Jews Lying Again; They Want War With Russia
by David Sims
RUSSIA IS BEING framed again by Jewish liars, who, this time, are speaking through the mouths of members of the British Parliament.
You might remember a previous incident of this sort. In February 2014, a Zionist-backed coup transferred political control of Ukraine from the native Ukrainians who had previously held the highest administrative offices, to new officials who were mostly Jews. These Jews, once in power, quickly did a number of things, one of which was to ship all of Ukraine’s gold to the US Federal Reserve bank in New York, from which (if the fate of Germany’s gold is any guide for prediction) it will never again emerge.
Why did the Jews take over Ukraine in 2014? They wanted to use the country as a stage for political theater. The first play to be performed on that stage began when the Jewish bosses in Kiev arranged to have a Malaysian passenger jet shot down, and immediately afterward blaming it all on the Russians (i.e., with detailed news reports appearing within hours, as if all the important and relevant questions could be answered with such speed).
Now there has been another deadly play of political theater.
On 4 March 2018, in Salisbury, in the United Kingdom, someone tried to assassinate a former Soviet intelligence officer named Sergei Skripal (age 66) and his daughter Yulia (age 33), using a nerve gas called Novichok A-234.
The government of the UK quickly identified the particular nerve gas that was used in the attack.
Most suspiciously quickly.
The UK government immediately cast the blame on the Russian government. However, it is likely that the nerve gas had come from a British chemical laboratory in Porton Down, which has a UK-classified auxiliary military role of dealing with chemical weapons. The Porton Down facility is only eight miles away from Salisbury.
The suspicious thing about the accusations by the UK government is the speed with which its forensic and evidentiary analyses were carried out. Real science usually does not move that fast.
The World Tribune raises some compelling questions about the attack:
Following are some of the unaddressed factors:
1. Motivation: What was the Russian Government’s alleged motivation for attempting to kill Skripal? Certainly, he was a former officer of the Soviet (and later Russian) military intelligence service, the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate; since 2010 known as the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces) who had been found to have been working for the UK Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6) during the 1990s and early 2000s.
Significantly, he was not — as was the historic custom of the former Soviet Government — executed for treason, but simply imprisoned after he had been arrested in December 2004 by the Federal Security Service (FSB), and then tried and convicted, and sentenced to a mere 13 years in prison. However, he received full amnesty from the Russian Government and was sent to the UK in 2010 in an exchange of intelligence illegals captured by Western (mainly U.S.) agencies. So it must be assumed that the GRU felt that he had nothing of importance which he could disclose to the UK Government that he had not already disclosed in his period as a double. Moreover, he retained his Russian Passport and kept getting consular services while in the UK. His family was permitted to travel and live in Russia.
Why, then, eight years later, would Moscow seek to have him killed? That is not to say that Russia was not involved in the attack, but merely, from evidence so far available, there is no ability to build a compelling case against Russia based on definitive physical evidence or on motive.
2. The Methodology of the Attack: The description of the type of attack and the alleged weapon used (a nerve agent within the Novichok family) were raised by the UK Government as prima facie evidence of Russian Government involvement, and the allegation was made by the British Government — again without supporting evidence — that the Russian Government had continued to manufacture and stockpile weaponized Novichok (meaning “newcomer”) family nerve agents in contravention of post-Cold War understandings. Open source literature suggests that five variants of the Novichok family had been developed and weaponized between 1971 and 1993. The UK Government was not specific about which strand of Novichok was allegedly used against Skripal and his daughter (although it was believed to have been the A-232 variety, which could be used in a spray).
However, there were numerous official and media allegations that the attack somehow paralleled the very different case of Alexander Litvinenko, a former officer of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and, before that, the KGB, who had defected to the UK where he received political asylum. He was, on November 1, 2006, hospitalized (and later died) from having received a lethal dose of polonium-210, a chemical derived from a rare and highly radioactive metal. Both the circumstances of Litvinenko’s background (and relationship with the Russian Government), and the methodology and weapons of the attack bear no relationship with the background of Skripal.
3. Access to Nerve Agents: It is important to note that the UK Government throughout its statements on the matter implied that only Russia had access to the Novichok agents, and that they were still in use with the Russian Armed Forces. Those allegations were incorrect as to the spread of knowledge and possession of the agents were concerned, and there is no evidence that the Russian Government retained Novichok in its arsenal (although it would certainly have samples in its archives).
The reality was that several Soviet satellite states also were known to have had access to Novichok during the Cold War, and Wikipedia notes: “In 2016 Iranian chemists synthesized six Novichok agents for analysis and produced detailed mass spectral data which was added to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Central Analytical Database.” Moreover, the fact that the UK Government’s chemical and biological warfare agency at Porton Down was able to identify the nerve agent used in the Skripal case as Novichok indicates that Porton Down also has — presumably as with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD), at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and other concerned agencies around the world — attempted to obtain samples of Novichok agents and probably attempted to replicate them in order to discover antidotes. Vil Mirzayanov, one of the developers of Novichok, defected to the U.S. in the early-1990s, revealed the project and delivered all the data, including production techniques, to the U.S. and the UK.
It is fortunate for the victims that the toxin was promptly identified and that the proper antidote was ready to hand, else Sergei and Yulia Skripal would likely be dead. However, that same promptitude makes it appear more likely that the British government is itself the poisoner, rather than the Russians.
Why would the UK government do such a nasty thing? The UK government does all sorts of nasty things to the British people, at the behest of the Jews. Just ask Alison Chabloz. Whatever moral qualms any member of the UK government might have about poisoning somebody, you may rest assured that they would at least “look the other way” if the Jews wanted it done.
The casting of blame on Russia is therefore probably politically motivated, and the fact that an historical echo is heard in the shooting down of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine should make anyone wonder whether the Jews are, once again, up to their old tricks.
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Source: Author
The whole thing is a devised major distraction from the ongoing grooming scandal here in the UK. It was the same day (or there abouts) when news broke of the extent of yet more paedophile/violent abuse of a thousand young/under-age white girls in Telford by muslim gangs, that this Russian “attack” took place. No coincidence.
The give-away is the reluctance of the BBC to report anything at all on the girls at Telford – at one point they, with the police, actually went so far as to try and down-play the extent of the abuse. Yet this is the same BBC who fervently push the feminist agenda…
We have criminals of the worst kind running the UK.
They are still mad at Putin for interrupting their little party in Syria and accepting Crimea’s decision to become part of the Russian Federation.
Recall another time, another place when we were told of horrific weapons of mass destruction that didn’t exist and another leader that was the next Adolf Hitler? Mmm hmm.
It appears that “Putin Bans Rothschilds From Russia” LINK: Perhaps that would explain why the american communist bolshevik jew tabloids and the usa freak government has been going after Russia ? Also, [ TRACING THE USA GOVERNMENT MONEY AND THE CENTRAL BANK MONEY BEFORE AND AFTER THE 9/11 EVENT ] Another aspect to the 9/11 crime spree, is the amount of usa debt that has accumulated since 9/11. indicates that the usa debt is now at about $20,000,000,000,000.00 (20 trillion dollars). A snapshot of shows that the usa debt in the year 2000 was about $5,725,000,000.00 (5.7 trillion dollars). LINK: Apparently, someone in the usa freak government was able to borrowed about $15,000,000,000,000 since the year 2000. Who did the usa freak government borrow 15 trillion… Read more »
It may not be another good day with “god,” but it is
an excellent day for me. Basically a good post, and
very informative. No special clearance from “god”
is necessary. OBTW, Putin kicked the Rothschilds
out of Russia’s banking system. Add that to the list.
The link did not show as clickable in above post, but as said indicates that the usa debt is now at about $20,000,000,000,000.00 (20 trillion dollars). LINK: As indicated in the above post, the jewish central banks and their unpegged paper money, is one of the more recent jewish money changer scams, and are apparently located internationally in most of the countries; And as indicated in the above post, the international jewish central banks seem to have the tendency of giving multi-billion/multi-trillion dollar loans (to to other jews), at 0% interest, and that means the jews are able to “legitimately” get a “loan” at 0% interest to pay for more Slaves; The Slaves believe they are getting a “paycheck”; The Slaves believe they are getting paid to sell… Read more »
I never thought I would have these thoughts about England, my ancestral home-land, but I hope the Russians turn Islamabad-on-the-Thames into a self-illuminated glass car park with the judicious application of thermo-nuclear weapons.
Somehow I think much of this talk about Russia is just a ploy to exhort more money from the tax-payer for more weapons of no destruction. Military arsenals do age, and one must find a reason to replace the old with the new.
However I hope I am wrong about the motives of military-industrial complex, and its need for more money. I really would love to see London, Tel Aviv, NY and LA turned into self-illuminated glass car parks – and the sooner, the better.
Is Putin really an enemy of the Jews or just acting as an enemy ?
He seems to have friendly relationship with Israel and the Jews in Russia.
But he hindered ‘Greater Israel’ plan by saving Syria.
It’s very confusing.
Is it political warfare ? 1. After slowly retaking Russia from the jews, is Putin helping Syria because Putin wants to hinder and stop the jewish bogus paper money central bank scam from getting into ALL the remaining few countries that do not have the scam, and thereby preventing the jews from getting a one world Slave system using bogus paper money? And perhaps Putin did not like what the communist bolshevik gypsy jews did to the white Russians, and therefore, perhaps Putin views the international communist gypsy jews as an international virus that must not be allowed to spread. 2. After the initiation of the jewish 9/11 crime spree, the american communist gypsy jews, and other international communist gypsy jews, coincidentally seem to all be attacking all those countries… Read more »
So you think that the Putin and the Jews know each other well as an enemy and then they are playing game. Well, I think it’s plausible. And that’s best wish for now. If I may, let me ask more questions. How did the Jews in Soviet loose power while it is collapsing? How could it happen ? There were no revolts against the Jews. They had all the wealth there at that time and it seems still they do have great part of wealth in Russia. And how about the China? The central bank of China is not under control of Rothschild obviously. Do the elites of the China know the Rothschild is the kingpin? Are they playing game too and pretending not to know that the Israel is… Read more »
[ WHY jews LOST SOVIET UNION… ] Presumably, the jews were always a minority in the bolshevik communist gypsy jew controlled soviet union; During the soviet union, the White Russians in the general public may not have been told about all the bolshevik jews in the soviet union government, similar to the White Americans in the general public not being told about the privately owned jewish central bank called the federal reserve listed in the white pages, and similar to the White Americans in the general public not being told about the jewish controlled news media, etc. In the soviet union, there presumably were some White Russians in the soviet union government, and presumably, the White Russians in the soviet union government began to recognize a need to take control… Read more »
By the way, I’ve forgot to say “thank you”.
Another fratricidal war. You would think Whitey would have figured it out by now.