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Clockwork Orange Juice

Best buds.

by John Randolph

THEY REALLY should do to Israel-supporting, Scofield Bible-reading, “end times”-hoping, and Jew-loving American Christian evangelicals what they did to poor Malcolm McDowell at the end of A Clockwork Orange; that is, forcibly make them watch a video. The video in question in this case will not be of sexual depravity but of moral depravity. It will be of a lurid scene which recently transpired at the Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv.

And a more sickening scene I cannot imagine.

An elderly man, clearly a Jew, and his Jewess wife exit a plane. As the two Jews make it to the ground, first the husband and then the wife kneel on the ground and kiss it; they are exultant, in ecstasy: that is, they are home after long journeys and wanderings. Then another man, not any man, but obviously a powerful man, welcomes them with arms outstretched. From his vantage point they are all three now finally and firmly standing on Sacred Soil.

Evangelical Christians generally tend to be uber-patriots (civic type) and security hawks, wanting to “project American power to the world,” mostly so that the world can be made safe for Israel. Presumably they take a rather dim view of treason; that is, of any man who would sell out America to another country. This is why they should be strapped down to watch this video a thousand times, or however long it takes for them to get it. Rank and open treason on the one hand; and on the other their true love (Israel). Such dire opposition between what they hate and what they love — such contradiction — such cognitive dissonance — all in several minutes’ time. The hope is that the heightened contradiction and the open opposition of these two things will cause them to have a mental meltdown, the only hope for their un-brainwashing.

For the man descending towards the tarmac in the video, the one who knelt down in his new homeland, is of course none other than notorious “American” traitor Jonathan Pollard. Pollard was convicted of betraying America and selling secrets to Israel. Though of course he didn’t really sell out “his country.” America was never his country.

Israel always was. So what Americans call “treason” Jews call “loyalty.” As they say “never the twain shall meet” — except in a Holy War of one against the other, of course.

Pollard justified his open treachery by saying America was keeping secrets from Israel that endangered Israel’s security. It’s hard to believe that America would ever do anything to endanger the safety of their beloved Jews, but if so, so be it. Israel rewarded this underhanded treason by granting Pollard Israeli citizenship in 1995, while he was in federal prison in the US.

Israel finally admitted to paying Pollard for his larceny in 1998. How big of them.

Had this crime been committed by a partisan of any other country in the world, the media would have lit up with the story for decades, and serious revulsion and outrage would have set in. But because it was Israel, “mum” was the only word you heard. The cattle are nothing if not obedient.

As far as security clearances go, the fact that someone is a Jew should be more than a giant red flag; it should be instantly disqualifying. Indeed, the first question on the form should be: Are you a Jew? If the answer is yes, please leave now. I mean, we don’t toss giant pythons into the nursery and see how they mix with the little children, do we? I didn’t think so.

As Pollard was growing up, he had inculcated in him, drummed into him, by his Jewish parents a sense of himself as a racial Jew. In the past some American kids’ hearts may have been stirred by the red, white, and blue, or about the noble White people who tamed a wilderness; but young Pollard’s was moved by “the indomitable spirit of Jews in the face of world-wide and centuries-old persecutions and pogroms.” That is, he was fed barrels of lies and cynical propaganda, and drank it down like his mother’s milk.

As a teen he begged his parents to take him to Germany and Poland to see the “death camps.” Just having been bar mitzvahed, he couldn’t wait to travel to the “holy shrines” of Treblinka, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, et cetera, to revel and wallow in the “pain of his people.”

Safe to say this was not a wholesome American upbringing. And all of this upbringing was transpiring on American soil. This country has always had a fatal weakness for harboring poisonous snakes close to its unsuspecting breast. And Pollard’s far from the only example. New Jersey alone must have a million.

As for the man who greeted the traitor and the traitor’s wife, that was Benjamin Netanyahu. His father taught Jewish history at Cornell and lobbied for the creation of a Jewish state. This father regarded Jewish history as a history of “holocausts” and wrote an opus condemning the Spanish Inquisition, which in point of fact was a very imperfect attempt by Spaniards to have a country of their own, Jew-free.

Like father, like son.

Netanyahu, of course, is the current parasite-in-chief in a long line of parasites who have managed to get America to fight the Jews’ wars for them. He is the one who gets America to shovel untold billions of dollars a year his way, money that we don’t have to begin with. He is the one who had our State Department appoint a super-special envoy to combat a mirage called anti-Semitism. He is the one who got that same State Department to declare that “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.”

By greeting the traitor with open arms and great big smiles, he displayed not just contempt for us but open contempt. He knows the livestock are in the pen, and docile.

Speaking of shameless and open and brazen contempt, a big fat Jew and big fat greedhead (who died a few days ago) by the name of Sheldon Adelson, nominally an “American” but really a only and always a Jew, made sure that Pollard’s ecstatic “return” was done in the lap of luxury. That is, the grotesque Adelson gave him his personal plane for the joy ride back to Jewistan. Adelson basically owned the Republican party for more than a decade. He shoveled hundred of millions of dollars to Trump and other political whores — so that when he sticks the thumb in our eye, no one says boo. And those many millions is why Trump moved the American embassy to the criminal city of Jerusalem. And that’s why Trump conferred on Adelson’s equally grotesque Jewish wife the American Medal of Freedom while others truly deserving of that award, went begging.

Do you remember, several wars for Jews ago, when Pat Buchanan said only the IDF and Israel’s amen corner in America wanted the first Gulf War? Then super-Jew Charles Krauthammer called Buchanan a “menace.”

But we know who was and what the menace is. It’s those who make sure that Washington, DC is and remains Jerusalem-on-the-Potomac. Trump knew whereof he spoke when he proudly reveled in some third-level Chosenite calling him “King of the Jews.”

Some time during Pollard’s stay in America, post-treason, the lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein, a ghastly little Hebrew dwarf named Alan Dershowitz, said “as an American and as Jew” he believed that Pollard’s sentence was “too onerous.”

But he wasn’t speaking as an American because he’s not one. He was speaking as a Jew, because that’s all he is.

For them, America is nothing but a slave colony, filled with suckers they can milk until they’re dead. A country that they can bleed bone-dry. All of this can be plainly seen in this short video. Which is why those evangelicals should be required to watch it over and over again, on pain of confiscation of every single one of their shofars and Scofield Reference Bibles.

So in-the-tank for Israel are those evangelicals that you might doubt the efficacy of my proposed treatment. Hundreds of years of brainwashing does take its toll.

Still, it would be worth a try. The de-conditioning has to start somewhere.

* * *

Source: Author

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Anthony Kimball
Anthony Kimball
16 January, 2021 10:36 am

No, it will not happen in our lifetimes, but someday our descendants, filled with the righteous fury that we dilligently infused them with and possessing the requisite amount of racial genetic qualities that our ancestors (though not us, because we allowed them to be drained out) had, will finally do what has long needed to be done. That generation, no longer crippled by the timidity that prevented their forebears from acting decisively, will give our eternal enemy, the cancer of the universe, a richly deserved one-way rocket ride into space.

theodore pretzel
theodore pretzel
Reply to  Anthony Kimball
17 January, 2021 3:42 pm

well put sir. well put.

the saddest thing for me, at 57, is that indeed it WILL NOT be in our lifetimes .

how in creation would i love to see and be a part of the eradication and ruination of this filthy tribe of rodential parasites.

oh to dream.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
16 January, 2021 11:16 am

Jew-S-of-A…a swine-pen.

16 January, 2021 12:39 pm

Thanks John. Yes, “The de-conditioning has to start somewhere.” They should start with Ipecac and some Epsom salts. An engineering solution is often the best.

coffins. Liberal
coffins. Liberal
16 January, 2021 6:19 pm

I lost a friendship over trying to point out that Israel is not our best friend, and is a parasitic and apartheid state. Unfortunately, I doubt one can get through to brainwashed evangelicals until we fight another war for Israel, and many many young Americans come home in coffins.

Van Franklin
Van Franklin
16 January, 2021 9:14 pm

Nice article. It made me think… They must all go back. Either willingly or after they’ve been striped of all their worldly possessions. America no longer belongs to them. The spell of their strong delusion must be broken.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
17 January, 2021 4:13 am

The whole idea of ​​Christianity is the idea of ​​a repressed masculine principle. killed the Baptist, killed Christ (God), who was allegedly resurrected after (transgender fantasies hint that after a certain stress, a person turns into a miracle into a transformed super being). And the inflated cult of Isis Mary Asher or Our Lady. A living feminine principle that dies a natural death, and not at the hands of another person. The feminine principle is alive, women bury Christ and symbolically bury the masculine principle and place the crown of power on the myrrh-bearer. Man killed, suppressed hurray! he is, but he is far away and clears the way to European lands under the fence, groaning without strength. Israel is glad!

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  NEW ORDER needed on earth
17 January, 2021 4:26 pm

…not to mention that this guy preferred spending
his time roaming around the Levant with 12 or so
guys like himself. The only woman in his life was
apparently his own mother. Even in the evening
before his execution the following day, it seems
he preferred the company of these 12 dudes. It
does make you wonder, doesn’t it?

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  Walt Hampton
18 January, 2021 11:03 am

suggests that the Jews kept brothels and a bunch of eunuchs. it makes me think That under the guise of Christianity and a pious religion, the cult of the Moloch Isis was sold to the whole world. And they not only put it on, they also put it in our culture in a layer. That the statue of liberty, that the statue of the Motherland – the mother – these are Jewish mystical fantasies that they pour out on us. I will not deny that the Jew did not indulge much in Christianity; he invented the Kabbalah, an even more terrible weapon of enslavement than Christianity. And even more frightening is the fact that Kabbalah has taken over science and administration in our culture. The naive Christian cattle, who discovered… Read more »

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  Walt Hampton
18 January, 2021 11:11 am

Jews are simply resourceful people. We have created a technology for creating religions and sects with different moods in each of them. We can say that the Kabbalah Talmud and other nonsense of the old Jew is an inner teaching for his own people and for the Shabezgois. And it is more voluminous than the teaching of ordinary Christians. Since the Jews, commissioned by the Sanhedrin, created Christianity, they should not have been fools so as not to improve their parasitic religion further.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
17 January, 2021 5:04 am

Clearly Pollard and Netanyahu are exultant, buy why? Why such joy? This joyousness betrays a hate for America and magnifies the lopsided, or better distorted, nature of the relationship. But I can’t condemn these people because they are only behaving rationally, they are patriots. The problem is, we don’t have any patriots among our leaders. I would say that we are a colony of Israel, but their joy at Pollard’s repatriation, would seem to place us beyond colony and more to enemy. Thank you for this video, it is stunning.

17 January, 2021 7:56 am

In a way, the mental, spiritual and emotional contortions of especially the US brand of Evangelicucks are impressive.
Takes some doing to convince yourself that muhJeebus was HuWhyte (or even existed), tha Bahble wasn’t written by Jews – or rather, dictated by Jews to cucked Greeks – Anglo-Saxons (who are NOT Germans, HOW DARE YOU?) wuz da rill Djoos and Israhell is their greatest ‘ally’……

17 January, 2021 2:01 pm

Congratulations on the appointment of your new “Foreign Minister” (((Antony Blinken)))! He has only the very best in mind for white America when he professes

“Like Kamal and Jalal, the refugees who arrive on our shores bring energy, dynamism, a desire to work hard, and a deep appreciation for the blessings of freedom and democracy.

Just imagine—for one moment—what our country would look like without them… Without (((Sergey Brin))), there is no Google. Without (((Albert Einstein))), there are no world-changing theories on physics. Without (((Marc Chagall))), our world would have less color. Without (((Madeleine Albright))), our communities of democracies might be smaller.”

Reply to  Peter
17 January, 2021 4:23 pm

I thought a lot of communities were made smaller by the efforts of Madelaine Allbright. Families too.

pj dooner
pj dooner
20 January, 2021 8:33 am
21 January, 2021 8:14 pm

This treasonous bastard should get what Julius and Ethel Rosenberg got for selling US government secrets to the Soviets.

Victor Arminius
Victor Arminius
22 January, 2021 10:56 am

I notice the Tweeter-in-Chief did not pardon Julian Assange who helped him get elected via various info drops on Wikileaks. Nor did he pardon Edward Snowden. He did however pardon two rappers and Jared Kushner’s father. Boy, we just keep on winning!

22 January, 2021 12:52 pm

Europe has to be deeply grateful to the Jews.
They have finally turned the evil white animals
into civilized cosmopolitans! Long live liberality!

22 January, 2021 12:59 pm

In other words: Europe “dances” on the Jew rope.

22 January, 2021 1:24 pm

Brits “discovered something new” 25 years ago:

America called and put cables on us
Now it’s crazy like Disneyland
Everybody can be a fool
You can’t see it but you know it’s coming
The cars are flying and the people dying
Now we’re back on the wild side again
Africa screams hot, hard and mean
In Europe the crimes are in the streets
So don’t cry baby killer, daddy’s gone a-hunting
And you know he’ll be back again

Who prevented Germany from putting the cables on America?

Evil evil “Krauts”!

22 January, 2021 1:32 pm

In Paris and Geneve
In Frankfurt and Berlin
In London, Rome and Lisbon
A crisis will begin
Do you feel anticipation ?
Do you feel you’re being used ?
It’s the resurrection showdown
It’s the winners turn to lose

22 January, 2021 1:46 pm

Brit-German duo 1985: “We need protection”.
Who is “we”? The white race apparently not.

Produced by Tony Mansfield (New “Musik”)
(“Can anyone name the Jew”?)

22 January, 2021 2:30 pm

Son of Phil Collins needed money
and produced record in Germany.

The legitimate question is why a white woman
would hatch an egg that would make a black baby?

This Ukrainian-Candian sings in British English,
but at least celebrates kinda European tradition.

Ukrainians are Nazis already because
they pacted with Nazis in the “Holocaust”.

The (((Stalinist))) Holodomor has no historical
relevance. Therefore, the Jewish “Hollywood”
will prevent any attempt to make this a success.

Lithuanians & Estonians, who were also
“involved”, rescued many “wolf children”.

22 January, 2021 2:41 pm

“Hollywood” is the is the puppet theater on the wall

22 January, 2021 4:06 pm
22 January, 2021 4:50 pm

When will the Jews stop biting off the foreskins of their toddlers? And why do the “Americans” imitate this sick naughtiness?

22 January, 2021 4:53 pm

What do the shabby Jews do with the bloody baby foreskins? Do they swallow them as a “delicacy”, bury them at the “Temple Mount”, or do they make earplugs out of them against the truth of the world? No one knows.

22 January, 2021 4:59 pm

…to make “lampshades and soap” from them (which originate
from their sick “imagination”), they would have to be collected.
Perhaps (instead of the usual placenta) they serve as a basis
for face cream for “Miss Israel”. What can honor beauty more.

22 January, 2021 5:04 pm

There was not even the speech of their sadistic animal
slaughter orgies (“kosher”). Anyone who treats animals
in this way also treats people in this way. God’s people?

22 January, 2021 5:15 pm

The view that “Judea” lies at the junction of the “three great world races” (supposedly the “navel of the world”, although it is the excretory organ of the world), which permanently drives these people to mix all races, so that everyone resembles them and they can make them their identity-less subjects, I consider very logical. Well, Germany for example lies in the heart and center of Europe, and accordingly cannot pursue such “goals” (unless it is jewifized as it is today). Therefore, it inevitably represents their “main enemy” as long as not all Germans dance to their tune. In truth, they are envious that they do not belong to anyone (except their fellow Semitic camel riders). This envy transformed itself over centuries into “moral” arrogance (“Chutzpah”). Even a teenager usually… Read more »

22 January, 2021 5:25 pm

“Israel”: a seething generator of hatred, a powerhouse of frustration, a plague on humanity, a boil on the posterior of the world, which has to deal with this mentally disturbed “species” (14 million worldwide, both before and after the war) for the rest of its life, as if it possessed no natural right to lead its only life unmolested by that crap. Now they stamp everywhere innumerable “memorials” and “museums” from the ground, so that none of us may think any more of something joyful in life.

22 January, 2021 5:29 pm

There is no “people” in the world that gets on the nerves of all other peoples with its alleged “history of suffering” in such a way. For this they expect in all seriousness to be respected, even “loved”. But what they get with this nagging, always remains only what they got since ever: superficial adaptation – and subliminal rejection.

23 January, 2021 11:32 am

This lesbo without breasts (born in San Diego) has
apparently found a new home in “Israel”. More fluid
than fluid: superfluous. Superfluous as tits on a man.

23 January, 2021 1:06 pm

Someone once said that the Jews are the “brave little tailor” who sets the related giants against themselves. They mercilessly exploit the naivety and good nature of their opponents.

Germania warns, “Michel wake up, so that in your sleep you will not be sold!”

comment image

German Sleepsheep: “I’m still fine (as long as I have Netflix and McDonalds).”

comment image

23 January, 2021 1:37 pm

“Clockwork Orange”: Jew Kubrick not only loved German music, but also married the relative of the “Nazi” director Harlan. He made his films primarily with German camera technology, and the Wehmacht proved Arriflex cam was particularly important to him.

Harlan, by the way, is not an isolated case.

23 January, 2021 6:03 pm

Once again oh so typical: Where there are Jews, abuse and
distortion of reality are not far away. The naive Frisians hired
a Jew to create an “advertising film” for their homeland. What
does this Jew do? He sexualizes the Frisian women to objects.

23 January, 2021 6:25 pm

I can only answer these Jews with Mozart.

23 January, 2021 7:11 pm

So that also the last Negro in the world finally learns that he is served like a king in the homeland of the white racists, without ever paying a cent or working, Israel wants to equip the whole of Africa and Arabia with telecommunications via satellite, disguised of course as a “humanistic concern”.

Don’t anyone claim that there is a deliberate calculation behind it!  This is all just an unfounded ancient anti-Semitic stereotype, which should finally be severely punished and condemned!