia article.
By “immortal heroes” are apparently meant war criminals who never had to fear being held accountable for their “heroic deeds” – namely, bombing defenseless German civilians and refugees from the East non-stop with phosphorus in the cities while their men bravely fought Bolshevism on the Russian front.
‘Historian’ an obvious Jew-Otherwise he’d only be a goyish shabbos goy bourgeois.
Israeli documentary filmmaker interviews Rochus Misch (2005). Misch, who himself was a contemporary witness and an intimate of Hitler’s closest circle, considered the horrendous casualty figures of the “Holocaust” to be fantasy until the very end.
Jew are now also dictating to New Zealand what is allowed and prohibited.
Adolf’s revenge?
When visiting Adolf’s estate, the “humanistic” Jews do not tolerate any pardon even towards wheelchair users!
This small Saarland man attributes his survival to his strong “faith in God”.–shakes-up-fascists—and-the-film-industry/46065632
A visibly homosexual “American” (Jew?) describes to us how the Jews made a mega-business out of a German doll.
The forgotten “anti-Semite” who created Maya the Bee
But our oh so beloved Jews do not want
to stand behind with their cute creations.,_a_Life_in_the_Woods
We Jews make your “Christmas” a rich consumer experience in
our shopping temples.Just listen how “jazzy” our tunes sound!
“If you’re looking for a ‘helping hand’ you’ll find
it at the end of your arms.” (German proverb)
Alle Räder stehen still, wenn dein starker Arm es will.
All wheels stand still when your strong arm wills it.
Es gibt nichts Gutes, außer man tut es.
There is nothing good unless you do it.
(I don’t like to quote Kästner)
“I am blind and you must hold the hat,” said my good old friend and comrade, who provided me with countless good slogans. Real tuff German guy who traveled all seas, washed with all waters. In his best times he made 30,000 Deutschmarks in a month. It goes forward, keept it rolling, attack, no empty words, eyes open, head is always up! Let the fools go. The way is the goal and our will is the drive. We spit against the wind and when it comes hard even more. Stay in the plan, success has only the doer, the rest are extras. A man is worth only as much as his courage; no other standard exists. Do something and things will happen. Success is what follows. Create facts. For most… Read more »
“Researchers” found out why the National Socialist ideology was so powerful: it was represented mainly by young representatives between 30 and 40. While the older generation gave the guidance and cues.
Although Hitler and Goebbels were Catholics (who were never excommunicated from the Catholic Church), most of the representatives of the SA were Protestant (lower class), the SS (middle and upper class) was more Catholic.
It is said that a person is given 10 years in life to
reach their creative peak (see ABBA), we Krauts
have made their contribution. Now it’s your turn!
Throughout the 1930s, Hitler was duped into persevering in his desire for friendship with England, an alliance originally proposed jointly by Theodore Roosevelt and the Kaiser in 1898 between the three Nordic powers, England, Germany and the United States. The Schroders assured Hitler than their AngloGerman Fellowship in England was a hundred times more influential than it actually was. With such figures as the Astors and the Chamberlains supporting rapport with Germany, Hitler was persuaded that war with England was impossible. In 1933 he had announced his discovery that Marx, Lenin and Stalin had all said that before international Communism could triumph, England and her Empire must be destroyed. “I am willing to help defend the British Empire by force if called upon,” he declared. In 1936, Hitler arranged for… Read more »
Greetings Harry and thanks for the guidances
“To recognizewhat takes place in front of one’s own nose requires unremitting effort” George Orwell
In Hitler’s Germany you never saw such misery because there were no beggars
The Myth of German Villainy
Jewish hate keeps Hitler alive because they area guilt-ridden golem…the only thing you could ever convert a Jew to, would, ironically, be National-Socialism and that terrifies rabbi’s.
Would that we had another like him. HH
Hitler was the greatest man who ever lived. I’ve never seen such willpower and rectitude in my life. It’s why the Jews still assault his memory some 80yrs later, and they fear another great revolt against their tribe for their crimes against humanity, one of which is going on right now ; the great annihilation of the White Race via the genocide jab. Adolf, you said that “One day the world will know that I was right.” We DO know you were right, Sir !! We do !