We Fought on the Wrong Side
by Matt Koehl
The following editorial raises a fundamental question regarding our contemporary situation and calls for a radical re-evaluation of postwar events in the Western world.
IT HAS NOW been 50 years since the end of World War II. For many that conflict seems like so much ancient history. But the anniversary ceremonies and revelry of the military victors at this time remind us that there are those who will not soon let us forget.
And so it is fair to ask: Why did we — the peoples of America, Canada, England, France, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa — go to war in the first place?
Many explanations have been offered: It was to stop dictatorship and aggression, to preserve freedom and democracy, to save the British Empire, to save little countries, etc., etc. When the filter of simple truth is applied, however, everything boils down to a single issue: the pathological desire of certain interested parties to destroy Adolf Hitler and his Idea. In other words, World War II was nothing than a war against Hitler.
In this war, all the various interested parties — Bolsheviks, international bankers, reactionaries of all kinds, but especially Jews — discovered that whatever differences they had paled in comparison with their common interest in destroying this man and his Cause.
Clad in a cloak of pretense, this unholy alliance promised that without Hitler there would be a better world — a world of freedom and democracy, a world without fear and want, in which good would triumph over evil.
Just how sincere their pronouncements were can be best judged by the rape, pillage, ethnic cleansing, torture, kangaroo courts, show trials and slaughter of millions throughout Europe which took place following “liberation.”
what kind of world did the victors of 1945 actually give us? Take a good look. For five decades, they have had an
opportunity to show us their world without Hitler. What kind of world is it?
For starters, they have given us an endless series of conflicts, including the
Korean and Vietnam wars, in which countless thousands of lives have been
wantonly wasted. They also gave us a
Cold War, with its massive expense and squandering of resources.
They gave us a world of rat-race consumerism, self-fixation, environmental devastation, pollution and race-mixing. They altered the national demography and introduced us to integration, busing, Affirmative Action, minority quotas, sensitivity training, Black History and — The Holocaust. They gave us permissiveness, drugs, MTV and teen suicide. They gave us safe sex and unsafe streets and gun control. They gave us rock ’n roll and rape-counseling centers. They gave us “alternative lifestyles,” sodomy, AIDS, filth, perversion, chaos, crime, corruption, dumbing down, and insanity of every kind.
This is the kind of world they have given us, and it constitutes an appalling indictment.
In no way can we blame Hitler for this world. He was absolutely opposed to this sort of thing, and he fought and sacrificed everything to prevent just such a world.
But the victors of 1945 fought to destroy this man, so that they could bring about their world — which is what we now have. This is what they created in World War II, and for this they must be held accountable.
The year 1945 was a defining moment, a watershed in history — the last great victory of the Old Order — which decided the kind of world we have today. Everything that is now taking place about the globe is causally linked to the outcome of that great conflict which took place a half century ago.
This causal relationship is the under-riding reality behind our present condition. And this condition can never be altered until that fact is generally recognized and we have come to grips with it.
In reassessing our participation in the Second World War, we can come to but one conclusion: We fought on the wrong side. And the willingness to admit this simple fact is the necessary first step for any nation or racial recovery.
Back in 1959 there was a man who did have the courage to recognize this fact and who did realize that we fought on the wrong side against Adolf Hitler in World War II. His name was Lincoln Rockwell. And exactly 40 yours after the Leader first raised the Banner, this great apostle was to raise the fallen standard anew. It is an example for all of us.
Although a military phase of the National Socialist struggle ended in 1945, the war declared by world Jewry against Hitler in 1933 has not ended. Today this enemy — in the pathological pursuit of its Messianic designs — continues to wage war against the Leader.
And so the fight is joined.
And this time we have an opportunity to be on the right side in this ongoing war. And instead of fighting against Hitler, we can now fight with him and for his New Order. No greater honor or privilege can one ever have.
* * *
Source: National Socialist Bulletin, No. 334, Second Quarter 1995 / JdF 106 via New Order
Many people have written directly to Donald Trump and told him that despite him being surrounded and well integrated with Jews in both business and family, that it is exactly those same Jews who are trying to destroy his presidency. He has been assured by many that if he starts a Hitler-like campaign to purge America of all its Jews, that the White Race will be right there to assist him. Seems impossible, doesn’t it ? Who the HELL knows !!? One thing IS certain ; it is exactly this action that is required to save this ENTIRE PLANET !!
Greetings Tom. Is there any evidence that Pres. Trump received any of these letters?
An amazing image! Look at all of those dedicated patriotic unpaid unarmed volunteers.
The photograph shows the national Thanksgiving Festival of farmers and peasants in Bueckeburg, sponsored each Autumn by the National Socialist party from 1933 through 1937. I believe the photo shows the 1933 gathering, which had 700,000 participants. Subsequent festivals were even larger. It’s full name was “Reich Harvest Thanksgiving Festival” (German: Das Reichserntedankfest) Its purpose was to celebrate the year’s harvest, and to thank the farmers and peasants for their contribution to the nation. Present-day Americans, with their 3,000+-calories-a-day diet, may have a hard time understanding the conditions in Germany, in which tens of thousands of Germans died each year from famine prior to the advent of the Hitler government. An important NS goal was that no German would ever go hungry again. This is what we destroyed… A good… Read more »
Greetings Martin and thanks for the correction! I wrongly assumed the image displayed something like the Nuremberg rally of dedicated patriotic unpaid unarmed volunteers. Yes, I recall the NSDAP slogan “None shall freeze or starve”, and that their policy was that farms larger than 15 acres could only be sold to family members. They made farming respectable.
See : http://historyreviewed.best/index.php/22-reasons-why-adolf-hitler-was-a-good-guy/
Reichserntedankfest 1937
Ben Bradberry – Das Märchen vom bösen Deutschen
The Myth of German Villainy https://www.brighteon.com/e0410654-36fc-4d5c-b95c-070a7f44204f
Actually Ulysses, the Statue of Liberty was originally intended to be a Muslim woman, intended for the opening of the Suez Canal by its French designer.
THAT is exactly why Hitler is portrayed as the devil incarnate—-because our leaders screwed up fatally, and they are still trying to cover for it. Hence the stories about lampshades and soap.
Arvin, where have all of those lampshades gone? Has someone illegally destroyed the evidence just as DNA testing arrived? We could have determined that the lampshade was uncle Moishe’s or one of poet Sylvia Plath’s relatives or that of a goat. Last time I checked a few years ago parchment lampshades were still being produced. Parchment was used by the German navy because it did not decompose in water. If you see a lampshade with a drawing of an anchor on it, it’s not Popeye the Sailor Man’s tattooed remains, it’s just recycled goat parchment.
Yes, Weed, it is indeed strange that none of these lampshades made from Jewish skin are around now. After all, we have magazines from that time period, but the lampshades are all gone.
But yet, I wash my face with soap made from Jewish fat! I read my books by the soft light filtered by Jewish-skin lampshades! Truly, they did become “the light of the world!”
Empirically Jewish propaganda and its minions – Communism and Freemasonry will always slander their opponents of their own vileness the adversary of “their own vileness This stuff is tame compared to much of contemporary porn, so we shouldn’t be too judgemental. Source https://flashbak.com/when-nazis-attack-mens-action-mags-and-hitlers-perverted-minions-28735/ What the alienated, I say, allies https://nationalvanguard.org/2014/11/the-rape-of-germany-2/ – accuse the Germans, proven themselves to do https://desatracado.blogspot.com/2014/09/estupro-em-massa-de-alemas-no-final-da.html Thousands of German Allied rapes https://desatracado.blogspot.com/2014/01/milhares-de-alemas-estupradas-pelos.html 2 million Germans – The Largest Mass Rape in History https://tonywippich.jusbrasil.com.br/artigos/348149747/2-milhoes-de-alemas-o-maior-estupro-em-massa-da-historia Soviet soldiers molesting a German woman publicly. IMAGE: iFuun. Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than 100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape cases. Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw… Read more »
I posted this on another article a few days ago and I think it’s relevant here as well especially to show how thoroughly the jews have brainwashed many whites with the most problematic of them being the Scofield Christians who see themselves as patriots. So here it is again with a few corrections: Expect attacks on whites to ramp up soon. The web TV series “Hunters” is going to be available in early 2020.. Set in 1977, it features a gang of jews and jew-tools tracking down “Nazis” from Europe who set up shop in the US to start a Fourth Reich. It’s another jew production that encourages attacks on whites, at least on whites that the movie calls “Nazis”. It stars Al Pacino as a old jew who says… Read more »
“To recognizewhat takes place in front of one’s own nose requires unremitting effort” George Orwell ” The goal we have been seeking for so much endurance over 3,000 years has finally come within our reach. I can assure you that our race will take its rightful place in the world. Every Jew a king, every Christian a slave. We aroused anti-German feelings in America, which culminated in World War II. Our ultimate goal, however, is the awakening of the Third World War. This war will end our fight against the Goyim forever. Then our race will dominate the earth undisputedly ” Rabbi Emanuel Rabinowitsch, during a Rabinner meeting in Budapest January 12, 1952 Full Speech Of Rabbi > https://rense.com/general45/full.htm ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=111 Marxism is the guardian angel of capitalism – Choose National… Read more »
My math tells me that in the current year 2019, it has been 74 years – not 50 – since the end of WW2.
Is this an article being reprinted that was originally published over 20 years ago?
Yes, it was originally published in 1995. I have added to the source attribution to make that clear.
W.W.2 and america getting involved on the side of (((communism))) was the biggest mistake the west ever made in the 20th century.
it might sound cliche to other truthers, but…Hitler was right.
too bad it’s taken 75 yrs to figure it out.
only thing to do now is wake up as many people as possible ie; (normies) and make them aware to what the Jews have done to the west. Every subject you can think of, they are for the most part directly responsible.
The National Alliance, owners of this website has resources for you to use to help wake up fellow Whites in the form of flyers, banners, and so on in the form of digital files so you can reproduce your own. We have books for those who want to have the facts available for personal conversations as well. Visit natall.com!
Greetings JM. Could NA create a flyer regarding Eliezer Unger ad his creation of the ‘six million’ lie at the zionist conference in Palestine on d Jan 19, 1944. This is a key event that destroys the holyhoax lie. This revelation was revealed by Haaretz and is therefore difficult for the liars to refute.
Sir Winston Churchill noted that at the end of the war, he remarked “We have backed the wrong monster!” Jared Kushner is a clear and present danger, and until Trump dismisses him & his daughter from the White House, Zionist influences will increase, thus destroying the United States of America. See Rep Jim Traficant’s warning to America on YouTube (IF it’s still there…!) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn remarked in his 1700 page work ‘The Gulag Archipelag’ that “Jews ran the camps.” Most of the SMERSH, CHEKA, & KGB were all staffed and run by Zionist Ashkenazi Jews from the country of Georgia. Gulag Archipelago is now required reading for ALL Russian High School students, to prevent the same from ever happening again! See also ‘Pictures from the Gulag’ which shows drawings that… Read more »
Greetings Lizardicus. Many decades ago at school my English teacher required us to read a book by Thoulless titled Straight and Crooked Thinking. He read a long quote that, as expected, we thought was a speech by Hitler. Wrong! It was a speech by Churchill. Churchill was the monster that wanted WW2, not Hitler.
How National Socialism overcame the Economic Crisis ” https://www.osentinela.org/roland-wuttke/como-o-nacional-socialismo-superou-a-crise-economica/?unapproved=28516&moderation-hash=dc58bb3f11b39a64269e5e7848ae88f7#comment-28516 Adolf Hitler recognized that one could break Jewish power only when one had led the German Worker out of the Marxist organizations. What is National Socialism? https://www.mzwlive.com/read-blog/4_was-ist-nationalsozialismus.html Marxism and Capitalism are both instruments of Jewry for the enslavement of peoples. The enormous propaganda campaign of the NSDAP had the goal of enlightening the German people about the deceit of Jewry. Whenever the bourgeois Capitalist parties turned against Marxism, they turned against the working class. But they represented essentially the same materialistic worldview as Marxism itself, only in another variation. Therefore the bourgeoisie was unable to defeat Marxism. No party of class, only a national movement, could accomplish this task. The struggle of National-Socialism against Marxism was never a struggle against the… Read more »
The above address has been tampered with to make it inaccessible, but can still be accessed here if it is not violated again https://www.osentinela.org/como-o-nacional-socialismo-superou-a-crise-economica/?unapproved=28516&moderation-hash=dc58bb3f11b39a64269e5e7848ae88f7#comment-28516
The media was never on the side of the truth or the people. Voltaire, in his day, already said: “those who make you believe in absurdities will also convince you to commit atrocities”
When the conscience awakens, the proportions change – because distorted and addicted considerations limit a lot. The first step for those who seek the truth, is to find out who censors it, because there is clearly who benefits from the lie.
Thanks again Ulysses, regarding “ The first step for those who seek the truth, is to find out who censors it, because there is clearly who benefits from the lie.”
Greetings truthweed
The covert Bolshevist will always be linked to a “humanitarian” cause, allying himself with the victim to gather sympathizers and conceal his coup bias at the same time. It’s the typical picaresque – you only feel someone with someone else’s misfortune. If it doesn’t annihilate, it mutilates.
Strange times are the ones we live in when young and old are taught in the school of falsehoods. And the only man who dares to tell the truth is called crazy and stupid
Truth is the tree of life and freedom is one of its fruits
Excellent article !
The title of this excellent article is also exactly what I have been saying for years – “we were on the wrong side in World War 2”. The social and environmental sickness the western world wallows in now proves it beyond question.