MLK: Communist, Sickening Degenerate, Fetchit for Jews

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 January, 2021
As we prepare for life in 2021 under a thinly-disguised communist regime, we present one of many classic ADV broadcasts that definitely rip the halo off one of that regime’s degenerate and anti-White “heroes.”
by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0601 Degenenerate Communist MLK.mp3
AT THE end of 2017, Donald Trump ordered the release of 1960s-era documents, many of which were related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. But included among them were FBI surveillance files that proved that what I and the National Alliance and Kent Steffgen and other patriots had been saying for decades was absolutely true: “Martin Luther King, Jr.” was a liar, a Communist operative working to destroy America, a deceiver who betrayed even his own people, and a sexual degenerate who abused women both Black and White.
Just this week even more proof — startling proof that can’t be ignored by anyone — has been revealed. An historian named David J. Garrow, a leftist, King-sympathizing academic I quoted back in ’94, published the results of his digging even more deeply into the 2017 trove of formerly secret documents. Not only has Garrow — doubtlessly reluctantly, but honestly — confirmed everything I said about MLK 25 years ago, but he has found some new facts that neither I nor anyone else knew until now. Buried among these more than 50,000 files is proof that “the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.,” whom your children are taught to revere as a saint, spent his time on his “civil rights” campaign having group sexual orgies in which women were intimidated or forced into performing unnatural acts, and in at least one case “Dr. King” witnessed — and encouraged — the rape of one of his female followers, and laughed while the rape was taking place in his presence.
In order to understand what the National Alliance has been trying to tell you for over a quarter century, watch or download the video of my 1994 broadcast:
Listen to or download the audio version of my 1994 broadcast:″ text=”Listen to or download our MLK exposé audio version”]
(I call it my 1994 broadcast, because that’s when it was put into its final form — but I actually included most of the same information in a 1993 broadcast.)
You should also take a look at our dynamite, irrefutable “No King Over Us” flier on King — and print out a copy or two hundred and hand them out:
Here’s how to fold our “No King Over Us” fliers if you print them yourself (if you get them printed at a print shop they can fold them for you):

After combing through the newly-released files, David Garrow knew he had substantial, important documentary proof of extreme historical value. Even though he claims to have revered King (as all academics are essentially required to do), he wrote a report on his findings and submitted them to major publishers. According to Tom Leonard, writing for the Daily Mail, even publications which had published his work before — and even though this was the scoop of the century — turned him down:
The response, however, has been silence. When David Garrow, whose 1986 biography of King received international acclaim, first tried to publish his new findings, he was turned down by every great liberal publication, including the Washington Post and Atlantic magazine, both of which he has written for in the past. Eventually, in despair, he gave his findings to a British magazine, Standpoint.
What Garrow discovered were FBI agents’ transcripts of surveillance recordings of King and his cohorts. The FBI has been sitting on this material for well over half a century. Since 1977 they’ve had the excuse that a treasonous federal judge had ordered the recordings themselves sealed until 2027. But for the decade and a half before that, they had no excuse. And for the entire half-century they could have released the transcripts (which evidently weren’t under seal since we have them now), but didn’t do so until the 2017 JFK release got them before the public as a side effect.
Let’s take a look at what Garrow found in these transcripts.
First off, we learn that King’s operations — just as I said in 1994 — were funded and controlled by a Jewish Communist, Stanley Levison. Even when associates and government contacts tried to warn King to distance himself from Levison, King refused to do so. MLK’s close links to this Communist Jew were what brought about the FBI surveillance of King in the first place:
The FBI began wiretapping King’s home and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) office in Atlanta on November 8, 1963, pursuant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy’s written approval. For the previous 18 months, the FBI had insistently told Kennedy that King’s closest and most influential adviser, New York attorney Stanley D. Levison, was a “secret member” of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Kennedy’s aides, and finally his brother—the President of the United States—warned King to cease contact with Levison, but King’s promised compliance was dissembling: he and Levison communicated indirectly through another attorney, Clarence Jones, who, like Levison, was himself already being wiretapped by the FBI. Presented with evidence of King’s duplicity, plus FBI claims that King had told Levison that he was a Marxist, a reluctant Attorney General [Kennedy] approved the FBI’s request to place King under direct surveillance too.
On the nights of January 6 and 7, 1964, at Washington’s historic Willard Hotel — where Jewish defector Benjamin Freedman had made his famous speech three years earlier — King and numerous other “civil rights activists” gathered for a group sex orgy while ostensibly on “ministerial” business involving the “Southern Christian Leadership Conference.” (Warning: Children or sensitive persons should not read or listen any further.)

Staying in one of the two targeted rooms was King’s friend Logan Kearse, the pastor of Baltimore’s Cornerstone Baptist Church and, like King, the holder of a PhD from the Boston University School of Theology. Kearse “had brought to Washington several women ‘parishioners’ of his church”, a newly-released summary document from Sullivan’s personal file on King relates, and Kearse invited King and his friends to come and meet the women. “The group met in his room and discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural or unnatural sex acts. When one of the women protested that she did not approve of this, the Baptist minister immediately and forcibly raped her,” the typed summary states, parenthetically citing a specific FBI document (100-3-116-762) as its source [and saying] “King looked on, laughed and offered advice,”
… At the Willard Hotel, King and his friends’ activities resumed the following evening as approximately 12 individuals “participated in a sex orgy” which . . . included “acts of degeneracy and depravity . . . When one of the women shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and several of the men discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect. King told her that to perform such an act would ‘help your soul’.”
. . . Gail LaRue, a married 28-year-old [White woman] explained that at 2 a.m. on April 27, a hotel bellman had asked her to go to the New Frontier Hotel and see the well-known black gospel musician Clara Ward, whose Clara Ward Singers were performing there. In the lobby, Ward handed Gail $100 and told her: “I have a couple of friends in town that would like to meet you and have you take care of them.” Ward said “she was paying Gail . . . because these two men did not believe in paying a girl for her service and for Gail to keep quiet about receiving any money.”
Clara took Gail to the bar at the Sands Hotel and made a call on the house phone. Martin Luther King then appeared in the bar and took both women to his room, where all three began drinking. King phoned one of his colleagues and told him to “get your damned ass down here because I have a beautiful white broad here”. Then “both the Rev King and Clara Ward stripped naked and told Gail to do the same.” With Gail seated in a chair, “King went down on his knees and started nibbling on her right breast, while Clara Ward did the same with her left breast. Gail then stated, ‘I guess the Reverend got tired of that and put his head down between my legs and started nibbling on “that”.’ After a while he got up and told Clara Ward to try some of it, so Clara went down on Gail for a while. Gail stated, ‘I think Clara Ward is queer’.”
Then King had intercourse with Gail while Clara watched. “After what Gail stated seemed like hours, King rolled off and had another drink, then climbed back on for a second go around.” After King paused again, his friend showed up, had a drink, and had intercourse with Gail “while both Clara Ward and the Rev King watched the action from a close-by position”, with Clara sometimes stroking Gail as well. “Gail then stated that she was getting scared as they were pretty drunk and all using filthy language and at last she told Clara Ward she would have to go.” Clara informed King, who “then whispered in Gail’s ear, ‘I would like to try you sometime again if I could get you away from Clara’.”
And what has been the reaction of the Jewish-run US media to these stories? Mostly crickets.
The Bezos-owned and Jewish-dominated Washington Post ran one story — headline “Irresponsble” — on the new revelations, mostly talking about how wrong Garrow was to report on the transcripts. Beyond that, nothing:
The Jewish-run network CNN went even further, giving the revelations the complete silent treatment . . .
. . . with the last major article they ran on the subject of King telling us about “Martin Luther King Jr.’s resounding and living legacy” and “moral” crusades for “love.” Now that’s chutzpah.
What about the news source that’s widely believed to be the polar opposite of Jewish/leftist CNN — Breitbart News? Despite its conservative/populist rhetoric that draws in a lot of White readers, Breitbart was founded by a Jew and is honeycombed with Jews. Except for a very brief mention in one of Ann Coulter’s pieces (they carry her syndicated column), which was just a few words in passing, Breitbart News also gave us the silent treatment on these revelations about multiracialism’s Black saint.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to put your faith in — and your support 100 per cent. behind — the group that’s told you the 100 per cent. truth all along, and is still telling you the truth on this and a hundred other important issues — the National Alliance.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. We need your help to continue. Please send the largest contribution you can afford to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. You can also help us by visiting Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.
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There are numerous MLK related documents that are scheduled to be released in 2027. I’ll believe it when it happens. If RFK was reluctant to put MLK under surveillance, he sure wasn’t reluctant to share the transcripts of the recorded MLK conversations with Jacqueline Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy considered MLK a “terrible man”. I never could understand the Kennedy family’s silence on the JFK assassination. RFK interfered with the autopsy (supposedly to prevent disclosure of JFKs health problems), retained autopsy materials and his confidant Walter Sheridan did a hit piece on the Garrison investigation. I think maintaining the political viability of the Kennedy family was a higher priority than the truth. Michael Collins Piper has made a plausible, if circumstantial case for Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination. I would not… Read more »
SICKENING SILENCE Fine broadcast, perhaps among the best. Those who wish to control the world know all this, and they hope you know it as well, but do not try to alter anything that they wish to peddle. In the words of Theodore Dalrymple, and I quote “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all… Read more »
I’ve always been of the belief that the system actually was the one which put him down for the purpose of martyring him, and the dummy didn’t have so much as a hint that this would or could occur.
They absolutely killed him. They did so at the opportune moment – for them – to insure the passage of the FAIR Housing Act and forced association in White neighborhoods. It was, really, the twin to the Civil Rights Act – and something they’d been trying to force down American throats for a long, long time.