
The Hurricane

by Lord Dunsany

ONE NIGHT I sat alone on the great down, looking over the edge of it at a murky, sullen city. All day long with its smoke it had troubled the holy sky, and now it sat there roaring in the distance and glared at me with its furnaces and lighted factory windows. Suddenly I became aware that I was not the only enemy of that city, for I perceived the colossal form of the Hurricane walking over the down towards me, playing idly with the flowers as he passed, and near me he stopped and spake to the Earthquake, who had come up mole-like but vast out of a cleft in the earth.

“Old friend,” said the Hurricane, “rememberest when we wrecked the nations and drave the herds of the sea into new pasturage?”

“Yes,” said the Earthquake, drowsily; “Yes, yes.”

“Old friend,” said the Hurricane, “there are cities everywhere. Over thy head while thou didst sleep they have built them constantly. My four children the Winds suffocate with the fumes of them, the valleys are desolate of flowers, and the lovely forests are cut down since last we went abroad together.”

The Earthquake lay there, with his snout towards the city, blinking at the lights, while the tall Hurricane stood beside him pointing fiercely at it.

“Come,” said the Hurricane, “let us fare forth again and destroy them, that all the lovely forests may come back and the furry creeping things. Thou shalt whelm these cities utterly and drive the people forth, and I will smite them in the shelterless places and sweep their desecrations from the sea. Wilt thou come forth with me and do this thing for the glory of it? Wilt thou wreck the world again as we did, thou and I, or ever Man had come? Wilt thou come forth to this place at this hour to-morrow night?”

“Yes,” said the Earthquake, “Yes,” and he crept to his cleft again, and head foremost waddled down into the abysses.

When the Hurricane strode away, I got up quietly and departed, but at that hour of the next night I came up cautiously to the same spot. There I found the huge grey form of the Hurricane alone, with his head bowed in his hands, weeping; for the Earthquake sleeps long and heavily in the abysses, and he would not wake.

* * *

Source: The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories

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22 January, 2021 9:02 am

Absolute caution: This film comes from the animated cartoon studios of the Nazis, and can turn underage viewers who are not yet trained in (((multicultural world view))) into homicidal, aggressive and vicious “racists, fascists and anti-Semites”! The Nazis certainly hid secret Morse codes in it, which directly affect our subconscious!

Reply to  Peter
22 January, 2021 8:48 pm

In other words, the film should be required viewing for White kids starting in kindergarten.

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
23 January, 2021 11:08 am

Exactly: Whatever they claim, the exact opposite of it is true.

22 January, 2021 9:35 am

Here the astute observer will find the mischievous Teutonic motif again, wrapped in harmless seeming colorful cute cartoon characters and electronic reggae rhythms. Why else is a white frog chosen as a symbol, when everyone knows that Nazis have a fondness for frogs (“Pepe”), who want to exterminate harmless insect populations?

“I’m Gonna Make You Big My Friend” – isn’t this clearly a coded “MAGA” and the blatant call to build a fascist world empire at the expense of “lesser races”?

23 January, 2021 9:42 am
23 January, 2021 6:10 pm
Reply to  Peter
24 January, 2021 2:22 am Robinson Crusoe was from Kreuznach The novel character Robinson Crusoe, whose adventures were imagined by Daniel Defoe 300 years ago, could have been the son of a Kreuznach resident. The most famous castaway in the world. The lonely man on the island – exactly 300 years ago, a man from Kreuznach went down in literary history. On April 25, 1719, Daniel Defoe published the first volume of his three-book work in London under the title “The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a Sailor from York – Written by Himself”. The book caused a worldwide sensation and is still one of the most popular adventure novels in world literature. But who was this Crusoe? The character himself reports the following about his career in the novel:… Read more »