Unprecedented Decline?
IS THE SPEED of the United States of America’s decline from world supremacy to impending Third World status unprecedented in history? Seems so to me at least. Argentina — once with one of the world’s highest per capita incomes — has certainly become Third World. But that took nearly a century and it never came even close to the preeminence achieved by the US. Believe me when I say that the US — assuming it stays United — is headed the same way as Argentina.
- A country which recently had a Black president who kept all the loot for his own tribe and cronies
- A country that fights over spoils on an ethnic basis
- A country in which a President can order the killing of anyone he chooses without legal constraint
- A country whose constitution is ignored as a matter of course
- A country with an increasingly militarised domestic police force
- A country in which emails, phone calls, and text messages can be intercepted without a warrant
- A country whose judges rule not on the basis of the law rather on their political and social preferences
- A country with legislation (NDAA) that allows its military to arrest, imprison, and torture without due process
- A country in which a bankrupt treasury debases the currency
What’s so special about the USA’s decline? To my mind, it’s resulted from marginalising the people who built the country to its former preeminence. In the younger age cohorts, such people are now a minority. A minority whose traditions, achievements, and culture are mocked and denied. America is a country where so-called White privilege has been turned on its head. Whites, especially White males, are now discriminated against at every stage of their lives. This is not just outrageously unfair but it also hastens national decline. Due to quotas, “Affirmative Action,” and legal rulings on “disparate impact,” pivotal business and government agencies have become swamped with barely literate unqualified, corrupt, unhelpful, and incompetent ‘minorities’, right up to the top levels. Meanwhile, capable Whites, the kind of people who’d have produced world-class performance at those agencies have been downgraded and marginalised.
As Plato said, ‘this City is what it is because our citizens are what they are’. And America is what it is because its citizens are what they are. And what they are is increasingly Third World. Standards everywhere have been debased to the lowest common denominator to accommodate lazy and incompetent ‘minorities’.
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Source: The Irish Savant
As I said before, crying over spilled milk is not achieved, we are in a fight for our survival. Do you understand that Whitey? .. The age of understanding is past ..
After throwing off a king, Patricians created a Republic of Rome pretty much catering to their own class welfare. Those left out, the laboring and soldier class, Plebeians, withdrew. The Patricians, noticing they no longer had a laboring class, regrouped and passed a new law. That law was that there shall be an office of Tribune, staffed by the lower classes with full veto-power over any lawmaking. That did it, the people came together and Rome was created. We have two problems with this story in America. First, we don’t have a Patrician class because no titles of nobility shall be issued by the new government. The second problem is that we do not have a cohesive Plebeian class because some are bribed and some are not. This is because… Read more »
You have to be kidding. There are hundreds of thousands of examples of how a society run by nobility, kings, queens, emperors, etc, have ended in brutal, nightmarish, violence, torturous violence and debaucherous nobility.
The Rothschild family married into the English Royal family and they are the nobility that rule over us to this day. It is a fact, that the USA is ruled over by a nobility. The USA Government is just a middle-man, paper pushers and front men/face men. The face men are the people being bribed and played by the nobility. The nobility that owns the Federal Reserve that creates the money.
England’s monarchy was hijacked by the Jews in 1688 in the “Velvety Revolution” that deposed King James II. From then on, the monarchy has been for display only. The English nobility was taken down by WWI when the nobility were expected to officer the army and did so with many killed off. After 1688, the English monarchy was lost. Kings may not always be perfect but are the only antidote to Kakistocracy, where we are now, and not only Kakistocracy, worse, hidden Kakistocracy.
‘The best form of government is a good monarchy. The worst form of government is a bad monarchy’
Can’t remember off the top of my head who said that (Plato ?), but it’s pretty close.
Throughout history, people got the most positively charged and excited about young, dynamic warrior Kings – with good reason.
Society is like a machine with many moving parts. That there were kings who did not understand this, king John of Magna Carta, is clear. But the greater incentive is to optimize that machine through good government which greater kings understood and played to. In the meantime, the purpose of government is to distill the peoples power down to a focal point that gets things done and nothing does this like a good monarch and there have been many they just don’t get talked about.
Possibly some day, Whites won’t have even the right to remain silent on any matter; it’s not only about interrogation at a police station, but about private and public discourse.
Die Religiosität hat die Werte der westlichen Zivilisation geleitet
Warum sollte die Gesellschaftmatterzelle – die Familie – zerstört werden? https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/05/racial-idealism-vs-racial-bolshevism/
Weil sie ähnlich der deutschen Seele und Weltanschaung ist
Die Geschichte wird vom Projekt Gottes geleitet, einem Projekt, das immer auf Freiheit und Leben ausgerichtet ist: https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/02/by-their-fruits-ye-shall-know-them/#comment-27395
Das Schicksal einer Gesellschaft hängt immer von der Haltung ab, die sie angesichts dieses Projekts einnimmt: Entweder wird sie Freiheit und Leben haben oder Sklaverei und Tod erzeugen https://www.unz.com/gdurocher/hitler-and-or-chomsky-on-capitalist-democracy/#comment-3866333
Everything can be defined in the following sentence, “A country does not make it the territory, nor the natural wealth that it possesses, if not the quality of its inhabitants”, let us look at the case of Japan or Singapore. Argentina was one of the most prosperous and cultured countries in the world, at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, due to preferential European immigration, when that ended the change was notoriously negative. Now I have said it before, that the three fundamental factors of a great civilization are: Ethnocentrism, Homogeneity, and high IQ. If any one of the three fails it will be harmful. In the case of the USA, this country is weakening in the three factors already mentioned. The… Read more »
You must keep the Jews out or under control. The white man is naturally competitive and that competition leads to great societies but also makes the white man vulnerable to Jewish hegemony which is a product of Jewish cooperation in surmounting white competition. One tactic of the Jews is consolidation which is cooperation. This kills off the white man that thrives on the opposite, diversification. The two cultures are simply incompatible with the cooperating one always supplanting the competitive one.
It’s a damn shame that our government has no loyalty to America.
Karen, what makes you so sure they are “our” government?
After all, we know where their loyalties truly lie.
Big capital has historically demonstrated in its enslaving nature that it needs an FED https://www.gegenfrage.com/banken-militaer-usa/ that finances wars of looting and annihilation of any racial or spiritual nationalist intention. https://michael-mannheimer.net/2018/11/02/ueber-die-luege-der-urschuld-deutschlands-an-den-beiden-weltkriegen-schon-1899-wurde-auf-einem-internationalen-freimaurer-kongress-in-paris-beschlossen-deutschland-zu-vernichten/
All horizontal, egalitarian ideology is enslaving since by the law of nature meritocracy is vertical.
Every Civilization that lets Jews/Ashkenazis in, eventually succumbs to a brutal death, as the Sociopathic Parasites infest and then devour the Civilization from inside out. I do not follow Middle Eastern Mythology, but the Bible is full of stories of exactly this taking place. That is why the Bible Jews were always wandering around in deserts. No sane, intelligent civilization would allow them in. They knew what would happen. That is also why these parasitic sociopaths have been kicked out of 100+ countries in more recent times.
(Note: I do not believe the stories in the Bible, but it was written by men, so every now and again, there is going to be some historical points written.)
The non-Jew-wise and Protocols unfamiliar find the state of our Jew run world enigmatic. The Jew-wise and Protocols familiar find the state of our Jew run world an outcome.
Having plundered America to the bone, and set the US Tyranny loose upon us, the Jews are now returning to their new target of plunder, Europe. As Barbara Spectre inadvertently gave away.
“Evil gathers where Jews are.”
The problem is not the Chosen but the Hidden. The hidden facts; circumstances concerning biological, historical, social truths and consequently the misperceptions of what is real in America and life itself. The crowd neither seeks nor wants knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, tries to strengthen its fear of everything new and unknown. The slavery upon which mankind lives is based upon this fear.
If you actually believe that “the problem is not the Chosen,” boy are you at the wrong Web site.
The Chosen depend upon the Hidden (the silent majority of Whites) economically and to enforce the agenda. That’s why it doesn’t move to Brazil, or sub-saharan Africa, or Japan, etc. The Chosen pursues punishing individual Whites for not being submissive, despite the legality of their acts, under the guise of the Hidden being successful collectively, a majority, and therefore privileged. So the Hidden carries out such punishment. If a general in the US Army says blacks lack the intelligence and drive to be Rangers near the same proportion that they enlist ( see https://youtu.be/hKXKnspQmEg ), who will literally force him out? None comprising the Chosen will sign those documents. I don’t propose individual sacrifice in such circumstances since that’s what the Chosen wants – object lessons. What’s needed, and why… Read more »
To speak the truth will never be to speak ill of something or someone. When reporting and describing that the Thames River is filthy, rotten and fetid, one is not speaking ill of it, but describing its state and nature https://archive.is/8AruB http://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-nuclear-nightmare-a-jewish-gift-to-humanity/ The Architects of Evil https://www.darkmoon.me/2018/the-architects-of-evil/ New Book: A Jew Reveals the Perfidy of the Jews https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/12/new-book-a-jew-reveals-the-perfidy-of-the-jews/ JUDEN UND ARABEN „GENETISCHE BRÜDER“ https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/01/judios-y-arabes-geneticos.html DIE JÜDISCHE WELT ENIGMA: „WANN ENDET DIE JÜDISCHE GEFAHR? https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2018/11/el-enigma-mundial-de-la-cuestion-judia.html DIE JUDEN UND DAS CHRISTENTUM https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2018/12/los-judios-y-el-cristianismo.html MENSCHLICHES Opfer und jüdische Religion https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/04/sacrificio-humano-y-religion-judia.html DIE JÜDISCHE RELIGION ALS WAFFE DER ERoberung https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/08/la-religion-judia-como-arma-de-conquista.html https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/search?q=RELIGI%C3%93N LA CHEKA, ORGAN DER REPRESSION UND SOWJETISCHEN TORTUR https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/12/20-de-December-1917-se-crea-la-cheka.html DER OSTER DES BLUTES – MODERNE UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZU JÜDISCHEN RITUELLEN KRIMINALITÄTEN https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/04/la-pascua-de-sangre-investigaciones_14.html FREITAG CHRISTIAN. PÉSAJ JUDÍO – LOS RITUALES MURDERERS https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/03/vrenda-santo-cristiano-pesaj-judio-los.html KURZER KOMMENTAR ZU JÜDISCHEN RITUALEN… Read more »
The image that does not appear above, referring to the speech of June 25, 1982, is still accessible through the TOR browser. Just copy the URL

To my mind, it’s resulted from parasitical Jews worming their way into power and then inverting the indigenous culture.
They say man came from the monkey. If that’s true, then here is were Jews came from: