Ann Coulter Awakening to the Jewish Problem
by Hadding Scott
THE CREATIVITY of pro-White social media “trolls” is gradually introducing suppressed truth into mainstream discussion. Through President Trump’s retweeting of a GIF that represented him pummeling CNN, and CNN’s overreaction — and the subsequent piling-on against CNN by Trump’s supporters — the world became acquainted with other things posted or reposted by HanA**holeSolo, things that say nothing extraordinary from a White Nationalist perspective, but are revolutionary to almost everybody else.
In this interview on 710 WOR (New York City) on 5 July 2017, Ann Coulter talks as if she genuinely did not know that mass-media in the United States were dominated by Jews. She also talks as if she were unaware of the taboo against pointing it out.
Coulter: I also — this hysteria over, oh, the horrible thing that the guy who created the GIF — I think he was the one who was supposed to have done this — he sent out a picture of all these CNN people, listing all of the Jews who work at CNN.
Simone: [Laughter]
Coulter: And there were like 200 of them. And I’ve gotta tell you it was an arresting photo, mostly because the media are the ones who are insisting, “I’m sorry, every local newscast has got to have one Asian, one Hispanic, one black, soon it’s going to be one Muslim!”
These people are so obsessed with “Oh it’s all white men in Trump’s cabinet!” Wait, but somebody can’t point out that you have a kind of a disproportionate number of Jews working at your network? I mean just the hypocrisy of this is stunning.
This is not the first breakthrough caused by such a graphic presentation. Recall that a very similar image, about Jewish involvement in promoting gun-control, was promoted by rock-guitarist Ted Nugent in early 2016. (He subsequently apologized, but the damage was done.)
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Source: National-Socialist Worldview
I find it hard to believe that Ann Coulter (or anyone who has been around for any significant length of time in the jewed mass media business) could be clueless about the overwhelming presence of Jews in the top echelons of the propaganda industry.
Then again, she did fail to note how many Jews that Trump has surrounded himself with when making her comparison. To do so would end her career, if the present situation hasn’t done so already. Nothing horrifies Jews than to have the light of truth shine on them, and their reactions show how scared they are as noted by the bully-like behavior the browbeating they inflict on truth-tellers shows.
The alternative is that she knew but will not/would not disclose in “polite” conversation. 2 generations ago average folk (not “radicals”) freely disclosed of the “other” influence… (e.g. R.P. Oliver, Sobrban etc )
I don’t know why Jewish control of our media is such a big taboo secret. They admit things like this all the time. To wit-
AGAIN, posting a video that does exist anymore, of course (((THEY))) took it down as inconvenient truth. At some point you guys there at NV you should stop doing that. You know such videos, etc, will be sent to oblivion by (((THEM))) so why do you keep posting them?! IF possible download and load them from “safer” servers, or at least alternative websites where there is no danger to be taken down.
AYTONOHTON: AGAIN, posting a video that does exist anymore, of course (((THEY))) took it down as inconvenient truth. At some point you guys there at NV you should stop doing that. — Brutal Reality is not one of us “guys” at NV any more than you are, AYTONOHTON. He, like you, is another anonymous commentator, a visitor that likes to use NV to put out information. We do not check every video link you visiting commentators put here at NV to make sure it is still available. Maybe we should. Assume any video on Jew-owned YouTube that is critical of Jews will not stay up for long, if at all. If you want to hear something about filthy Jew control of media, listen to one of us, Dr. William Pierce,… Read more »