Guccifer 2.0 ‘Hacks Clinton Foundation,’ Finds Massive Trove of Unsecured Data, ‘Pay to Play’ Folder
Star Wars director JJ Abrams among list of corporate donors…
GUCCIFER CLAIMS to have hacked into the Clinton Foundation and found a massive trove of unsecured data — including a folder literally named “Pay to Play.”
[Update: The Daily Caller has called the hack into question.
“A review of the newly released documents … reveals no information about the Clinton Foundation,” The Daily Caller reports.
“Instead, the documents appear to come mostly from the Democratic Party of Virginia. Other documents appear to come from the national Democratic party.”]
From Guccifer 2.0:
Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.
So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.
Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server.
The first screenshot he shared shows a folder explicitly named “Pay to Play”:
Second he released a list of the foundation’s donors, note Star Wars director JJ Abrams is on the list along with other Hollywood elites like Haim Saban. Saban is the biggest donor to Hillary’s presidential campaign and a committed Israel-firster.
Another file shows they lined up TARP bailout recipients with congressmen who appear to have been given kickbacks:
“It looks like big banks and corporations agreed to donate to the Democrats a certain percentage of the allocated TARP funds,” Guccifer said.
Another shows corporate donations given to congressmen in general:
“I can’t post all databases here for they’re too large. I’m looking for a better way to release them now,” Guccifer said.
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Source: Information Liberation