Posts Tagged
White Women

Remembering Orlean Puckett: Appalachian Midwife
Her efforts helped to bring 1,000 babies — considering the social structure of the times and the location, probably all of them White — into this world. A LEGENDARY MIDWIFE, Orlean (sometimes also spelled Orelena) Puckett plied her sacred and very necessary trade in the Appalachian Mountains…

Depraved Mind Element
THE AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM is deeply “racist” and evil. Innocent Jig-a-Boo-Americans are routinely given much harsher sentences for the exact same crimes as Whites. Consider the case of a 65 I.Q. Somali enemygrant that Sweden: The State handed a badge and a gun. When the idiotic…

White Babies
by David Sims WHITE WOMEN should have more babies! Go ahead. Kids are fun. And you get somebody to call you Mommy and take care of you when you’re old. Besides, we don’t want our race to die out. Not even Hungary has a White birthrate that is above replacement level, which is 2.1 births per woman,…

Happen and Fizzle Away
Notice in the video below, shot in “upscale” Naples, Florida, the witness is afraid to show his face on camera. He well knows who is now empowered to use violence in this country. WE’RE SO CLOSE to curing “racism” in America you can almost taste it. After the 500 billion …

Her Name Is Wilma Hochstetler: White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks in Indianapolis
Young son says, ‘I wish they didn’t shoot my Mommy.’ AMANDA Blackburn. Nathan Trapuzzano. Both victims of brutal Black on White violence in Indianapolis. Names you’ve never heard, drowned out in the cacophony of “Justice for George Floyd,” and “Black Lives Matter.” Her name is Wilma Hochstetler. …

The Good ‘Karens’
Tessa Majors THE MEDIA is aghast at a recent incident in a remote part of Central Park, where a White woman dialed 911 after a Black man allegedly threatened her over her dog and began to film her. The woman, Amy Cooper, is being subjected to 2 minutes of hate. She has been nicknamed “Karen”…

One Million Moms Put in Their Place by Jewish Capitalism
HALLMARK CHANNEL’S flip, then flop, on running an ad promoting homosexuality should be a wake up call to conservatives who have not evolved past the Reaganite-Republican “fusion” of Wall Street donors with Christian voters. The Hallmark Channel has blown up since it took its…

Promoting Large Families
JEWISH-CONTROLLED media constantly send the message that the world is overpopulated — which we agree is true in some areas such as India and Africa. When it comes to European Whites however, it is not true — we are in dire straits. We are not replacing ourselves, in fact, we aren’t…

Jewish Procurer Maxwell on White Girls She Recruited for Jeffrey Epstein: “They’re Nothing; They Are Trash”
Ghislaine Maxwell SEVERAL FORMER acquaintances of Ghislaine Maxwell’s from the rarefied circles in which she once traveled spoke to Vanity Fair’s Vanessa Grigoriadis. From their comments, a picture begins to emerge of a soulless woman willing to do almost anything to hold onto her man, the late,…

Lost Daughters
by Aethelwulf Hunter HERE I PRESENT a haunting short video by a friend of mine who goes by the name Elysian Lies. It begins by showing an orthodox Jew describing what will happen to the goyim (non-Jews) in the times immediately before the Jews’ imagined “Messiah” comes to them. (To…