David SimsEssays

Thoughts on the Coronavirus

by David Sims

THE CORONAVIRUS was first brought to Italy by a Pakistani migrant who worked at a Chinese restaurant. He served food to customers, and he made home deliveries, spreading COVID-19 everywhere he went.

When his infection was discovered, the Italian civil authorities asked him to self-isolate. He ignored them. When his unlawful disobedience was discovered, Italian military forces chased him down and returned him to his home, and warned him sternly to remain there.

The migrant has been charged and faces up to three months in jail for failing to self-isolate as required by article 650 of the Italian penal code. Because of this migrant, more than 10,000 Italians have the coronavirus disease, and 631 of them have died of it.

Italy’s number of cumulative known cases has doubled in three days.

The number of cases outside China has now surpassed 30,000. In the USA, coronavirus cases are known to exist in 35 states.

The variant of ncov19 that is most likely to affect Americans has a fatality rate of about three per cent. Of course, that is averaged over all demographic groups. The rate is lower for younger people, and it is higher for older people.

As of 20h UTC on 10 March 2020, here are the latest figures. China is omitted because of its dishonest reported numbers.

10149 cases in Italy, with 631 deaths
8042 cases in Iran, with 291 deaths
7513 cases in South Korea, with 60 deaths
1784 cases in France, with 33 deaths
1674 cases in Spain, with 35 deaths
1458 cases in Germany, with 2 deaths
805 cases in the United States, with 28 deaths
581 cases in Japan, with 17 deaths
497 cases in Switzerland, with 3 deaths
382 cases in the Netherlands, with 4 deaths
375 cases in the United Kingdom, with 6 deaths
351 cases in Sweden, no deaths reported
304 cases in Norway, no deaths reported
267 cases in Belgium, no deaths reported
264 cases in Denmark, no deaths reported
182 cases in Austria, no deaths reported
166 cases in Singapore, no deaths reported
129 cases in Malaysia, no deaths reported
120 cases in Hong Kong, with 3 deaths
110 cases in Bahrain, no deaths reported
103 cases in Australia, with 3 deaths

Coronavirus is teaching us lessons that we should have learned long ago, which we had better learn now:

Open borders – stupid idea
Economic interdependence – stupid idea
Just-in-time supply practice – stupid idea

* * *

Source: Author

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12 March, 2020 2:31 am

During the SARS epidemic I heard that it was a type of cold virus. I remembered that a science program stated that all cold viruses could be killed if the sufferer was kept in a room where the temperature was at 43’C for half an hour, three times in one day. I wasted hours attempting to convey this information to medical authorities because, at that time, my country did not have a Center for Disease Control. Can the Coronavirus be killed by temperature?

Reply to  Truthweed
17 March, 2020 8:02 pm

First someone needs to truthfully tell the public what the virus actually is.

I go with the hypothesis that it’s a strain of flu deliberately left un-vaccinated in order to bring totalitarianism rule to the white west. We’re at the start of this right now.

13 March, 2020 8:09 am

Does anyone else find it suspect that Israel has now declared it has potentially developed a vaccine for the Coronavirus?
Something stinks to high heaven I think….

We better start waking up from our trance and realize what is going on.

Reply to  Icknay
15 March, 2020 5:01 pm

another issue here is that this an Israel made vaccine; would YOU inject a foreign Jewish made substance into your body ??

Reply to  Howard
16 March, 2020 11:35 am

Hello Howard.
At this point, I wouldn’t trust any foreign substance injected into my body, whether its Jewish made or not.

13 March, 2020 9:13 am

Economic independence, control of borders and the quality of those who go through them, the pitfall of just in time supply practices– all are very good points.

The “authorities” are focusing on the political angles of the situation in too many instances and enjoy pointing fingers at each other, but don’t seem to care much for addressing a vital issue to help everyone survive- and that’s good nutrition. Some foods assist our immune system better than others and could be pointed out now that the virus is among us.

Daniele Bettini
Daniele Bettini
15 March, 2020 3:59 pm

Say no to patridiotism https://www.lavocedelnord.net/2020/03/14/dire-no-al-patridiotismo/ Italian flags on the balconies, hymns of Italy to sing, Italian pride everywhere. We have arrived at the paradox in which we sing the hymns of the state which, although growing more and more in terms of costs and dimensions, provides us with fewer and fewer services, sometimes with lethal consequences as in these cases. Do we all have to be united in these moments? Balle! Unity of action and intent against the virus does not mean having to pretend that the State for which we should sing the anthem has no…

15 March, 2020 10:01 pm

Another instance of (repeat after me everybody):

“Diversity is our greatest strength.”

15 March, 2020 10:04 pm

“When his infection was discovered, the Italian civil authorities asked him to self-isolate. He ignored them. When his unlawful disobedience was discovered, Italian military forces chased him down and returned him to his home, and warned him sternly to remain there.”

If Mussolini were in charge, the Italian military would’ve tracked down this diseased interloper and shot him on the spot.

16 March, 2020 9:26 am

The virus is exposing splits in our multicultural society, just like that dirty Paki did in Italy. Last week, I trail-rode a mtn. bike in a large heavily wooded park in a Southern city – something only whites do there. A group of 15 or so 20-something negroids was hanging out at the picnic tables, laughing loudly. As I exited to the parking lot, one hollared “yo old dude you should be home – on lock down” which drew the expected derisive chuckles. Young negroids already know that age immunizes them, through experience in hot-zones like NYC, and word of mouf elsewhere. They may see this as an asian and white people’s disease, from news reports on cases in China and Europe, and infection of American celebrities and officials. So… Read more »

16 March, 2020 11:20 am

Hello everyone. Here is a very interesting article that I accidentally bumped into recently. The link to this article now stamped as “withdrawn” is at the bottom. I would also appreciate a response from anyone at NV who has a background on this type of research and can confirm if this is legit. ……..”During January of 2020 a team of nine high-level researchers at the University of Delhi’s Kusuma School of Biological Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology investigated the RNA side of the genetic blueprint of the COVID-19 virus”……… …….The main finding of the study so far is that the genetic structure of the virus has “4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV [COVID-19] and are not present in other coronaviruses.” …………The… Read more »

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
17 March, 2020 1:03 pm

The situation is changing fast with this virus, and for the good. People are using the term “social distancing” liberally. That is just a short step to acceptance of “racial distancing” for racial health. This morning I heard this fellow Lawrence Costin (ethnicity unspecified) on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal recommend “social separation” several times, relating to the virus. That sounds like good advice. Even better advice is “racial separation,” again for racial health. The coronavirus will pass eventually and things will be back to normal…or will they? The stock market will rebound from it’s recent 30% dive, or will it? These are good times for the White race, if Whites will finally be made to look at what it will take to gain good racial health: racial distancing and racial separation.… Read more »


“This morning I heard this fellow Lawrence Costin (ethnicity unspecified) on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal recommend “social separation” several times”

Lol. He’s a Jew. I’m certain of it. However, I do agree with his comments regarding social separation (from our perspective, separation from non-whites).

Reply to  Phil
17 March, 2020 5:40 pm

Phil, when Whites in South Africa had finally became totally alienated there, some fled the country for other countries that aren’t in the final terminal stages of “Diversity” and “Equality.”

Some had a better idea and didn’t travel far to accomplish it: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/oct/24/an-indictment-of-south-africa-whites-only-town-orania-is-booming

The National Alliance seeks to do something similar and has begun here in the US.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Phil
19 March, 2020 2:40 pm

He’s a Jew. I’m certain of it.

I figured as much, by his phizog alone, but couldn’t confirm.

However, I do agree with his comments regarding social separation (from our perspective, separation from non-whites).

You agree with my point about healthful racial separation, then. To hell with social separation (from our perspective, that is).