Posts Tagged
Affirmative Action

Increasing Regime Incompetence, Example 8,942: Emergency Alert System Calls for Evacuation of LA and “Eastern North Pacific Ocean”
AN IMMEDIATE EVACUATION NOTICE from the Emergency Alert System (EAS) that interrupted regular television and radio programming in the Los Angeles area Wednesday, telling the entirety of Los Angeles County and the “Eastern North Pacific Ocean” area to evacuate due to a fire, was sent…

The Great Dispossession
by Douglas Mercer ONE OF THE great ironies is that in the 1920s when Jews were discriminated against by the Ivy League schools, they cried out sharply in pain. It was another Shoah, they said; and the Shoah hadn’t even happened yet. Not that it ever did. But now Jews lead the charge to discriminate…

Reaching Up, Not Down
Chuck Yeager by David Sims CHUCK YEAGER has died at the age of 97. He was from West Virginia, the state where I live. He was an Air Force ace and test pilot. He was also the first man to break the sound barrier in the experimental aircraft X-1. He risked his life for his country many times, both in combat and otherwise.…

Blacks, Marxism, and Achievement
by David Sims THE GENETIC cause for the Marxist views of so many Blacks is a generally lower IQ among Blacks as compared with Whites. The difference in the racial average IQ between US-resident Blacks (who are on average 20%-White mulattoes) and US-resident Whites is about 15 points. Whites average…

Reparations for Slavery
HAS THERE ever been anything more preposterous than American Blacks’ demands for slavery reparations? Well there is actually: Their protests at Whites expropriating their “culture”. Future historians will scratch their heads, baffled that an advanced people gave serious consideration to the…

America Is Declining
by David Sims
EVERY MAJOR project undertaken by Americans today takes longer to accomplish and costs more than a comparable project carried out fifty or a hundred years ago.
The Empire State Building was built in 13 months in 1930 and 1931.
The Saturn V rocket was a design on a drawing board in 1962. It was…
EVERY MAJOR project undertaken by Americans today takes longer to accomplish and costs more than a comparable project carried out fifty or a hundred years ago.
The Empire State Building was built in 13 months in 1930 and 1931.
The Saturn V rocket was a design on a drawing board in 1962. It was…

Determined White People
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 June, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0629 Determined White People.mp3 PUT AWAY those stupid 4th of July decorations. You have nothing to celebrate. White Americans are not free. White Americans are…

Elite College Admissions: Guess Who’s Being Cheated
A NEW study from Georgetown University reveals that if the student bodies of the 200 most selective American colleges were enrolled solely on objective SAT or ACT aptitude test scores, their student bodies would increase from 66 percent White under the current subjective system to 75 percent White.…

Merit and Human Economic Systems
by David Sims “I’m not sure what the long-term effect is of everyone playing games where meritocracy is actually a system that works.” Matt Lees, a London-based gaming journalist (and Marxist propagandist). MERITOCRACY is a characteristic of any economic system that works,…

Optimizing Society
Sorry, leftists, but it’s impossible to optimize for two values simultaneously. by David Sims SOME SAY that racial bias is the reason for the preponderance of older Whites in senior positions in Western scientific institutions. That’s false. I’d elaborate, but in order to do…