Posts Tagged
Matt Koehl

Heralding the Second Half of Human History
by Matt Koehl THE FALL OF BERLIN to the Eastern hordes in 1945 represents a decisive turning point in the history of the world. Very few have yet grasped its real import, although many have argued the hypothetical possibilities of a different denouement to that fateful conflict. Unfortunately, the…

Beyond Hate
Matt Koehl Nowhere has the National Socialist position been more distorted and misconstrued than in the field of race relations. Not only has this poisoned the well of public discourse and prevented meaningful dialogue and understanding, but by creating a climate of falsehood and deceit, it has encouraged…

The U.S. Is Not Us!
Totally realistic and spontaneous picture of real American patriots Whatever it may have stood for in the past, the Stars and Stripes is no longer a flag that represents the White people of America by Matt Koehl Note by Martin Kerr: Broadly speaking, there are two types of nationalism: racial nationalism…

Real Revolution
by Matt Koehl CURRENT TALK OF REVOLUTION — armed revolution — is likely to get the gonads going and the juices flowing. But before getting too sanguine about the prospects, it might be well to step back a notch and give some thought to what we are actually talking about? Revolution — real revolution — is…

The Revolutionary Nature of National Socialism
by Matt Koehl Foreword: This treatise by New Order Commander Matt Koehl first appeared in the Summer 1980 issue of The National Socialist, an earlier journal of the World Union of National Socialists. Written before the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was reprinted in March 1981 in booklet form. A…

The Future Calls
Transcript of a radio broadcast by Matt Koehl on April 16, 1972 EIGHTY-THREE years ago this month, a child was born in the small Austrian town of Braunau on the River Inn. With His arrival on this Earth, there began a new era in human history. For He was more than just another man. Into a world which had lost…

Matt Koehl, 1935-2014
by Hadding Scott MATTHIAS KOEHL, JR. was born in Milwaukee, the son of ethnic German parents (his father an immigrant from Hungary). Although his family seems to have been devoutly Christian (his mother being a Sunday-school teacher and his siblings both having Biblical names) he stopped attending…

Firearms and Freedom
by Matt Koehl SINCE ANCIENT TIMES, freedom in the Aryan sense has always carried with it the right of every freeman to keep and bear arms. When the American Constitution was drafted, this idea was incorporated by the Founding Fathers in the Second Amendment. Today that right is under attack by every liberal…

We Fought on the Wrong Side
by Matt Koehl The following editorial raises a fundamental question regarding our contemporary situation and calls for a radical re-evaluation of postwar events in the Western world. IT HAS NOW been 50 years since the end of World War II. For many that conflict seems like so much ancient history. But…

Selfless Action
by Matt Koehl WE ESPOUSE A CAUSE. It is a Cause far greater than our individual selves. It is one of Life. It is one of Right and Truth – of our fundamental being. Few today recognize the
awesome dimensions of that which we represent. Fewer still have come to act
upon that recognition. Many, disturbed by the…