Posts Tagged
Martin Luther King
No King Over Us 2024: Do Your Part
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 January, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE SYSTEM is faltering in its decades-long worship of their plaster “saint,” “Martin Luther” King. As you probably have noticed, his “holiday” is coming on Monday. Yes, government…
100 Years of American Weakness
America: too weak now, too weak then. Let’s be strong instead. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 August, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS MONTH MARKS two anniversaries which the media are hyping in the area where I live, just north of Rust Belt central, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The first…
Jewish Morality
Jews march with Black “voting rights” protesters during the 1960s: The “civil rights” movement, like today’s “Black Lives Matter” movement, was to a large extent a Jewish-directed phenomenon. by Douglas Mercer WHEN A JEW SPEAKS of morality, and you…
MLK: Communist, Sickening Degenerate, Fetchit for Jews
FBI transcripts, 1964: MLK to one of his “civil rights” associates: “Get your damned ass down here because I have a beautiful White broad here,” referring to a White woman he and his “Southern Christian Leadership Conference” colleagues were sexually abusing…
Dinesh D’Souza Misjudges His Audience’s Opinion of MLK
by Hadding Scott SOMEBODY TELLS Dinesh D’Souza to go back to India, citing his conviction for campaign-finance fraud as a reason why his presence is undesirable. D’Souza responds by rhetorically asking his interlocutor, who probably is a Democrat, if he would have said the same to Martin…
New York City: Mayoral Candidate Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Whites
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams Don’t worry. He’s only the front-runner for mayor. And he’s African, who never do genocide with machetes. He also completely misses the fact that some of the “Whites” who have hurt his people are not racially European at all. This controlled media…
Kansas City: Voters Reverse Last Year’s Decision to Rename Historic Street for Anti-White Communist MLK
As we see so often in America, the ostensible reasons given — by both sides — are almost never the real reasons. The battle for control of power and symbolism proceeds as always along racial lines, but Whites (and often other non-Jews) are compelled to deny their real motivations and interests,…
Degenerate, Communist MLK: National Alliance Proved Right, Again
FBI transcripts, 1964: MLK to one of his “civil rights” associates: “Get your damned ass down here because I have a beautiful White broad here,” referring to a White woman he and his “Southern Christian Leadership Conference” colleagues were sexually abusing…
Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King marching with Rabbi Abraham Heschel at a Vietnam War protest in Washington, DC in 1968. by Richard Houck THERE ARE FEW displays of ethnomasochism and xenophilia more perverse than that of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — a day in January when White and Black alike are meant to remember…
This Weekend: Blanket Your Neighborhood With MLK Truth
Join our No King Over Us truth campaign and help the National Alliance awaken the slumbering. by Rosemary Pennington
and National Vanguard staff HERE IS EVERYTHING you need: A high-quality video, a high-quality audio version of the video, a National Alliance flier in PDF form for printing and mass…
and National Vanguard staff HERE IS EVERYTHING you need: A high-quality video, a high-quality audio version of the video, a National Alliance flier in PDF form for printing and mass…