
Jewish Censorship: Meet the New Plan, Same as the Old Plan

Introduction by Bradford Hanson: Here in this Washington Post article is the latest excrescence, excerpted below, of the System’s thinking about how they are going to try to stop the avalanche of awakening that the National Alliance, National Vanguard, and other truth-tellers have started. It’s mostly just a rehash of what they’re doing already: More censorship, more deplatforming, and, hilariously, more “anti-racist” propaganda in the controlled media — which is already so saturated with such more and more obviously anti-White agenda-driven Jewish garbage that it’s actually helping the awakening. Below are the relevant sections of the piece, which just came out today. It’s interesting how much they inadvertently admit to here.

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SO what do we do?

While restricting Internet hate speech is important, we might also consider devising a counterattack. Almost a century ago, when Jewish advocacy groups confronted the spread of fascist propaganda in the United States, they cooperated with other organizations and American mass media to produce counterpropaganda. This history shows that when social activists and media industry professionals join forces, they can mount a formidable challenge to the toxic rhetoric of the far right.

American anti-Semitism reached an apogee in the 1930s, spurred by the radio diatribes of the known anti-Semite Father Charles Coughlin and the scapegoating of Jews for the Great Depression. In response, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) established the Survey Committee, made up of professionals in fields including advertising, Hollywood filmmaking, broadcasting and academia. Its objective was to monitor the dissemination of anti-Semitic propaganda in the United States. Under advertising executive Richard Rothschild’s direction, the Survey Committee also mounted a counterattack, producing what historian Stuart Svonkin calls “propaganda against prejudice.”

The Survey Committee quickly evolved into a complex web of interconnected committees, divisions and sections. The Film Section advised Hollywood studios to ensure their films didn’t inadvertently perpetuate Jewish stereotypes. The Magazine Section placed news items and editorials about the harmful effects of prejudice in some of the nation’s most popular publications. And the Mass Media Education Committee, made up of powerful executives from the advertising and entertainment industries, met regularly to discuss new ways of using media to curb social biases.

The head of the Radio-Television Section was Milton Krents. Newly hired at the AJC, Krents stood before a map of the United States and, like a general positioning troops on the battlefield, used pin tacks to identify radio stations. “Today, Nazi Germany is waging a new kind of war,” he wrote in an essay for the Contemporary Jewish Record (the predecessor to Commentary magazine). “In place of the shock troops of the first World War are giant radio transmitters firing their invisible salvos of subversive ideas in a never-ceasing barrage.” For Krents, propaganda was as powerful as artillery fire.

A bevy of media theories and tactics emerged from the AJC’s work. Each had a unique name, usually dreamed up by either Rothschild or Krents.

“Quarantine” was Rothschild’s term for relegating anti-Semitic smears to the margins of public discourse. The goal was to avoid inadvertently publicizing Nazi invective. In the essay “Are American Jews Falling Into the Nazi Trap?” Rothschild wrote that when the Germans claimed their objective was to safeguard civilization from the Jews, American Jews shouldn’t contest the point; that would only serve to spread the lie. Instead, they should flip the script by characterizing the Nazis as the threat. Then they should identify their cause as America’s cause and show that America represents the forces of good.

Another strategy, coined by Krentz, was “salting in,” or sprinkling positive messages into popular programming. Krents preferred this method to producing original anti-prejudice broadcasts, arguing that when messages are “salted in,” they are less likely to “boomerang,” or be rejected by the public as Jewish propaganda.

Krents “salted in” socially liberal messages on the “Uncle Don” radio show, a popular children’s program that reached millions of young listeners over station WOR in New York. The Mass Media Division helped develop “Superman” story lines that pitted the caped crusader against the forces of fascism, both foreign and domestic. The committee even created new series, such as the 1942 radio show “Dear Adolph,” in which archetypal Americans read letters to the Führer and pledged their support to overcome leaders who would, as James Cagney declared, “set class against class, whites against negroes, Christians against Jews. And we know they’re playing Adolph’s game — and we’re onto them.”

The AJC didn’t mount its counterpropaganda campaign alone. There were many civic organizations, defense leagues and civil rights associations engaged in the fight. Spurred by the rise of the Nazi propaganda machine, these groups marshaled the power of American mass media to fight extremism.

After the war, they continued to operate as a united front, fighting not just anti-Semitism but “prejudice,” a purposely broad term identifying the common enemy of America’s diverse racial, ethnic and religious groups. As part of this effort, the AJC helped produce “The Challenge,” a hybrid film noir/informational film dramatizing the 1947 report issued by the President’s Committee on Civil Rights. In the 1950s and 1960s, the AJC presented anti-prejudice TV specials that aired on the “Big Three” networks — NBC, CBS and ABC — reaching as many as 7 million viewers in a single evening.

When Jacinda Ardern, the prime minister of New Zealand, refused to say the name of the Christchurch shooter before the news media, she was implementing the strategy of quarantine. When Web hosting and Internet security providers denied services to 8chan and Gab, temporarily shutting down these sites, which hatemongers have used as platforms, the noxious rhetoric of the far right was somewhat contained.

If today’s media industry professionals — from social media chief executives to TV writers to celebrities to online advertisers — want to stem the tide of extremism online and across culture, they should coordinate with advocacy groups on the model developed by the AJC, not only working to contain incendiary speech but also producing counterpropaganda against hate.

Today’s media landscape is dramatically different from that of the mid-20th century, but the problems we confront now are also frighteningly familiar and enduring. As racism and bigotry online continue to inspire acts of bloodshed, looking to the past for answers becomes more urgent. We don’t have time to lose.

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Source: Washington Post and National Vanguard correspondents

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Free Speech is Fundamentally “Anti-Semitic”

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101 Years Ago Today: Jewish, Leftist Criminals Stabbed My Country in the Back

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13 November, 2019 2:42 pm

National Vanguard is the true Anti-Hate website!

14 November, 2019 5:00 pm

It should be added that the ADL has been heavily involved in producing massive amounts of propaganda too. California Senator Jack B. Tenney was head of investigations into communist subversion during the 1940s and early 1950s. Metapedia says that Tenney “realized that the Jews were promoting the twin evils of Communism and Zionism.” In “Zion’s Fifth Column” he wrote a vivid description of the extensive propaganda operation that he had an opportunity to personally see in action.

The ADL also worked with progressive educators and tax-exempt foundations during the 1950s in distributing “Freedom Pamphlets” in high schools and colleges. These may have been among the first to start accusing Americans of anti-semitism and racism, therefore in need of cure by programs of human relations training.

Jay Johnson
Jay Johnson
21 November, 2019 4:27 pm

Who built the world as we know it today?! Not the world of lies, hate, and war constructed by the Jews, but the physical world. The world built upon the dirt that mankind lived so close to not so long ago?! White people infused with the Protestant work ethic is who.

Proof, you ask?! Well, Latin America was colonized by those subsumed by the Jew founded Catholic Church and crypto-Jew infiltrated Catholic Jesuits. North America, above the Rio, was colonized by white people predominately of Protestant faith and work ethic. The contrast of the outcomes speaks for itself.

We built that. White and proud.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Jay Johnson
21 November, 2019 5:15 pm

On average, the Protestant churches are and were just as Jewish-influenced as any other. I let your comment through, reluctantly — but we don’t approve of or prefer one strain of Christianity over another here. We look forward. To something better, something new. Something that William Pierce gave us: Cosmotheism. And we definitely don’t disparage fellow Whites on any national or subracial basis. The Whiter parts of Latin America are full of millions of White people who are our brothers and sisters. Living there, I am told, is very similar to living in the Old America of my youth, and better in some ways. And the heavily Third World parts of the US might as well be the Third World itself. When I visited Cicero, Illinois, it didn’t just look… Read more »

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
22 November, 2019 1:35 am

The protestant churches have been a sanctuary for whites. Until recent decades, no other institution along with its schools has been as racially pure. Members of such churches are still among the most racially conscious of whites, though not in the way the NA would like. They may say not to persecute the jews, and profess support for Israel for example, but they still expect their children to marry within the faith, if not the church, which almost certainly means marrying a white person. That philosophy is being undermined by political-correctness these days, with integration and student exchanges with places like the Dominican Republic with its Evangelicals. I accidentally witnessed some predictable monkey-business from that policy on the pinnacle at Seneca Rocks, WV. Robert Byrd would not be pleased.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Travon Martinberg
22 November, 2019 7:02 am

I’ve been to Seneca Rocks, too. A lovely place; very sorry it was defiled. But to the main point: I don’t know where these racially pure, marry-White Protestant churches were. The Lutheran church my family attended in the 1960s and 70s not only preached racial “equality,” it literally had the members of its Sunday afternoon group singing “We Shall Overcome” in the church basement. Its high-school level Sunday school classes, taught by the assistant pastor, lauded tolerance for homosexuality as a Christian virtue. In confirmation classes, Israel, the UN, and global governance were praised. In a nearby very large Southern Baptist church (admittedly in more recent years, perhaps 20 years ago) I heard a lecture (by an Asian female) claiming that Jesus could be “any race” and we should be… Read more »

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
22 November, 2019 5:54 pm

Your experiences with churchgoing beat out my google-found articles any day. Those two young people were acting out in a vacuum of leadership. Integration, if it has any value, should train young whites how to interact with non-whites within any group they’re in, and keep it on a business-like, non-social level.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
23 November, 2019 12:22 am

In response to their incessant complaints Martin Luther asked about the jews: “Who invited them here and who is preventing them from leaving?”

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
22 November, 2019 9:43 pm

I’ll give James Cagney a pass. What’s scary is how blatant the Washpo is about promoting “anti-propaganda”, which in the case of National Vanguard, means mass-media will be “salting in” that negroids are historically inventive, technically gifted, tolerant, self-sufficient, peaceful, fragrant smelling and receptive to advice and counsel, that jews are physically adept, statuesque, above-board, content at grabbing the shovel and digging the ditch sometimes, politically fair, noble, provincial, patriotic, careful of their breeding, and agreeable. It’s scary because we see from CNN’s censorship of non-white on white crime the degree that so-called news services are going toward this goal. An area of choke-point action: The NA can spearhead detailed complaints (right on the about the impropriety of such networks calling themselves news outlets, when they consistently avoid certain… Read more »