Andrew HamiltonEssays

NBC, Comcast, and What We’re Really Up Against

Brian Roberts

by Andrew Hamilton

LETS START WITH a simple proposition: It matters who controls the mass media.

Whites will never win — or survive, for that matter — as long as a monotone mass media, funneled through innumerable channels worldwide 24 hours a day, is opposed only by leaflets, self-published books, six or seven websites blocked by most Internet filters, crudely-produced White power music denied commercial distribution, and a smattering of podcasts and primitive YouTube videos.

In a war, you must realistically assess your enemy’s resources. If you’re serious, you can’t behave as if they don’t matter. This reasoning applies to the mass media, as well, because they are instruments of war — certainly of metapolitical war.

In that spirit I will examine a recent modification in the American media (and hence political and cultural) landscape.

Comcast Center, Philadelphia’s tallest skyscraper

The Deal

Having acquired 51% ownership of media conglomerate NBC Universal from General Electric in January 2011, Jewish-owned Comcast completed its purchase of the company in February 2013.

In This Business of Television: The Standard Guide to the Television Industry, 3rd ed. (Watson-Guptill, 2006), authors Howard J. Blumenthal and Oliver R. Goodenough classified the following firms as “The Largest Media Companies” (Chapter 19): NBC Universal, Disney ABC, Viacom, Time Warner, News Corporation (owner of Fox), and Liberty Media.

Comcast was the first company listed in “The Next Level Down” (Chapter 20), the authors observing: “Comcast will certainly grow larger, most likely with a major acquisition. . . . Comcast is poised to become one of the largest U.S. media companies.” (p. 144)

For many years Comcast had been determined to expand its content businesses. In 2004 it failed in an unsolicited effort to buy the Walt Disney Co. for $54 billion, a deal that would have created the world’s largest media company. But with the absorption of NBC Universal, the Roberts family, Comcast’s owners, join the front ranks of America’s media masters.

It would require a great deal of study to fully unravel the puzzling economics of the Comcast merger. While cable companies enjoy tremendous free cash flow thanks to captive customers and government-granted monopolies, they require large capital investments to continuously upgrade technology and expand infrastructure. They almost always carry heavy debt loads necessitating large interest payments. Yet, when Comcast began its acquisition of NBC in 2009, it announced that it would increase its annual dividend by 40% and buy back $3.6 billion worth of its own stock. This was on top of the huge, multibillion dollar outlay required to purchase NBC.

The Roberts Family

Comcast was founded in 1963 by Ralph J. Roberts, who had previously been in the men’s belt and cologne businesses, and two other Jews when they purchased the cable television system in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis Presley’s birthplace.

The three men reportedly paid $500,000 ($3.8 million today) for the 1,200-subscriber American Cable Systems. And those were the pioneer days of cable, which did not take off in the US until the mid-1980s. Broadcast television would still dominate the industry for many years to come.

Roberts, born in 1921, served as Comcast’s CEO for 46 years. He has five children and eight grandchildren by his wife, Suzanne Fleisher, a former actress and playwright he married in 1942.

Son Brian L. Roberts, 57, the current president and CEO, has been with the company for many years. He is a strongly-identified Jew.

A squash player, he has won several gold and silver medals in Israel’s Maccabiah Games.

Powerful Hollywood movie director Steven Spielberg presented Roberts with his Shoah Foundation’s “Ambassador for Humanity” award for Comcast’s financial and media assistance in inculcating Holocaust ideology. Spielberg was inspired by his own fiction, Schindler’s List (1993), to set up this Foundation.

The director has archived 52,000 Jewish video “testimonials” in 32 languages from 56 countries. The objective is to indoctrinate the public, academics, university students, and schoolchildren about the suffering caused by non-Jewish “xenophobia.”

More than 12,000 secondary school teachers in the U.S. have been trained on Spielberg’s multimedia curriculum, which was developed in conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League and the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.

Roberts believes strongly that “bigotry, hatred and intolerance” among non-Jews is widespread, and that “television and the internet are incredible platforms to be able to use” to disseminate the Jewish message.

Roberts also serves on the Board of Governors of Los Angeles’ Simon Wiesenthal Center, which in 2004 presented him with its Humanitarian Award. The Wiesenthal Center is an extremely powerful organization with offices around the world that advances Jewish ethnic and Holocaust interests while working ceaselessly to suppress the civil liberties, including free speech rights, of European peoples. Like similar organizations, it exercises enormous influence over government, academia, and media.

Father and son Ralph and Brian Roberts were jointly awarded the 2003 Steven J. Ross Humanitarian of the Year Award by the UJA-Federation of New York (United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc.), a prominent community organization that raises money for Jews.

The award is named after Brooklyn-born media mogul Steven J. Ross (real name Steven Jay Rechnitz), the man responsible for putting together modern-day media giant Time Warner, where he served as CEO until his death in 1992.

Ross, who began as an undertaker at his father-in-law’s mortuary, in the early 1960s joined Kinney Parking Co., a New York City parking lot operation owned by Jewish gangsters Manny Kimmel and the heirs of Abner “Longy” Zwillman, a member of the National Crime Syndicate and the Jewish assassination squad known as Murder, Inc.

Ross became head of the Mafia firm, which in 1962 sold stock to the public under the name Kinney Service Co. He quickly bought numerous other companies, including DC Comics, MAD magazine, a talent agency, and an office cleaning business.

In 1969, Kinney Service Co. bought Warner Brothers, the film studio and record company, for $400 million ($2.5 billion today). Don’t ask how the Mafia parking company accomplished that, even in the Go-Go years of the 1960s. I doubt anyone’s ever done the math, or that it would add up.

After a Forbes magazine article in 1970 hinted at shady accounting practices and links to the Mafia at Kinney, Ross renamed the company Warner Communications and spun off its parking lots and other non-media assets. In 1990 he merged Warner with Time-Life to form Time Warner.

Originally billed as a merger of equals, with Ross and Time Inc.’s J. Richard Munro serving as co-CEOs, Munro was out within a year.

This is the man the United Jewish Appeal and Comcast’s Ralph and Brian Roberts honor.

Between 2006 and 2008, Brian Roberts gave more than $76,000 in contributions to Democrats and $13,500 to Republicans. Comcast vice president and top lobbyist David Cohen gave about $180,000 to Democrats in the same period, compared to $12,000 to Republicans. Cohen helped raise more than $6 million for Obama’s 2008 election campaign. During the election cycle, Comcast’s political action committee raised more than $2.5 million. (“Comcast Execs Gave Large Donations to Obama and Democrats,” December, 6, 2009)


Philadelphia-based Comcast is the nation’s largest cable company. It sells cable TV, broadband Internet, and telephone services under the brand name Xfinity to residential and commercial customers in 40 states and Washington, DC. It is the fourth largest home telephone provider in the US. It also sells home security — burglar alarms, surveillance cameras, fire alarm systems, and home automation.

In 2012 the company had total assets of $165 billion, revenue of $62.6 billion, and net income of $6.2 billion.

Comcast’s economic power derives from its near-monopoly on cable service to nearly one-third of all US cable households, twice the number of its nearest competitor, Time Warner Cable, and from the monthly fees collected from over 22 million households. The company provides a utility-like service that two-thirds of American households refuse to live without.

Comcast grew slowly for many years by buying other cable companies. By 1988, with just 2 million subscribers, it was the nation’s fifth largest cable company, and by 1994 the third largest.

A key milestone occurred in 1997 when Microsoft’s Bill Gates invested $1 billion in the firm, the most Microsoft had ever invested up to that time, without asking anything in return: Gates took only nonvoting stock, did not join the board, and did not ask Comcast to carry any Microsoft products. This caused cable TV companies, the “least likely” competitors of phone companies, to assume the lead in providing Internet access to consumers, according to Brian Roberts.

Earlier, Southern cable mogul Ted Turner had also boosted the 28-year-old Roberts by asking him to join Turner Broadcasting System’s board of directors. By Roberts’ own account, he learned a great deal about the industry from this experience.

Comcast has been highly praised by American elites for its anti-White employment practices. But for years it has ranked near the bottom in customer satisfaction surveys, more than once garnering the worst ratings of any company or government agency in the country, including the IRS.

Even prior to the acquisition of NBC Universal, Comcast owned a number of cable TV channels. Among the Jewish firm’s properties is TV One, a joint venture with Black network Radio One.

TV One is a Negro cable and satellite TV channel available to 40 million homes via DirecTV, Comcast, Cox, Charter, Time Warner Cable, AT&T U-Verse, Insight, and other cable television providers.

During Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Johnathan [sic] Rodgers, TV One’s Black president and CEO, announced that the network planned to break from its usual entertainment programming to provide extensive coverage of the Democratic National Convention in August, although it would not cover the Republican Convention at all. He told reporters:

Senator Barack Obama running for president is a huge deal for TV One as it is for the African American community. African Americans have fallen in love with his candidacy, his family . . . we will be covering the Democratic convention all the time. My audience is 93% black. I serve my audience.

Comcast, whose stock trades on the NASDAQ exchange, has different share classes. The two that trade publicly have zero voting rights and 0.1345 votes per share respectively.

The third, Class B common stock, does not trade publicly and is held entirely by the Roberts family. It constitutes an undilutable 33 1/3% of the voting power of the total voting power of all classes of common stock. Effectively, it enables the Roberts family to retain control of a publicly-owned corporation by granting it supervoting rights over other shareholders.

NBC Television

The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) was founded in 1926; for half a century, until 1975, it was headed by Russian-born Jew David Sarnoff and his son Robert. It is the oldest major broadcast network in the United States.

For much of its history NBC was owned by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), a partial owner from the beginning and sole owner from 1932 until RCA’s acquisition by General Electric in 1986. According to one industry authority:

NBC rapidly expanded its network to include more and more radio stations, and by the early 1930s, NBC was successfully operating the two most successful radio networks in the U.S.—NBC Red and NBC Blue. By combining national distribution with a program schedule filled with celebrities (Jack Benny, Burns & Allen, Bob Hope, and many more), the NBC networks easily attracted national advertisers. The mastermind behind this plan was David Sarnoff, who consistently placed NBC in the role of innovator: first coast-to-coast radio broadcast (1927’s Rose Bowl), first license for a commercial television station (in 1941—now WNBC/New York), first color television broadcast (1953), and so on. For most of the twentieth century, NBC was a leader in network television, local television, network radio, and local radio. It was the very model of a mid-twentieth century media company. (Blumenthal and Goodenough, This Business of Television: The Standard Guide to the Television Industry, p. 130)

In his single-minded drive to dominate American commercial radio, and later television, David Sarnoff ruthlessly crushed White broadcasting pioneers including FM radio inventor Edwin H. Armstrong, who was forced to devote more than 90 percent of his time to grappling with RCA lawsuits (ultimately culminating in his suicide), and Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of the first all-electronic television system.

As noted on the dust jacket of Evan I. Schwartz’s The Last Lone Inventor: A Tale of Genius, Deceit, and the Birth of Television (HarperCollins, 2002), “Determined to control television the way he monopolized radio—by owning all the royalty-producing patents—Sarnoff, from the lofty heights of his office in a New York skyscraper, devised a plan to claim credit for Farnsworth’s designs.”

Schwartz also notes, “The average American watches more than four hours every day, with the rest of the world not far behind, making television humankind’s dominant leisure ‘activity’ and its window to a world that has become a house of mirrors.” (p. 299)

For more than two decades, NBC and CBS (controlled by the Jew William Paley) dominated radio programming in the US and, after WWII, television. In fact, all three television networks in the broadcast era were Jewish-run: CBS, NBC, and ABC.

The American Broadcasting Company, headed by Leonard Goldenson, resulted from FCC anti-monopoly decrees against the NBC radio network. The FCC’s action forced Sarnoff to divest NBC Blue, which became ABC. It is instructive that even though legal and government efforts occasionally rearrange the media deck chairs, ultimate power somehow always remains in Jewish hands. The same applies to market “competition.”

In the past few years NBC News has been accused of at least five different fraudulent edits to make political conservatives look bad.

911 audio tape of neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman (a Mestizo falsely reported by the American media to be White) was altered to imply a racial motivation in the killing of Negro Trayvon Martin in Florida. NBC is currently being sued by Zimmerman, who says the network deliberately and maliciously edited audio tape to make him look like a racist.

During the recent Republican primary, video of Texas Governor Rick Perry was edited to make him look like a “racist.”

In 2009, NBC reporter Contessa Brewer edited a photo to hide the fact that a gun-carrying Tea Partier was African, not White.

Coverage of a town council meeting was edited to suggest that a parent of a Newtown, Connecticut murder victim was heckled by a Second Amendment supporter.

And, during the 2012 presidential campaign, Jewish TV correspondent Andrea Mitchell, the wife of former Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan, ridiculed an edited tape of Mitt Romney to suggest a stupid gaffe by the White candidate where none had occurred. (In 2008 she called rural Virginia voters “rednecks” on the air.)

But mendacious news coverage is just one problem posed by television. Anti-White and Left-wing views are promulgated, sometimes subtly, sometimes blatantly, through television commercials and entertainment programming as well. The continuous purveying of hatred has become virtually de rigeur.

NBC’s reach is global.

Spanish-language subsidiary Telemundo is the second-largest Spanish-language content producer in the world, and the second-largest Spanish-language network in the United States behind Univision.

NBC’s broadcasts are seen in most of Canada over cable and satellite, but also over the air near the border. This same pattern applies to Mexico.

NBC Europe and its successor companies are pan-European cable networks available throughout the Continent. CNBC Europe is the most-viewed pan-European business and financial news television channel; it can be seen throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

CNBC Asia, a similar channel for Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, is headquartered in Singapore. The Seven Network in Australia maintains close ties with NBC and has used a majority of that network’s imaging and slogans since the 1970s.

NBC Universal’s movies and TV shows are also sold individually throughout the world.

Universal Studios

Universal Studios was merged into NBC in 2004, while General Electric owned the television network.

Universal was a major Jewish studio in Hollywood during the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s, buoyed financially by its popular horror films, W. C. Fields and Abbott and Costello comedies, glossy soap operas, and Doris Day-Rock Hudson bedroom farces.

Founded in 1912 by 5′ 2″ German-born Jew Carl Laemmle, it is the oldest movie studio in the US and the fourth oldest in the world.

Ironically in light of Jews’ present-day moralistic grandstanding about intellectual property rights — a means of maintaining monopoly control of the mass media, even enlisting the FBI, Homeland Security, Interpol, police, and courts to back up their power — Laemmle was a leader among early Jewish movie producers in violating Thomas Edison’s patent rights, thereby ultimately placing control of the nascent motion picture industry in Jewish hands. This was one reason he established Universal City, a 230-acre studio backlot-municipality in California’s San Fernando Valley in 1915. He put his son and successor Carl Laemmle, Jr. on the Universal payroll along with 70 other relatives.

In 1928, using sharp business practices, Universal and a Jew named Charles Mintz attempted to chisel a young, unknown, half-Irish animator named Walt Disney out of contractually agreed to fees after he had created a popular cartoon character for the studio called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Disney ate his losses and created Mickey Mouse and founded Walt Disney Studios.

Since the 1970s, Universal’s hits have included Steven Spielberg’s movies and the racist Inglourious Basterds (2009), highly praised by ADL head Abraham Foxman and hailed as a “Jewish wet dream” by its Jewish producer, Lawrence Bender. Both men loved the movie because it featured Jews and Americans graphically murdering Germans.

Subsidiary Universal Television produces TV series for NBC, as well as other channels and networks.

Jewish executive Jeffrey Zucker, the President and CEO of NBC Universal under GE, left the company to become President of CNN Worldwide after the merger. He has been replaced by Comcast executive Steve Burke, an Irish Catholic. Burke was formerly employed by Jewish media companies Disney and ABC. He and his father Daniel, also a broadcast executive, have longstanding ties with philo-Semitic billionaire Warren Buffett.

Two key executives immediately under Burke are Jews: Robert Greenblatt, chairman of NBC Entertainment (who actually selects the network’s programs), and Mark Lazarus, chairman of NBC Sports.

The Media Monolith

Comcast-NBC, of course, is just one company. What must be meaningfully countered are racist and ideological messages — anti-White, anti-family, anti-Christian, globalist, illiberal — pouring forth continuously, 24 hours a day, to billions of viewers worldwide.

To illustrate, in a March 2013 presentation, Brian Roberts referred to a Comcast product, On Demand. I am not familiar with it. He said, in part: “In the past 10 years since we launched On Demand, we’ve had 30 billion views of On Demand content. We have 400 million a month, it’s an all-time high, with 100,000 TV and movie choices on all platforms.”

Again, this is just one company — and one product of one company. That is what we’re up against. Virtually none of the content is pro-White, or culturally conservative. Much of it is doubtless extremely insidious, even vicious, in nature.

Nor is that all. Institutionalized discrimination, the malevolent behavior of schools, colleges, and governments, discriminatory laws, Left-wing domestic terrorists who with impunity bomb the Institute for Historical Review and Ernst Zündel’s home in Canada and physically assault Zündel, the late attorney Douglas Christie, French revisionist Robert Faurisson, historian David Irving, and many others, the suppression of websites, refusal to publish or distribute books, music, or videos through ordinary business channels, and legal suppression of freedom of speech and association also must be considered and dealt with.

It makes no sense to scratch one’s head, perplexed, wondering, “Why don’t whites wake up?” That’s not the way the world works. Everything boils down to this one-sided power distribution.

Therefore, a much better question would be: “How can whites wake up, or accomplish anything major, until such an unequal and impossible state of affairs is redressed?”

It is pointless to avoid thinking about this, about the massive infrastructure that perpetuates the present injustice, hatred, racism, violence, and evil.

* * *

Source: Author and Counter-Currents

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30 July, 2017 1:18 pm

Some way, some how, we need to find the weak spot in “Goliath’s” armor (to use one of their own legends)… and throw some lightning-fast rocks. I think the Internet represents one such “weakness”, to a degree, but they are rapidly trying to patch up that weakness with their “hate laws” and CISPA, PIPA, etc., etc. attempts.

30 July, 2017 3:28 pm

I’ve always believed that the transition from analog broadcast TV to exclusively digital/cable was a move to prevent a counter-message from being distributed among the masses. The public owns the airwaves and thus, it used to be that anyone could broadcast content, as long as it could be picked up by the TV antennas perched on the roofs of American homes. That’s impossible now because nothing is broadcast over the airwaves anymore, but transmitted through a cable grid privately owned by the corporations. Not only that, but to be viewed in people’s homes, a program must be accepted and carried by a corporate owned network or part of a cable package “bundle”. Since 2010, new televisions have been incapable of receiving a true broadcast analog signal, and can only receive/transmit… Read more »

30 July, 2017 3:48 pm

ZachP… That was very good reading. In fact I feel a little smarter for reading it. Thanks for that! I have to admit, looking at the situation from your (convincing) viewpoint has dispelled some assumptions I had about the Internet.

So, I agree… there has to be another way.

31 July, 2017 1:33 am

On second thought, think about this. We don’t need to wake up all of the dunderheads. All we need is enough awake people to effect the balance of power. And as far as media giants and ISPs controlling Internet accessibility, in turn relegating us to little corners preaching to our own choirs, making people have to actively search for our messages… That’s true, to a degree, but. More and more people ARE seeking out racially-aware content. Despite the ISPs and jewish-influenced advertisers, media moguls, etc. Our people, more and more, ARE searching for what we have to offer.
So, you’re argument makes plenty of sense… but you’re missing some important considerations and overestimating the enemy’s dominance/sphere of influence I think.

Reply to  JimB
31 July, 2017 1:46 pm

Jim, I would hope that you’re right. Even so, when you look at sites like this one, almost no one comments on National Vanguard articles, which says to me that traffic is pretty low. Nationwide, I’m not sure how many people it’s actually reaching and odds are most of them are already in our club anyway. Likewise, when I visit other sites that enjoy a much higher volume of comments, I often see the same people posting, which says to me those sites aren’t waking up a lot of new minds. At this point, I think the only website that’s had any impact on waking people up to various pro-White issues is YouTube. Why? It goes back to what I said earlier. People on YouTube don’t necessarily sit down to… Read more »

1 August, 2017 5:29 am

ZachP, maybe I’m just hopeful. Still, I have to admit, your take on things does indeed sound closer to the truth. I agree with all of your assessments. You have a keen intellect, I can tell. I sure hope there are more like yourself out there brainstorming, friend, because we definitely need y’all. We need hope, too, but not nearly as much as we need quick, realistic minds. Things seem to be going from bad-to-worse. Did you happen to catch the latest slap in our faces, this propaganda “art” video paid for by the Scottish taxpayers?:

Reply to  JimB
2 August, 2017 2:35 pm

Jim, thanks for sharing. The video is indeed an outrage. What’s most concerning is that just ten years ago, blatant White hatred was still largely behind the scenes, negatively impacting us through government programs like affirmative action and Hollywood blackwashing of White history and heritage. In the last decade, however, they’ve really amped up the aggression, and are saying plainly and publicly how much they hate us and are planning on destroying us, with absolutely no fear of repercussions or how such statements make them appear. This is a concern because it’s clear the jews are now openly, aggressively, and unapologetically agitating the blacks and browns against us, and as the resentment continues to build, one can only wonder how soon it will be before their agitation turns into physical… Read more »

Reply to  JimB
3 August, 2017 3:20 am

Jim, looks like I was right about the cleansing of YouTube. It’s happening over the coming weeks. Check this out. As I said, we have to find another way.

…and (((who))) is behind this? Quick, watch the short video before it disappears.