Leaked: FBI and UK Intel Infiltrating Racial-Nationalism With Satanism
INTERNAL FILES of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the FBI recently leaked to Yahoo News reveal a nefarious scheme to utilize Satanism in dissident groups as a means to demoralize activists, splinter groups, and cause individuals to “disengage.”
The document, titled “The Order of Nine Angles Playing Influential Role Among Some RMVEs (Racially Motivated Violent Extremists),” claims the “Siege Network” (accelerationist fans of James Mason’s book Siege) on Telegram is a hub of Satanists belonging to a secret society called the Order of Nine Angles (O9A).
According to the analysts, O9A can be used as a tool for causing divisions and deradicalizing nationalists by morally repulsing them, “We assess that exposure to O9A’s doctrines may increase internal conflict and loss of members among already fractious RMVE groups. Many RMVEs believe that groups espousing Satanist beliefs are ideologically impure and that their pro-Satanism members seek to destabilize the group.”
American intelligence officials also appear to be closely monitoring right-wing Internet squabbles and hoping to exploit them.
The FBI and NCTC refer specifically to a dispute between The Daily Stormer and AtomWaffen Division (AWD) as evidence of O9A’s effectiveness in causing distractions and people giving up, “Some AWD (AtomWaffen Division) members’ embracement of O9A’s violent extremist interpretation of Satanism created friction in the group, which has led to multiple members leaving AWD since 2018. AWD’s promotion of Satanism also led some prominent RMVEs, such as the founder of the RMVE website The Daily Stormer, to criticize AWD for allegedly allowing ‘satanic doomsday cultists’ to infiltrate the group.”
It should be noted that while Andrew Anglin is referred to as a “racially motivated violent extremist” in the document, he has never been charged with a crime and his Web site openly disavows violence.
The report concludes that O9A is a useful instrument for causing “disengagement” through private entities that it does not name, “In addition, some RMVEs who have become disillusioned because of an RMVE group’s promotion of O9A’s violent extremist ideology may be candidates for interventions by non-law enforcement partners designed to facilitate their disengagement from terrorism-related activities.”
Two days ago it was revealed by the Daily Mail that the UK Home Office’s Research, Information and Communications Unit (RICU) had “infiltrated” the Order of the 9 Angles.
RICU is a Cold War-inspired black ops unit that is dedicated to covertly manipulating the public and destroying political opposition by inventing personal smears against targeted dissidents, creating elaborate honeypots and front groups, and steering discourse around contentious topics through propaganda disseminated via intelligence operatives posing as journalists.
The unit, brought back in 2007, cut its teeth with Muslims, but now it is being used against nationalists to dissuade them from engaging in political advocacy.
Both the FBI and British Home Office publicly claim they do not know who controls the supposed “Nazi,” al-Qaeda-collaborating terrorist Satanic group in question, nor how many members they have. Their only presence appears to be online, mostly on Telegram and the defunct forum “Fascist Forge.”
So far, the stateside “terror plots” blamed on O9A in the NCTC leaked document were driven entirely by undercover FBI agents and their informants, suggesting that O9A’s supposed spread is inorganic.
In the ongoing case against US soldier Ethan Melzer, the FBI’s criminal complaint claims Melzer conspired with other “Nazi Satanists” in a Siege-themed chatroom to provide intelligence on his unit’s whereabouts to al-Qaeda. The supposed O9A member who talked him into the plot and organized contact with a fake al-Qaeda agent is exposed in the affidavit as a paid informant. Melzer is pleading not guilty in his case.
Jacob Kaderli, another young man referenced, was entrapped last year by undercover FBI agents in a convoluted terror plot the federal government devised and pressured him to take part in. Kaderli was a member of “The Base,” which itself was accidentally exposed as an FBI honeypot by Antifa doxers who identified Rinaldo Nazzaro, a former FBI operative and current private intelligence contractor, as its leader.
In Britain, most of those ensnared in government-concocted “Nazi-Satanist terror plots” are teenagers. Last year, British courts sentenced an autistic boy to almost seven years in prison for being an O9A supporter and allegedly planning to blow up synagogues and attack critical infrastructure. He was 14 years old at the time of the supposed offense.
British Security Service’s Involvement in Combat 18
While the FBI’s COINTELPRO program in the 1960s is well-documented, the British government has engaged in similar intelligence operations more recently.
When the British National Party (BNP), under the leadership of John Tyndall, began making inroads in local elections during the early 1990s, a parallel and initially friendly organization, Combat 18, emerged around the same time.
C18, as it came to be known, was founded by a man named Charlie Sargeant with help from American Harold Covington.
Initially, Tyndall enjoyed the enthusiasm of C18 members, who promised to help defend against “antifa” groups that were attacking BNP events.
The relationship quickly soured when C18 began attacking the BNP for its parliamentary approach, which they saw as inferior to C18’s open avowal of terrorism — “direct action” — to achieve political ends. Later, C18 members launched a campaign of ruthless beatings of lone BNP members and became a source of gossip and slander against other nationalist leaders in the British scene.
In 1995, Tyndall wrote an editorial in the BNP’s newspaper Spearhead outlining C18’s irrational and violent war to destroy the BNP, despite both sharing similar goals and enemies. In it, he states his belief that C18 was being influenced by MI5 and the Special Branch, with help from the FBI in America, in a ploy to disrupt and discredit the British nationalist movement.
A year and a half later, C18 leader Charlie Sargeant murdered Christopher Castle during a power struggle for control of the group with Wilf Browning.
According to an investigative piece on the incident, Sargeant and Browning told police during their interrogations that they had friends in high places and wanted to speak to the Special Branch (a British counter-terrorism agency). They tried to use their service to the unit as a way to get out of trouble. Tyndall’s suspicions were confirmed: Sargeant and Browning were indeed state assets and had special license to commit crimes.
A chapter in researcher Larry O’Hara’s 1994 book Turning Up the Heat: Mi5 After the Cold War suggests that Combat 18 was partially organic, but then was taken over by MI5 agents and informants as both a counter-intelligence project to undermine and divide the BNP, as well as a honeypot to peel away the most violent outliers in the National Front and BNP with the intention of later entrapping them in bogus terror plots to justify their crackdowns.
As for C18’s other “founder,” Harold Covington, nationalists such as William Pierce have for decades suspected he was himself an FBI asset and agent provocateur. Covington was known for inventing lies from whole cloth about high-profile nationalists in America and loudly broadcasting them, including claims that they were police informants, thieves, homosexuals, pedophiles, secret Jews, and other baseless gossip.
Left-wing activist Nick Martin filed a FOIA request to see the FBI’s files on Covington in December 2018, but the government continues to drag its feet in providing them, according to Martin’s most recent update last month on MuckRock.
If Covington is confirmed to have been an intelligence operative, then MI5 and the FBI have recently collaborated in these nefarious conspiracies against nationalist dissidents.
COINTELPRO: Alive and well
Looking at these documents, and the history of similar operations, it is likely that groups like O9A are little more than a psychological operation intended to demoralize activists and farm “White terrorists” they can parade for an eager, anti-White media.
What is certain is that both the FBI and RICU in the UK are being deployed to crush peaceful and legal political criticisms of the government and its policies.
To try and infuse Satanism, pedophilia and other forms of sadism into the cause of people wanting a say over their own country is unconscionable and illegal. Those who engage in it should be prosecuted for treason and a hundred other crimes. Once, long ago, governments reserved their attacks and dirty tricks for foreign enemies. In 2021, they serve those foreign enemies, and attack and deceive the very people they should be serving and protecting.
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Source: National Justice and National Vanguard correspondents
Hitler opposed occult culture.
Very disappointed to see my last comment was not approved. I thought NA/NV stood firm against Jewish christianity. It’s what makes this the best WN publication. I guess not. Anyway my point was that O9A is kosher fed garbage meant to entrap people into prison and give Satanism a bad name. Unlike what the guy above said Hitler and the original NSDAP all got their start in the occult Thule society being mentored by Dietrich eckhart before his death he stated Hitler was our messiah which he is. That’s about all.
I don’t think the NA are Satanists because they are not Christards-They are Cosmotheists outside the kosher box altogether and rightly so and mean a coherent secession from biblicalism…William Pierce is the only ideologoid progressive thinker to have been born after 1945 who has improved National-Sozialismus…he is light years beyond any Le Pen or Tyndall even though there are also some very gutsy racists about, often in prison.
William Pierce is the only ideologoid progressive thinker to have been born after 1945 who has improved National-Sozialismus…he is light years beyond any Le Pen or Tyndall…
Uh, Pierce was born in 1933, Stefan. Many who subscribe to his Cosmotheist philosophy were born after 1945 however, and will build on it going forward,
Quite. I meant, to promote Cosmotheism after 1945, not born after 1945-A meaningful year to be born in. If you read the English writer Williamson you will see his work is quite Cosmotheist. I maintain my latter clause.
Which Williamson is that, Stefan? We should feature his writing if his thinking is in the same groove as ours.
Henry Williamson, whose fame was reduced after world war two, to a children’s book, Tarka the otter, which was actually metaphysical in its overall or underlying betrachtung.
A fair film was made which overlooked this inner content, which was very redolent, to my mind, of Kosmotheismos…. Williamson was BUF member and about to visit Deutschland to meet the Fuehrer with TE Lawrence of Arabia, who had an unfortunate ‘accident’ beforehand…probably a cohencidence, unlike the trashing of Williamsons repute, post-war, which was wholly malicious-See what you think, naturally.
Greetings SWG88. Stay with us! Stay with us! Participate! I wrote Hitler opposed the occult because I recall reading a discussion by Hitler, probably one of his tabletalks, where he stated that his philosophy was not occult. Nonetheless, Eckhart and you are correct. We could benefit from something similar to a sovereign order of knights. The occult and the Thule Society provided a means for unification and spiritual direction, Cosmotheism which depends on a rational understanding is more valid. However, cosmotheism is the spirituality of the rational/analytic aspect of humanity.
Satanism is the best descriptor for Judaism of which…Christianity is an evolution as Marxism is an evolution of Christianity-Mysticism, however, is quite a different thing from Satanism. As to C18 they could well have been originally organic because there are always handfuls of NS in England but BNP and NF often hated them as much as they hated Communists because Conservatives hate National-Socialists…but in any case, everything is quickly infiltrated by the Liberal Democratic state… However, the UK and its offspring, the USA, have, in any case, been infiltrated from their very origins…the CSA secession was a good try to get free, but failed as National-Sozialismus did in Europa…oddly enough the Brits supported the CSA in 1862. British Nationalism itself is wholly Masonic as I have tried to show on… Read more »
Stefan: Satanism is the best descriptor for Judaism of which…Christianity is an evolution as Marxism is an evolution of Christianity-Mysticism… — Thanks, Stefan. I’m with you so far — As to C18 they could well have been originally organic because there are always handfuls of NS in England but BNP and NF often hated them as much as they hated Communists because Conservatives hate National-Socialists… — Not all NS are sincere, and not all conservatives “hate National-Socialists.” John Tyndall was a British nationalist of the top rank, and leader of the NF through the 70’s and the BNP through the 80s and 90s. Some have characterized Tyndall as a mere conservative but that would not be an accurate description. He could not have been the leader of the two foremost… Read more »
I can only write as an independent, despite being a former member of both the NF and BNP, but my German-Irish ancestry give me a quite non-British outlook on British Nationalism which I think Masonic, and I am not alone in that view in England-I am a separatist and a genuine English nationalist, something Tyndall disparaged because of his Ulster Unionism, which is demonstrably kosher. My views are fundie NS racism, which is why I prefer Dr. Pierce’s NA, however as to Covington I only know what I’ve recently read…I was very suspicious of C18, although not of the person who gave me the magazine, and of course, Tyndall could not have run an openly NS party in post-war England, but in fact Nationalism per se in England has only… Read more »
I am not in the mood to mince words: anyone who claims that Adolf Hitler was interested in the occult, or that National Socialism as he conceived it was based on the supernatural in any way, is either ignorant or a liar. In a better mood, I might allow that some well-meaning people allow their imaginations to run away with them on this subject. But here I want to stick exactly to the historical record, no matter who this might offend. Adolf Hitler believed that the Universe was governed by observable, discoverable and quantifiable natural laws. He did not believe in “hidden masters” or invisible spirits or any other such incredible things. The best examination of the alleged links between National Socialist Germany and the paranormal is Nicholas Goodrick-Clark’s book,… Read more »
I would also recommend “The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism.” By Dr. Stephen Flowers (2007 updated edition). Book here: https://feralhouse.com/the-secret-king/ or PDF available for free online.
Martin Kerr, thank you for the detailed explanation of this question. Fully agree. We should stand firmly on the hard ground of facts and provable phenomena. All kinds of supernatural deviations only distract from the main tasks. But I would add that religious (non-christian) component is vital for a healthy community. The question about infiltration is very important. Nowadays all state security agencies widely use this tactic of concocting fake plots for implicating nationalists. It is very successful tactic but there are very useful countermeasures against it; some kind of preventive hygiene. Agents-provocateurs have some unmistakable traits by which they can be identified. From my experience in Russian National Unity organization that was actively and successfully subverted by FSB, I had an opportunity to observe such people. The main trait… Read more »
In the early 1990s, I spent some years in the South(east) and came across a fairly impressive number of people – most of them in their teens and 20s – who described themselves as ‘Satanists’ or ‘dabbling in Witchcraft’. This was before anyone had heard of Wicca. It quickly became clear to me that what these people were doing was looking for an alternative – ANY alternative – to their elders’ Southern Baptiscuckery, which is easily one of the most stifling and oppressive versions of Cuckstianity there is. What they did not realize, however, was that in order to be a ‘Satanist’, you first have to accept the Abrahamic world view, because without that, there is no ‘Satan’. It’s really just another Semitic death cult, essentially Cuckstianity flipped upside down.… Read more »
It’s the goats isn’t it? It’s always the goats, This week in Israel. Bibi has invited you. Hurry. The goats are calling. Become herders again. You know you want to. It’s DNA.
Misrepresentation of the common accelerationists early in the article. Most are actually catholic and a close second are odin based paganism. The third demographic and the smallest are the protestant/atheist group. Paul Nehlan is an older brother figure to us and gained credibility and loyalty by outing Vic Mackey allowing most of us to fall back into anonymity.