Posts Tagged
Arman Speaks

God’s Plan for Our Kind Alone
As revealed to Arman and written down by H. Millard GOD’S PLAN for our kind alone can be stated very directly and very simply: God has selected us to evolve into a new human species that we call Homo novus and God wants us to replace all earlier kinds of human in the fullness of time and then to continue…

Purity and Sin
by Arman
as told to H. Millard YOUR PURPOSE in living is to make more like yourself to help God — who has created and selected Whites — with His plan for our evolution along His path that He wants for our kind alone. Don’t be a dead end. Breed. But breed only White. Get your unique genes into…
as told to H. Millard YOUR PURPOSE in living is to make more like yourself to help God — who has created and selected Whites — with His plan for our evolution along His path that He wants for our kind alone. Don’t be a dead end. Breed. But breed only White. Get your unique genes into…

Explaining Some of What Arman Teaches
by H. Millard ARMAN explained what he believes caused him to start receiving revelations and inspiration from a higher power and it sounds a little like he may have had a UFO experience although he says he has no memory of seeing anything in the sky except clouds and a bright light that came down from a hole…

The Shining Ones
And how it all started by Arman
as told to H. Millard I’M NOT crazy and I want to be clear that the messages I receive are always peaceful and life-loving and never are about violence to anyone or anything — and indeed call for love and respect of all living things, in fact for all things in existence,…
as told to H. Millard I’M NOT crazy and I want to be clear that the messages I receive are always peaceful and life-loving and never are about violence to anyone or anything — and indeed call for love and respect of all living things, in fact for all things in existence,…

Saint Hitler Was a White Evolutionist
Saint Hitler watch over us and protect us and pray for us and our evolution. by Arman
as told to H. Millard SAINT ADOLF HITLER was a man sent by God to do God’s will and save Whites from extinction and to help us evolve into the Ubermenschen. Saint Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and died on April…
as told to H. Millard SAINT ADOLF HITLER was a man sent by God to do God’s will and save Whites from extinction and to help us evolve into the Ubermenschen. Saint Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and died on April…

Homeless Jack Says: I Believe
Wherein Homeless Jack teaches us even more about the sacred teachings of Arman by H. Millard YOU CAN believe anything you want, man, and you never have to prove or justify your beliefs to anyone else. You can keep your beliefs to yourself or you can share them with others. That’s your call. Belief…

Arman Speaks: We Are Different
by H. Millard ARMAN SPOKE, SAYING: We are different, some of us, I am convinced; at least those of us who instinctively understand, or who are easily awakened to the White truth with very little prodding. We who know, know in our bones that we Whites must remain separate and even isolated in order to evolve…