Posts Tagged
Jewish Censorship

Gaining Understanding: An Interview with Will Williams, part 2
National Alliance Chairman William White Williams; a recent (2024) self-portrait painted from a photograph taken around 1982. Among other works, Chairman Williams has painted numerous portraits, and cover art used by Instauration magazine. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 June, 2024…

WLP90: There’s a Conspiracy
There are real conspirators: Silencing us is their goal. This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared …

Deforming AI
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 January, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom IN RECENT WEEKS I’ve been experimenting with an amazing artificial intelligence (AI) bot created by a company called OpenAI.…

Setting the Record Straight by Hadding Scott
A page from Setting the Record Straight This important resource is now back online. by Kevin Alfred Strom FROM 2010 to 2018, racial-nationalist writer, translator, and researcher Hadding Scott maintained a blog titled Setting the Record Straight hosted at Jewish-run Blogspot. It focused primarily…

Full Newspaper Article List of Henry Ford’s “The International Jew” Series
by Andrew Hamilton The Dearborn Independent, owned and operated by automaker Henry Ford from 1919 to 1927, was a weekly Michigan paper published on Saturdays. It consisted of feature articles, together with shorter pieces and filler material. It did not aim to cover current “news” as such. The newspaper…

The Digital Iron Curtain Descends
WHAT IS a ‘digital Iron Curtain’? It is when Big Digital, as Professor Michael Rectenwald terms these “Western” Tech Goliaths, become ‘governmentalities’, using a word originally coined by Michel Foucault to refer to the means by which the ‘governed’ (i.e. ‘we the people’) assimilate,…

Canada: Court Forbids Dissident Arthur Topham from Uttering the Word ‘Jew’ for the Next Three Years
Arthur Topham AS THE result of political pressure brought to bear by B’nai Brith — an international Jewish supremacist group — Arthur Topham, a Canadian dissident who was convicted of an online ‘hate crime,’ now faces strict new “probationary rules” on his public expression concerning…

Dangerous Tactics
Guardians of democracy WE HAVE way too many freedoms and it’s damaging muh democracy. The fact that the cattle can share forbidden ideas online is as much a threat to our sacred racial headcounts as “Now we get moose and squirrel” Russians “hacking” a grotesque system…

Jewish Censorship: Meet the New Plan, Same as the Old Plan
Introduction by Bradford Hanson: Here in this Washington Post article is the latest excrescence, excerpted below, of the System’s thinking about how they are going to try to stop the avalanche of awakening that the National Alliance, National Vanguard, and other truth-tellers have started.…

Florida: Jews Demand That Everyone Believe Exactly as They Are Told
William Latson Black High school principal in Jewish-dominated area forced to apologize for simply stating the unremarkable fact that not everyone rigidly believes the Jewish power structure’s “Holocaust” tale exactly as they tell it. FLORIDA high school principal William…