David SimsEssays

NBC: Gold Standard of Truth

NBC’s Brandy Zadrozny

by David Sims

NBC REPORTER Brandy Zadrozny has appointed herself the “go to” expert on “conspiracy theories.” She is gaslighting us in about the same way that the ADL and other Jewish groups often do. She speaks of conspiracy theories as if there never were any such thing as a true one. What that means, of course, is that either 1) conspiracies never happen, neither in business nor in politics, or 2) that if conspiracies do happen, then it simply would not be possible for any of us stuuuuupid plebs to ever figure out the general aims of, and probable parties to, any conspiracy by watching what goes on in the world, putting the pieces together, and getting it figured out.

You may remember that as recently as 1995, the idea that there was a conspiracy in which Gentile politicians in Western countries were lured into acts of pedophilia which were surreptitiously videoed by Jewish Zionists for the purpose of blackmailing them, and through them controlling the countries that those politicians were elected to lead, was denounced as “anti-Semitism” by Jewish groups such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Then in 2000 came two major pedophilia scandals, one in Brazil (search this site or the Web for Arie Scher and George Schteinberg) and the other in Italy, Sweden, Russia, and the United States, both of them implicating Jews as the major perpetrators. Jeffrey Epstein was convicted later for committing pedophilic acts himself, and, later still, he was indicted for trafficking in child prostitutes to top political figures in the US and the United Kingdom.

And in the years between Scher and Epstein, other scandals involving Jewish traffickers in child pornography and/or child prostitution emerged.

For about fifteen years, Jewish organizations were doing their damnedest to muddy the waters, distort the facts, gaslight the public, and accuse anyone who thought that there might be something to the conspiracy theory after all, despite anything the ADL and the SPLC might want to have us believe.

Well. Now that Epstein is dead and Ghislaine Maxwell is singing, we know that the conspiracy theorists were on the right track all along. We know that what Jewish groups say about Jewish doings is completely unreliable; they cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

In one of her pieces, Zadrozny admits that conspiracies do exist, but claims that all of the theories about them discussed by conservatives and right-wingers are lies. Only the ones put forward by leftists are correct, she says.

She has it backwards.

* * *

Source: Author

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Rommel 41
Rommel 41
12 September, 2020 5:53 pm

Look at the neck on that woman ! IDK > just jumped out of me. Like most in
so called ‘dinosaur’ media, I feel she’s largely unread and largely irrelevant.
I never heard of her. And certainly I speak for tens of millions. Plummeting
ratings & viewership / readership are the well known elephant in the room.
That said, doesn’t mean she shouldn’t attend ‘the day of the rope’.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Rommel 41
21 January, 2022 8:22 am
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ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
12 September, 2020 8:04 pm

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 To see the future, just look at the rearview mirrors   https://israelzionists.wordpress.com/2018/08/31/war-is-a-racket-of-the-corporations/comment-page-1/?unapproved=358&moderation-hash=1837b8226e2ad7980731549f56a44975#comment-358


For the TV hostages, it may seem cliché, but the photo and the facts are irrefutable. What facts?

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The Germans defeated France in a for no reason war declared by France – but they did not destroy it, as the communist allies have worked with a number of German non-warm cities, particularly DRESDEN. as the Communist allies did with countless demilitarized German cities especially


https://bluntundehre.blogspot.com/2020/08/26-de-agosto-1944-comienzan-los.html and the greatest naval tragedy


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These magnificent words separate good from evil: “by their fruits ye shall know them.”

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
13 September, 2020 7:17 am

Perhaps the greatest conspiracy is flattering the American people into believing their own disgusting history is glorious. Killing off the Indians. Killing off the south in the Civil War. WWI for what exactly? WWII, to keep the Germans out of North America? The Korean War to keep the Koreans from starting a domino effect. The Vietnam War to prevent the last domino from falling? When are Americans going to wake up and reject the flattery that only they can save the world by atrocities ordered on high and look at life through clear lenses?

13 September, 2020 9:05 pm

Zadrozny is just another useful idiot of the left. Conspiracies are proven in courts of law all over the world all the time. Mr XYZ conspired to murder Mr ABC, Mrs Jones conspired to defraud the federal government of 1 million dollars etc etc.
What does Zadrozny have to say about holocaust revisionists ? It’s the only “conspiracy theory” I know of that can get you jail time. On the one hand governments that have holocaust denial laws say that they are talking rubbish and on the other hand they say that the revisionist viewpoint is so dangerous it is against the law. You can’t have it both ways !

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Les
21 January, 2022 8:47 am

Leftism is a criminal ideology even before it was cited by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. (https://fliegende-wahrheit.com/2020/07/09/das-letzte-battalion-teil-9-der-mond-unter-der-lupe/#comment-5034)    ITALY AND GERMANY CREATORS OF CHRISTIAN CULTURE  The two nations, the German and Italian, who created the European, and through that the Christian, conception of culture for mankind, were accused, condemned and almost brought to the abyss by an unholy combination of superior forces as aggressor nations. Now, who in truth are the real aggressors? Let us consider this in the light  of the historical and geographical facts, for only from the knowledge of the past can the present be understood. Just take a look at the map of our globe. What do you see? You see in red a giant territory from the Baltic Sea, the Elbe River and the Black Sea, extending over two Continents as far… Read more »

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
21 January, 2022 8:12 am

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 “THIS is the little book that opened my eyes about the mass of massive lies we’ve all been told about Germany under National Socialism, and specifically it’s Chancellor, Adolf Hitler.
    To my mind the greatest lie was that “Adolf Hitler planned to conquer the world and enslave the inhabitants of all nations”. In reality the ones making those accusations are the ones who plan to conquer the world. The defeat of Germany was a defeat for all the inhabitants of the world, just as Adolf Hitler predicted.
   The group promulgating that big lie was successful in its efforts to instill a deep sense of both fear and hatred of the man who wanted only to restore some of the areas of land that had been sliced out of Germany by the Versailles Treaty after WWI, bring the German people back into the fold of their natural country borders, and protect western Europe from the Communist/Bolshevik tyranny threatening to wreak its havoc throughout the continent, and the world.”  Nesta Webster 

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Every barbarity attributed to the Germans was proven to be commented on by their accusers – the promoters of the second war Every accusation without documentation is slander

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William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
22 January, 2022 8:25 pm

Ah, NBC — National Bolshevik Corporation News! Thanks for this, David.

Zadrozny admits that conspiracies do exist, but claims that all of the theories about them discussed by conservatives and right-wingers are lies. Only the ones put forward by leftists are correct, she says.

Some NV readers may have missed this expose of another lying blonde, this one a reader of Jewish scripts at an NBC affiliate in West Virginia: https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/12/more-media-lies-about-the-national-alliance/

As long as Jews have a fairly White attractive girl reading their lies in media they control, the TV watching news rubes will generally believe those lies. Unless refuted by truth- tellers!

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WVVA “multimedia journalist”
Annie Moore

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
22 January, 2022 9:15 pm

For presstitutes in America, it has been all gain (they get paid, then go home and live peaceably) and no pain. That’s changing with the push towards violent anarchism in America being on the rise. Groups like “antifa” and “Black lives matter” don’t like being exposed at their worst behavior on the air and will physically assault anyone trying to document them. Corporate outfits that subsidize Jewed media outlets are also facing huge problems. With money –being the lifeblood that keeps NBC affiliate WVVA and so many others employing their Annie Moores– being devalued by a variety of critical economic setbacks, it’s possible many Jewed media outlets will become failured ventures soon. We can’t count on that, of course, but must stay the course in the building of our own… Read more »