Posts Tagged

Haim Saban

Hadding ScottNews

This article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency states that these five individuals have given one out of every 17 dollars in the War Hag’s billion-dollar campaign chest. What they don’t tell you is that much of the rest is also contributed by Jews — see the analysis by Hadding Scott.
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Star Wars director JJ Abrams among list of corporate donors… GUCCIFER CLAIMS to have hacked into the Clinton Foundation and found a massive trove of unsecured data — including a folder literally named “Pay to Play.” [Update: The Daily Caller has called the hack into question.…
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EssaysHadding Scott

by Hadding Scott THIS IMAGE is from Forbes of 27 May 2016. The accompanying article says that 80% of the donations to the pro-Hillary super-pac, Priorities USA Action, comes from these donors. No doubt, if she is elected, she will be overwhelmingly obligated to these Jews, and their agenda will continue…
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Clinton to hold fundraiser in Tel Aviv; Kasich claims to have won “Jewish vote”; shows off “Biblical knowledge” to Orthodox Jews THERE’S BEEN a lot of Israel news in the primary process lately, and I’m going to play catchup on it here. First, this just in. Hillary Clinton…
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INTRODUCTION by John I. Johnson: Last night CBS News had a heart-tugging interview with Hillary. She described how she’d been bullied as a child — she was so shy and withdrawn, et cetera. But her heroic mother — who, if I recollect in the story (my mind shuts off during these things),…
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YOUNG PEOPLE in the United States and Israel need to be educated about the value of the relationship between the two countries, Hillary Rodham Clinton said. (ILLUSTRATION: Hillary Clinton with Haim Saban at the Saban Forum) “With every passing year we must tie the bonds tighter, reach out to the next…
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Move marks cooperative effort between Jewish oligarchs and kingmakers Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban, who bankroll Republicans and Democrats respectively AN INITIATIVE that would combat the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement on campuses named its leader the director of a Christian…
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While the article below states that “at least one-third” of the top presidential campaign donors are Jewish, a careful read shows that the top ten donors, who are providing the bulk of the cash, are almost exclusively Jewish. More pics and data can be found going directly to The Forward article. A QUICK…
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