The Jew Card

by Tanstaafl
OVER THE PAST few years the anti-White/pro-Jew regime has been increasingly frank in expressing its sympathy for Jews and antipathy for Whites. Mainstream political discourse turned a corner somewhere between Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” speech in 2016 and Facebook’s decision to specifically ban pro-White speech in 2019. So in less than three years the regime’s anti-White attitude has gone from better left unsaid to matter of course, now quickly being codified into law. And at every turn the best interests of Jews as a collective are cited as justification for each statement or act taken against Whites.
It isn’t the words nationalism or supremacy which make “White nationalism” and “White supremacy” shibboleths. It’s the word White. And that’s entirely due to Jewing.
A small signpost in the anti-White zeitgeist flew by less than a year ago. When the Jewsmedia screeched that Darren Beattie, a minor figure in the kikeservative-in-chief’s White House, was too White, Beattie immediately lost his job. Now Beattie’s back, and there’s a telling twist in the story.
When Beattie was first fired, or quit, there was to my knowledge no denouncement from him or his conservative colleagues about the explicitly anti-White nature of the Jewsmedia attack. One pitiful objection used the same line of argument as “Wagner’s music” above, claiming that The Mencken Club is not a White thing but a Jew thing, or at least an alt-Jew thing, founded and led by Paul Gottfried.
Since then the Jewsmedia attacked Steve King in the same way, and he had the temerity to coyly wonder out loud what it was all about. King was immediately denounced by the entire regime, “left” and “right”, and even lamely joined them in officially condemning any form of White this or White that. King started out pretending he didn’t understand the Jewy nature of this anti-White zeitgeist. He quickly changed his tune and let it slip that he actually did understand, and sided with the “innocent jews”, against Whites.
Beattie may be confused and create confusion in others because he’s some kind of mischling or crypto-Jew. That’s a feature, not a bug. The Mencken Club, and alt-Jewing generally, plays up and feeds upon such confusion. The alt-Jew stands athwart mainline Jewing shouting, “NOT THAT IT SHOULD MATTER!” Though insisting Jews are “white” remains a popular delusion, when push comes to shove the difference between Whites and Jews is getting harder to deny. Increasingly even in popular Semitically correct political discourse Jews are not merely distinguished from Whites, the two groups are regarded as utter political opposites.
The cognitive dissonance results from a clash of Jew narratives. Putting “Whites are racist” together with “Jews are White” logically produces “Jews are racist”. But then that’s “anti-Semitism”, which totally trumps the “racism”. You can try to pretend you don’t understand what “combating racism and anti-Semitism” means. But those are the marching orders of the anti-White/pro-Jew regime, and even its dimmer bulbs get the gist, that Jews are good and Whites are evil. The most reasonable conclusion is that Jew narratives are just lies, part of what even ordinary people recognize as “fake news”. The intent behind those lies is to create racial confusion, because Jews are not White, they’re anti-White.
Confusion on this elementary point prevails throughout the portion of dar al goyim that kikeservatives and alt-Jews call Judeo-Christian civilization. Here in Jewmerica the anti-White/pro-Jew regime is most blatant, operating under a two-party system which makes its mechanics more transparent. One party is more overtly anti-White, the other more overtly pro-Jew. Thus the partisans on one side imagine that the other side is too pro-White, and the other side responds by imagining that their accusers are too anti-Jew.
A perfect illustration of this totally Jewed blatantly anti-White political environment occurred earlier this month, when Ilhan Omar called Stephen Miller a White nationalist. From the get go the Jewsmedia has promoted this reality-inverting con, screeching as if Trump and his administration are too White. Even before Darren Beattie was sacked the mask had already slipped.
Though the Jewsmedia has sometimes recognized Miller’s influence, they’ve never harped on it, much less made his racial identity the basis for their attack, as they have with King, Bannon, and Gorka. Why? The same reason they’ve given President Kushner a pass — because Miller is a Jew.
It you prefer to hear it Jewsplained, Eric Levitz did a perfectly toxic job. Half of it is right in the title: “If You Are Defending Stephen Miller, You Are an Ally of Anti-Semitism”. The other half was in the original title: “Ilhan Omar Is Right: Stephen Miller Is a White Nationalist”. This is the Jew normal. They regard Whites as their enemy. The animus is racial. Thus they see any Jew they imagine might be aiding and abetting Whites as a traitor to their tribe.
This is the point that kikeservatives and alt-Jews try to dance around. Whites have a Jew problem. It isn’t a new problem, and it isn’t up for debate. The Jewsmedia reports on the problem all the time, they simply present it the other way around.
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Source: Age of Treason
Thanks for this. Tanstaafl is one of my favorites. His many podcasts on Race and Anthropology, Race and Fraud, Who is White?, and so on have been invaluable to me. They’re all archived on his site and I highly recommend them.