“BLM Now MF”: Mulatto BLM Supporter Kneels on White Baby’s Neck While Black Female Wrenches Helpless Child’s Arms
One report states that the Mulatto sexually abused the White baby before this filmed physical abuse. A White mother separated from the White father of their child; she then entered into an interracial relationship; this is the result for her child.
A PHOTOGRAPH of a Black man kneeling on the neck of a White baby while a Black woman holds the diapered child’s arms is stirring up a massive amount of rage on social media.
The shocking and disturbing photograph, which was captioned by the abusers as “Blm now mf” is beginning to make the rounds after being uncovered by Vincent James of Red Elephants.
Posts on Facebook from people claiming to be familiar with the man said that his name is Isaiah Jackson and that he has been arrested in Ohio.
The man in the photograph does appear to be Jackson, based on his Facebook profile, but we have not been able to verify other allegations against him in the screenshots included in James’ Facebook post. An Isaiah Jackson was arrested on July 20 in Ohio for a probation violation.
The grandmother of the child in the photo wrote on Facebook that it was taken while the two-year-old was with his mother. His mother is dating Jackson.
The very angry grandmother said that the baby is now with her son and safe. She is currently attempting to find out who was holding the child’s legs and who took the photo.
“My son is beyond pissed. He took his boy to the ER to get checked out and everything came back good,” the grandmother wrote. “He better be glad nothing bad happened to my grandson and he better hide from all the people who will be coming for him when he gets out of jail.”
WHIO TV 7 reports that “investigators in Clark County said they are investigating the post, however no arrests have been made and charges have not been filed.” Their report said that according to emergency scanner traffic, deputies, police, and medics were called to two different addresses Tuesday morning in Clark County as a part of the investigation.
“We are looking into this case, however it is still an active investigation. At this point we are actively looking into it and we are very early on into this investigation,” Maj. Chris Clark said in an emailed statement to the station.
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Source: Gateway Pundit
WTH….If this was the other way around it would be media coverage 24-7…Yet I probably wouldn’t have even HEARD of this if not for stumbling on it….This is sickening. We need to rally as a people and find our line in the sand. Multiculturalism WILL NEVER WORK! Its time to drive the Jew and their black and brown “trojan horse” OUT of white nations! They have long since violated the agreement to stay in the west as “guests” by demanding more and more- Our kindness has been repayed in an ocean of blood at their hands. Believe me, if only 20 percent of white America had seen what I have seen, they would ALREADY have declared war on Jew and their hordes….When they start preying on our Children, THAT should… Read more »
People should stop agonizing about the destruction of the U.S. We need to put our efforts into supporting and helping our own people. The U.S. has become too anti White to survive in its present form. Time to move on.
Exactly, you are a big nation and i am sure it’s possible for you white nationalists to create your own community, a separate society.
Yes, Karen. It is over.
Fully agree “America” simply must implode and die if the White race is to have a future as its the main enabler and exporter of anti-White and cultural degeneracy to the entire world.
I surprised they even bothered arresting him.
Jackson was arrested for a probation violation, not for kneeling on the child’s neck. Authorities are investigating. So, he has prior convictions. Go figure.
Additionally, a Black school teacher urged him to “..lean into it until death.”
Don’t bother waiting for the (((media))) outrage — just keep working on the 14 words.
I see that woman, she think he has the christian cross around his neck.
It is not a christian cross, it’s the anch, the old egyptian cross, symbol.
We all know by now they consider them selves being the ancient “kangz of Kemet”.
But we must be aware that there are so many fakes these days, and with that i mean our enemies are fabricating alot of fakes, it’s tactics to make us look like fools.
…I read that the Mulatto was arrested for an outstanding probation violation, NOT for what he did to the white child!
I wonder if the (((Authorities))) and their order-followers will go after the Grandmother of the child for daring to promise the punishment that the (((traitor-state))) will not deign to.
In my opinion, a half-breed or quarter-breed Negro is far more unstable and more dangerous than a full-blown tar goblin from the fens of Africa.
I think I have felt, at times, the hate of the black educator from the image below. I believe that my feelings would be the equivalent of his on many occasions. However, I can’t imagine–even in jest–suggesting or condoning the murder of a helpless black child. I suspect that far from being a black separatist, he’s a coward who had no problem with blacks mixing with us. Quite frankly, “black nationalism” includes white women. If it were a female white child, he may have objected. There’s no doubt that he considers that mulatto a full member of his nation. So there’s no ideology of course. Just the negroid doing his thing as programed by nature. Additionally, I get a strong sense of a homosexual tie-in here, in regards to the… Read more »
‘[W]e are very early on into this investigation’ – every time there’s an attack on white people or white culture/property we get this same non-committal statement from police, whether it’s in America, UK, France…
Hang this heboon coward! If the legal establishment, media, or government turns a blind eye to this, then I don’t object to calling for this savage’s death for abusing a White toddler.