Posts Tagged
Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve: a Jewish-Dominated Institution
Janet Yellen, who was the fifth Jewish head of the Federal Reserve, and is the current (and third consecutive Jewish) US Secretary of the Treasury by David Sims THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE of B’nai B’rith is a Jewish organization created to defend a Jewish murderer, Leo Frank, from posthumous…

Jewish Money Magic
WITH REFERENCE TO THE recent “Always Take” broadcast on American Dissident Voices, remember: Every single dollar that enters circulation, enters as debt. They only inject money into society and the economy by allowing people to take out loans. This means that every single dollar printed…

Jewish Scam Makes Home Ownership Nearly Impossible
by David Sims LESS THAN sixty years ago, a US citizen could buy a good house for his family with less than his income over two years. If he made $9,000 per year, then his house probably cost him $12,000. Today, the man might make $81,000 per year, but his house costs upwards of $600,000. It makes sense that…

Why Not Impose the Death Penalty on Bankers?
If imposed, it would be cause for great celebration. by David Sims THE DIRECTORS and officers of the usurious central banks are harmful to the country, so why don’t our soldiers simply shoot them as enemies? It seems like a good, swift object lesson would do much to deter the international bankers…

Usury Creates Government Oppression; and Where the Jews Should Go
by David Sims ACCORDING to the Associated Press, a Pittsburgh-area father has been charged with child endangerment after his son walked to school on a Saturday — without his father’s permission or knowledge. This government overreach is one of many symptoms of Jewish usury, which I’ll…

“Rights” and the American Caste System
by David Sims THE POWERS that be of our world talk a good talk about rights. But they don’t really mean it. They really want to control rights, so they can decide who may exercise them and who may not. And, naturally, they intend to reserve to themselves the most privileged status. As an example,…

Jews: Criminals, First Class
by David Sims JIM GOAD recently wrote: “In modern America, you can’t even publicly notice Jewish success. You are forced, to borrow a very loaded term, to deny it. This suggests that for Jewish success to persist, some people feel that its very existence must be vigilantly denied.” …

How the Fed’s Interest Rate Scam Robs Us Blind
by Mike King
THESE ESOTERIC (high-fallutin’) academic discussions regarding whether or not The Federal Reserve The Hebrew National Bank should raise interest rates or lower interest rates are as confusing as they are amusing. It’s confusing because – unless one has been taught…

Why Capitalism Fails
A debate with a libertarian, Ockjay, on the merits of the system that is failing us, and would fail us even more if it were unrestrained by David Sims
My Opening Statement
CAPITALISM has proved to be another system for economic organization that fails in the long run. Both capitalism and socialism work…

Greece Is The Way We Are Feeling!
by Max Musson ACCORDING TO those who promote European union as an idealistic aim and those who promote the EU as the embodiment of that ideal, such a union is intended to be beneficial for all concerned — a state of affairs in which each member state is stronger and more secure because of the fraternal…