Inexplicable Gaffe? Trump on Ghislaine Maxwell: “I Wish Her Well”
The Jewess “Maxwell” is charged with procuring young White girls for sex slavery to billionaire Jew and pervert Jeffrey Epstein, who was running a teen and pre-teen (at least one of the White girls passed around at Epstein’s estates was 12) prostitution and blackmail operation targeting the rich and powerful. The officials involved in Maxwell’s prosecution also appear to be Jews.
PRESIDENT TRUMP on Tuesday said he wishes Ghislaine Maxwell well as the associate of Jeffrey Epstein awaits a trial on charges that she helped recruit girls who were sexually abused.
“I haven’t really been following it too much. I just wish her well, frankly. I’ve met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach,” Trump told reporters at a White House briefing on the coronavirus pandemic.
“But I wish her well, whatever it is,” he added.
Maxwell pleaded not guilty earlier this month to sex crime and perjury charges. Authorities allege she helped entice and transport minors to engage in sexual acts in the mid-1990s. Her trial is scheduled to begin in July 2021.
A Manhattan judge denied her bail at her hearing, saying she posed a risk to flee the country.
Trump’s connections to Epstein and Maxwell came under scrutiny after Epstein was indicted last summer on sex trafficking charges. The billionaire killed himself in his jail cell last August while awaiting trial.
Prior to his death, prosecutors in New York alleged that Epstein, 66, engaged in sex acts with girls as young as 14 and had some girls recruit others to be part of an alleged sex trafficking operation. Epstein denied any wrongdoing.
Trump and Epstein were known to run in the same social circles in New York and Florida. Trump told New York magazine in a 2002 article that Epstein is a “terrific guy” and “a lot of fun to be with.”
He has since said that the two had a falling out and had not seen or spoken to each other in years.
It is truly bizarre that Trump would send good wishes to an accused Jewish procurer of minor girls, and proved associate of sex trafficker in underage White girls Jeffrey Epstein. Has he ever sent good wishes to any other accused people? — White people falsely accused of crime in politically-motivated cases perhaps?
There are many odd connections between Trump, Epstein, and Maxwell, including the fact that the US Attorney, Acosta, who gave Epstein the “sweetheart” non-prosecution deal a decade ago was later a member of Trump’s cabinet. And then there’s the Jewish uber-Zionist Alan Dershowitz, who was Epstein’s lawyer and friend, and author of the “sweetheart” deal, and who is accused of raping underage White girls at Epstein’s estate, who is now one of Donald Trump’s lawyers and appears with him at White House events.
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Source: The Hill and National Vanguard correspondents
Ghislaine perhaps has in it her power to
potentially bring down the US Government
by naming names. July of 2021 is a long
way off. I see three things in the works:
Definitely #3, she wouldn’t have been in the states if her arrest wasn’t planned by her bosses. I don’t think it’s to hurt Trump, he’s too supportive of Israel for them to want him out of office, so it’s something else.
The judge, Alison Nathan, is an open lesbian jewess whose “wife,” also jewish, is a professor at NYU. The attorney who represented Maxwell at the hearing was jew Mark Cohen. The lawyer representing six of Epstein’s victims is jewess Lisa Bloom. The lead prosecutor at the hearing was Ausa Allison Moe. Was unable to verify her race. Jews arguing / collaborating with jews over the fate of a Mossad agent. .
Greetings Claus. The judge, prosecutor and defence are all Jews. What could be fairer and more impartial than that? They are trying their own case, as usual.
The main reason for anti-Semitism is: Semitism.
HA! Definitely not a gaffe if he intentionally said it twice! Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on one of her tapes….