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Hadding Scott

“Citizen Super PAC” Releases Video Rehabilitating Hitler and Goebbels
by Hadding Scott
WHY DO I SAY that this video rehabilitates Hitler and Goebbels? Because it is not going to hurt Trump. The people who already support Trump — which is now the majority of Republicans — will find this video to be an attack on themselves as much as an attack on Trump. If Trump behaves…

Our Weapon: The Truth
by Hadding Scott
SOME OF our people seem to regard honesty as an impediment. More than that, they think it is clever, having ascertained the crooked practices of some of our racial adversaries, to do as they do. This is a wrong attitude.
The tactics that have been used by our enemies will not always work…

Misrepresentation of German Bombing Victims as Jewish Holocaust Victims by the World Jewish Congress
by Hadding Scott
THE LOGO OF the World Jewish Congress appears on a site called, which has a page titled “The Final Solution.” On that page is a slideshow of eight images that are apparently supposed to represent the Holocaust. The only image on that page showing…

More Abuse of DNA Evidence by Anti-White Media
by Hadding Scott
BBC Television’s Channel 4 has a new series called Dead Famous DNA, hosted by Mark Evans, a veterinary scientist who previously hosted a show called Bigfoot Files. The new show depicts in trivial detail Evans’ efforts to acquire samples of DNA from famous dead people,…

Review of PBS Frontline’s The War Behind Closed Doors
by Hadding Scott
WHILE I WAS in the midst of trying to publicize the Jewish instigation and the folly of invading Iraq in early 2003 as an occasional writer of scripts for American Dissident Voices, PBS Frontline presented a rather helpful documentary called The War Behind Closed Doors, written by…

How Republicans Can Help Netanyahu
by Hadding Scott
ON OCTOBER 20th, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stirred major controversy by declaring before the 37th World Zionist Congress that Adolf Hitler never wanted to kill all the Jews of Europe, and that it was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who made him do it, because the Mufti did…

Heinrich Haertle’s Foreword to Acquittal for Germany (1965)
by Hadding Scott
HOLOCAUSTIANS, like for example Michael Shermer in his appearance with Bradley Smith on the Donahue show in 1994, sometimes like to assert that the Germans themselves accept all the accusations made against them regarding the Second World War and the so-called Holocaust. This is…

On the Origin of the Word “Racist”
by Hadding Scott
THERE IS AN urban legend that has been floating around for some years now, that the word racist was coined by Leon Trotsky, for the purpose of cowing and intimidating opponents of leftist ideology. In his History of the Russian Revolution Trotsky applied the word racist to Slavophiles,…

The Jew Who Caused The Second World War
by Hadding Scott
HIS PATERNAL grandfather was John Christian Bullitt, whose statue stands at the city hall of Philadelphia. But his mother was Louisa Gross Horwitz, whose name indicates that she was a Jewess. (ILLUSTRATION: Despite the name, William Christian Bullitt was a Jew.)
As the Jewish scion…