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Hadding Scott

Dinesh D’Souza Misjudges His Audience’s Opinion of MLK
by Hadding Scott SOMEBODY TELLS Dinesh D’Souza to go back to India, citing his conviction for campaign-finance fraud as a reason why his presence is undesirable. D’Souza responds by rhetorically asking his interlocutor, who probably is a Democrat, if he would have said the same to Martin…

White Racists Did Not Invent This is a Nigerian news-site. by Hadding Scott HAVING DIFFICULTY breathing through your medical face mask? Just make one with holes in it! This is Negro inventiveness. In fairness it should be noted that some Negroes in Nigeria pointed out that this kind of face-mask would be useless for protection…

Auschwitz: More Lies
Soviet propaganda faked scenes at Auschwitz in imitation of Anglo-American camp-liberation propaganda by Hadding Scott DURING THE Good Morning Britain of 27 January 2020 Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss said this: “And something I wanted to point out to you. You know, there are many pictures about…

Yad Vashem Hosts a Conference on “The Shoah and Jewish Identity”
“Bible story” illustration of the Jews being whipped by their Egyptian owners: This never happened. Holocaust-consciousness is now essential to being Jewish by Hadding Scott IN 2016 Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies hosted a conference, attended by…

Why Did Jews Invent the Holocaust?
The Jews’ “Holocaust” tale is just as phony as this incredibly tacky museum display. by Hadding Scott THE comments-section under Breitbart’s article about Salah Montasser’s rejection of the six-million figure has been lively. One of the interlocutors is a Jew…

Dinesh D’Souza’s Approach to Holocaust Propaganda
“Hitler Didi” is a young woman of strict and forceful character. Teaching people to lie when the truth would be better. by Hadding Scott THIS IS AN examination of the strange form of historical revision used by Dinesh D’Souza, in particular his invocation of the Holocaust supposedly…

Matt Koehl, 1935-2014
by Hadding Scott MATTHIAS KOEHL, JR. was born in Milwaukee, the son of ethnic German parents (his father an immigrant from Hungary). Although his family seems to have been devoutly Christian (his mother being a Sunday-school teacher and his siblings both having Biblical names) he stopped attending…

Sorry, Rush — That’s Not Capitalism
Rush Limbaugh and the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock by Hadding Scott ON 26 November 2014, Rush Limbaugh ended his daily three-hour show with a parable about the Pilgrims who legendarily inaugurated the American holiday known as Thanksgiving. He read about it from his book See I Told You So. What the Pilgrims…

Jewish Terrorism Against Britain During World War II
by Hadding Scott THIS REPORT from 1944 is interesting for several reasons: (1) it shows Jews as terrorists, which may be important in case anyone believes that only Muslims can be terrorists; (2) it shows Jews stabbing Britain in the back even while Britain is fighting a self-destructive war for the…

Leftist Indifference to the Bombing of German Civilians
by Hadding Scott A famous image from the vastly overrated “London Blitz.” According to one estimate, about nine times as many German civilians were killed by Anglo-American bombing, compared to British civilians killed by German bombing, during the Second World War. RECENTLY I heard…