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Hadding Scott

Why Did Jews Invent the “Holocaust”?
by Hadding Scott I PARTICIPATED in the lively comments section under Breitbart’s article about Salah Montasser’s rejection of the six-million figure some years ago. One of the interlocutors there is a Jew arrogantly calling himself “Inevitable Historicity.” He is there to defend his ethnic…

This Strange Hesitation about Deporting Illegal Immigrants
Could it have something to do with the “Holocaust”? by Hadding Scott THERE WAS a time, not many decades ago, when there was a presumption that people who had entered the United States illegally should be deported. Why so much squeamishness about it now? Sending people who are illegally…

A Nobel Laureate Praises Hitler, part 1
Adolf Hitler’s Goals and Personality
by Dr. Johannes Stark
translated by Hadding Scott, 2012 I. From Hitler’s Life THE PURPOSE of this work is the elucidation of the political aspects of Hitler’s personality in relation to his goals and achievements. Readers of the first…
by Dr. Johannes Stark
translated by Hadding Scott, 2012 I. From Hitler’s Life THE PURPOSE of this work is the elucidation of the political aspects of Hitler’s personality in relation to his goals and achievements. Readers of the first…

Marcel Nadjari’s Message in a Bottle
The alleged letter, left to right, after digital restoration, during restoration, and as it was supposedly found. The apparent age and peculiar provenance of the document do not suffice to make it credible. by Hadding Scott A FEW years ago, Smithsonian “Smart News” and Deutsche Welle reported that…

Dinesh D’Souza’s Approach to Holocaust Propaganda
Teaching people to lie when the truth would be better. by Hadding Scott THIS IS AN examination of the strange form of historical revision used by Dinesh D’Souza, in particular his invocation of the Holocaust supposedly to bludgeon the left, the way it is normally used by the left to bludgeon the…

Poor Josef Mengele!
Physician portrayed by Hollywood as “Nazi kingpin” lived in poverty and illness. by Hadding Scott IF ANYTHING is certain about Josef Mengele, it is that he was not the monster that mass-media represented. In fact he was a man hounded and oppressed by reckless propaganda, culminating…

Jewish Influence Caused the Death of George Floyd as Well as the Violent Reaction That Followed
by Hadding Scott KNEE-ON-THE-NECK is a standard technique used by the Minneapolis Police Department. According to NBC News, Minneapolis police have used that technique and variants thereof at least 200 times since 2015. They got it from the Israelis. Police attended an Israeli “counter-terrorism…

Jewish Lies About Dachau
Dr. Robert Faurisson talks about Dachau by Hadding Scott PROFESSOR Robert Faurisson demonstrates that the pattern of deaths at Dachau concentration-camp, where there happens to be a thorough record of all deaths, is completely inconsistent with the Holocaust narrative. Probably the most important…

Accidental Family Reunion at Yad Vashem
The complex at Yad Vashem List of Holocaust victims includes people only presumed dead by Hadding Scott THE Israeli Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, compiles information about alleged victims of the Holocaust, with the obvious purpose of substantiating the alleged extent of mass-murder against …

What Does Alfred Rosenberg’s Diary Say About the Holocaust?
Alfred Rosenberg by Hadding Scott ALFRED ROSENBERG’S diary, spanning Spring 1936 to Winter 1944, disappeared after the war (stolen by Jewish prosecutor Robert Kempner) but was rediscovered in 2013. The diary, touted by Henry Mayer of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as “the…