Jewish Money Magic
WITH REFERENCE TO THE recent “Always Take” broadcast on American Dissident Voices, remember: Every single dollar that enters circulation, enters as debt. They only inject money into society and the economy by allowing people to take out loans.
This means that every single dollar printed out of paper and air has debt interest attached to it. They add money into the system only by loaning money at interest. Every dollar printed has usury interest attached to it. People need to wrap their heads around this. The only way money enters the economy is through debt. New loans are new debt. And every dollar loaned has interest attached to it. So, for every dollar loaned out, there are many dollars that are taken back in by the bank in the form of interest payments.
Money leaves the economy through interest payments to the bank and lender. Money enters the economy when someone takes out a new loan. That’s it. Money in and money out. Every dollar in has interest attached to it — this allows the banks to multiply their money out of nothing every time. The banks control this in and out movement of money in the economy by raising or lowering rates to acquire new debt. They lower the rates to make it attractive for people to get more in debt and become an even deeper debt slave. When they want to remove money from the economy, they raise rates to make it harder to get a loan for new debt. When the rates are raised, there is much less, or no, new debt and the banks keeps taking in interest payments each month on old debt and this is how money leaves the economy.
And this explanation doesn’t even get into the fractional reserve scam end of banking — where someone deposits money into the bank, and the bank enters numbers on the keyboard and hits enter and you see the money online in digital form. Each dollar they take in as a deposit gets multiplied by around ten, the exact multiplier depending on the latest edicts from the Fed. Each dollar deposited gets multiplied by ten digitally and they loan out nine of those ten dollars to others, or even back to you, with interest attached.
So a guy deposits $1,000 into his account at bank X. Bank X turns his $1,000 into $10,000 ready to be loaned out to fools. Let’s say the same guy decides that he wants a loan for a used car and borrows $10,000 from bank X. Bank X actually loans him back his $1,000 plus $9,000 more of the fake new money that they created digitally out of this guy’s deposit of $1,000 with interest attached. (I don’t know what interest rates are today as I haven’t had an account in over 20 years — f___ the banks.)
So the guy gets a bank check for $10,000 and buys his car and starts making the car payments; almost all of the payment initially goes only to pay the interest on the loan, later they demand the principal they created out of nothing. He makes all his payments on time and ends up paying the bank maybe $15,000 on his $10,000 loan. So the bank really made $15,000 on his original $1,000 deposit. And all $15,000 is now ready to repeat the process of being loaned out again for even more interest. The bank wins every time. You lose every time. By design.
And that money you deposit into the bank never stays in the bank vault like you would think. It gets sent out up the line each day so that the bank only has enough working capital for the day’s needs. Just like any business keeping only what’s needed in the cash drawer for the day. Your deposit has been turned into brand new, from-thin-air digital money and the real cash ends up at the Fed. To them it’s just paper to be shredded. They can “print” as much new money as they want. They literally don’t need our money. It’s all a scam game that most of us don’t know exists, but if we did we wouldn’t participate at all.
The secret agreements that set all this in motion were only done to enslave the people through debt. It’s the same with taxation. The Fed does not need our money to run. They own the “printers” to print as much as they want with no oversight. They do not need our wrinkled-up paper dollars for their operations. What they need is for us to constantly have our supply drained. That’s it. it’s a system to drain our supply of money constantly; to keep us locked in the rat race, to keep us from handing down wealth to our children. To keep us from becoming independent and becoming free.
This is literally Jewish money magic in action.
There is an old story that is apropos:
The philosopher Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king. Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’
Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’
There are ways to get around the system and be free. But it means giving up some conveniences. Conveniences are for fags. Be men and not fags.
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Source: It’s Only in Your Mind
I believe the bank would “only” make 5000.00 on the loan as when the created principal is repaid it is “retired” or destroyed and disappears. This was done because keeping the created money would be too obviously fraudulent. This is why Atlanta Fed manager Hemphill wrote that if all loans were repaid there would be no money! It would ALL be retired and “disappear”. The fact that they create only the principal and not the interest means the system must “steal” some of the new money created in new loans to pay the principal which effectively reduces the spending power of the new loan. Over time this interest requirement requires greater and greater amounts of loan initiation resulting in hyper inflation to keep the system solvent. Which is exactly where… Read more »
I believe you’re right about the laws regarding loan payback, Eric. And, as we all know, Jews are well-known for their strict observance of every law, so they’d be super-unlikely to just keep all the magic-money loot.
So, if someone wants a money-system, they call in the Jews, who print money out of nothing, and which is backed by nothing? And when I get a loan, they say, “You can have this loan, but if you don’t pay it back, with interest, we get to take your car!” And when I go to buy something with this money, I am saying, in effect, “The Jews said that this paper is backed by the worth of my car, so it is good!” So I am basically using my paid-for car to buy other stuff? And the Jews have even more money flowing in, and they have the rights to my car, when all they did was print money?