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Hadding Scott

Survivor: Pictures of the Liberation of Auschwitz Are Fake
Fakery identified: images widely used in Holocaust propaganda by Hadding Scott AN ARTICLE from last year in the Daily Mail (27 January 2020) is headed with this attention-grabbing statement: “Anne Frank’s step-sister and Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss claims photos of the Soviet liberation…

Should Teachers Present “Both Sides” of the “Holocaust”?
A new Texas law is more open-minded than legislators intended. by Hadding Scott DUE TO a recent rightward shift in political and cultural winds, there has been a controversy focused on the Carroll Independent School District (near Dallas-Fort Worth), where the director of curriculum, in a private…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 7
Illustration and caption from Scientific American, December 2003. The text below is based on a booklet originally published with official approval of the NSDAP in 1935. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. Consequences of the Decline in Births Threat to the Nation ALREADY IN THE very near future that…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 6
Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014, based on the 1942 reprinting of a text originally published with official approval of the NSDAP in 1935. Is Germany Still a Growing People?[1] AS SOON AS there is reference anywhere to the dangerousness of the situation in our population-policy, to the increasing…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 4
This section discusses the progress in theories of history, from the Middle Ages, through the Enlightenment, to the biological view of history espoused by Houston Stewart Chamberlain in his Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (1899). Finally there is a perfunctory discussion alluding to Oswald…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks – Part 3
The Phalian (left) and Nordic (right) types constitute the racial core of the German people, says Dr. Rudolf Frercks. The image is from Carleton S. Coon, The Races of Europe, 1939. Originally published with official approval of the NSDAP in 1935. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. Race and People…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks — Part 2
This booklet was originally published, with the approval of the NSDAP, in 1935. The edition on which this translation was based is dated 1942. It will be posted here in about ten installments. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. The Racial Doctrine in Politics Race Signifies Destiny THE ORGANIC, racial…

The Racial Awakening of the German People, by Dr. Rudolf Frercks – Part 1
This booklet was originally published, with the approval of the NSDAP, in 1935. The edition on which this translation was based is dated 1942. It will be posted here in about ten installments. Translation by Hadding Scott, 2014. Liberalism The Delusion of Human Equality THE liberal age’s picture of…

René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 5: Capitalist Barbarism
by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 INDIVIDUALISM and the thirst for loot, which is to say the desire for profits obtained without labor, are the only motive forces of capitalist society. The ethical values of capitalism are founded upon …
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 INDIVIDUALISM and the thirst for loot, which is to say the desire for profits obtained without labor, are the only motive forces of capitalist society. The ethical values of capitalism are founded upon …

René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 4: The Lie of Equality
The Lie of Equality
by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 THE ASSERTION “all men are equal” offered a justification for this taking power, on the one hand, and for the looting of the world on the other. The possession of capital, then the appropriation…
by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 THE ASSERTION “all men are equal” offered a justification for this taking power, on the one hand, and for the looting of the world on the other. The possession of capital, then the appropriation…