Jewess Albright Lectures America
America must let itself be invaded by illegals so we can order Europe to do the same.
MADELEINE ALBRIGHT — who claims to have only discovered her “Jewish background” in 1996 — has written a book insinuating that Trump and the anti-immigration forces in Europe are “fascist”. She appeared on the Andrew Marr show this morning to promote the book.
Asked about the policy of taking invader children away from invader parents, she describes it as “un-American” and insists “There’s plenty of room for people in the United States”.
One of her arguments for the US going easy on its invaders is interesting. If we don’t let them in here, we won’t have any credibility when we order Europeans to let them in there.
“It makes it very hard for America to tell Europeans what to do if we can’t figure out how to be more humane ourselves.”
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Source: Diversity Macht Frei
Real name as I understand is Korbel. Did not know she was a Jewess my rear. Like I said , incompletely on my last post, this is impossible. a Negro knows himself, so does a Jew and so do I since I was three. I suppose her family owns Korbel vineyards? Would not surprise me.
Like with most of her co-tribals, the policy of this Jewess was entirely inspired by her ethnic paranoia and ethnic supremacism. Because – as a Jewess – she feared the re-emergence of “fascism” in Europe, the independence of a nationalist Serbia had to be suppressed, hence the destruction of that nation under false pretexts. Killing 500,000 Iraqi children by sanctions was “the price worth it” because Iraq might pose a danger to Israel. Finally, Albright is of course in favor of mass immigration of non-Whites into the US and Europe, because resistance to it would be the emergence of “racism” which might morph into “anti-Semitism”. As an extra bonus, a less White world can be easier controlled by the Jews, thus serving their supremacist aims. These destructive psychopaths should be… Read more »
“Fascism is hard to define. . .” but I can positively say that she defines it as “Anything that opposes Zionist agenda.”
It makes it very hard for Israel to tell Americans what to do if Israel can’t figure out how to be more humane themselves.”
This jew-bitch has the audacity to lecture Americans after what she has done to Serbs and their neighbors.
Most hated woman in the Balkans – Who’s paying for this crap?
The” brilliant” interviewer doesn’t ask this war criminal about what she thinks of her descriptions of a fascist leader who relies on one group of some tribal bond,to oppress the people who disagree with,how much this definition applies to her tribe’s member Benjamin Netanyahu?! Also he didn’t ask her if putting immigrants children in cages is un American, is it “quite American” causing the death of 500 000 Iraqi children, victims of American sanctions and embargo during the first gulf war, and when she was asked about weather it worth it, her reply was: it was a hard decision, but it worth it!!
This Jewish murderer is the last one to talk about values or morality.
“If we don’t let them in here, we won’t have any credibility when we order Europeans to let them in there.” It’s the ‘Judas goat’ strategy, that is, using a tame goat to lure the other goats into a trap.