
What the Mountaineer Can Teach Us

THERE ARE aspects of mountain life which might well be adopted by persons now living the over-organized, distressfully busy lives characteristic of our overall society. Let the outsider consider seriously before he rushes in with preconceived notions of how to get the mountaineer to improve (translate: “be like us”). Mountain people have a deep feeling of belonging and of loyalty. They are unashamedly glad to be mountaineers. They are at home here in a unique way. They belong to a family, a valley, a county, a state. They know they belong, and others know it, too. The rootlessness of a society on the move is not found here.

In its less extreme aspects, the person-orientation of the people is refreshing in an America that becomes more and more willing to assign one a number. Here you do know your neighbors (almost too well!), and they know you. Store clerks know who you are and treat you as a human being; service station employees give extra service to please you. There is time to talk and make friends. A former resident back from New Jersey for a visit put it this way: “Up there, they are different from us. Here I care for you and you care for me. We know each other and help each other. There it’s ‘hooray for me, and heck with you.’ “

People in the mountains are not driven by the clock or the appointment book. “The only people who run here are you preachers,” someone once said to me. My wife and I knew that we had accepted the society when we bought a porch swing and found the time to sit in it on a long summer evening, enjoying the quiet and beauty of the mountains around us.

There is an independence from the pressures of the world — no “keeping up with the Joneses,” — no social climbing. The avid and grasping materialism which is apparent in some places is absent here. A man is satisfied with what he has at the moment. Granted, this lack of striving has been carried to an extreme, but a certain easing of the pace is welcome.

The old are not shuffled off in a corner to die alone. If the immediate family cannot care for an aged person, sometimes friends in the community will do it. Many times an old person lives in his own little two-room house as long as he is able, with family and friends to “look about him” several times a day. Care of the bedfast may not be as efficient as that in a nursing home, but it is far easier on the old, who are most accustomed to folk ways. Even though the care of an elderly invalid often works real hardship on the family, nursing homes are seldom resorted to. Such care is considered part of one’s duty to parents — almost a payment for care received in one’s infancy.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of the folk culture will become evident in the cybernetic age to come. Much of Appalachia has slept through a revolution, having missed the whole industrial age with its competition, with its idea that the meaning of life is found in work, that education is only to prepare one for one’s work, that money is the measure of success. This has been a restless age, in which men have driven themselves by the clock and the calendar, retiring in their sixties to rot quickly away because they have never learned how to live unless they are working. Only the coal-producing areas of the southern mountains were affected by the industrial age, and even these sections caught scarcely more than a glimpse of it. Their exposure did not last long enough for them to be caught up by its spirit and molded by its pressures.

Thus the mountaineer has not had drilled into him the virtue of working for the sake of work. He can sit on his front-porch swing and be content, not having to be up doing something or creating something. He can spend time with a clear conscience. I do not want in any sense to romanticize the mountaineer’s situation, but I do want to suggest, as others have done, that perhaps the mountaineer will be more ready to enter the cybernetic age (in one leap from the agrarian age) than those who are deeply enmeshed in the industrial age. When that time comes fully upon us, when machines take the toil out of work, when long hours are not required of industrial workers, when making a living does not require life’s main strength, the mountaineer may well be ready to move into the situation more easily than the rest of us. The cybernetic age is coming rapidly — the age when we must redefine the worth of man in terms other than the nature of his work and the size of his income. Making such a redefinition will not be easy, for it will require a complete change in our concepts and our philosophy of life, as well as in our activities. When our life situation becomes transformed by the cybernetic revolution, it may well be that the mountaineer will already have the concept of life and work fit for the new age.

— excerpted from Yesterday’s People: Life in Contemporary Appalachia by Jack Weller (1965)

* * *

Source: Volkish

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
15 June, 2022 9:33 am

While all else in this item may
be true, the bane of currency
inflation is present in the
mountains, as it is everywhere
else. Currency destruction has
gone global. If you want property
in the mountains, be prepared
to spend multiples of tens of
thousands of dollars.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
15 June, 2022 7:14 pm

Not true, one can have 5+ acres for under two thousand an acre still. Shore it’s not the 90+ acre farm. On the negative side Counties have figured a way to milk peoples “private property” information and the big tech companies have wrote software to scan these “public databases”. hint GIS maps and county. It shows how deep the corruption has come.
These databases should be behind encryption but ARE NOT.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Walt Hampton
16 June, 2022 5:49 pm

Not so, Walt. You low-lander city folks will have it much, much worse than us rural hillbillies. None of us are fleeing the hills for the cities. The oppsite is true if the truth be known.

Although Mr. Weller wrote these words 57 years ago they srill ring true.

Mountain people have a deep feeling of belonging and of loyalty. They are unashamedly glad to be mountaineers. They are at home here in a unique way. They belong to a family, a valley, a county, a state. They know they belong, and others know it, too. The rootlessness of a society on the move is not found here.

thought reflections
thought reflections
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
1 July, 2022 3:31 am

Okay, understood,….. BUT,……. You should be careful with your words. We shouldn’t be speaking to each other in this ‘lowlander’ verses ‘hillfolk’ scenario. That is a DIVIDER, it can only cause more division. It could cause one to question the validity of this organization.
With all due respect sir, you are the NA chairman, and you should know better than this. Some of us can’t immediately help where we live. Granted we all make mistakes, the National Alliance needs to be more of what its name represents, an “alliance”.
We don’t want division over mere economic separatist rhetoric. As a leader, choose your words more carefully.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  thought reflections
3 July, 2022 6:11 pm

I see. Thank you for your thoughtful reflection, Mr. thought reflections. I’ll take your criticism under considerism. My comment, however — the one that offends you — was directed to Mr. Hampton, a long time friend who has been an Alliance member/supporter since at least 1994. Technically, Walt is not a lowlander since Columbia is in the Piedmont (foothils), but I’m pretty sure he’s not offended by the slang term any more than I am by “hillbilly” or even by “neo-Nazi.” It’s not Columbia’s nice 300 feet or so above sea level that is the issue with Walt, it’s that Whites there are now a minority population — less than 50%, with Blacks nearly 40%, plus the other non-Whites. The situation there for a racially conscious man like Walt has… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
26 June, 2023 3:56 pm

If your friend is stuck where he is, consider starting a commune in Appalachians and then have your friend sell off his stuff and move in.

16 June, 2022 7:35 pm

After my first encounter with that area along with the rural south in my early teens I’ve wanted to live somewhere in between the two. A few years back one of my cousins purchased a wooded lot of 7 acres for what he said was $1,000. Within a year he moved back in with his parents, unable to cope with any of the usual chores that come with the land. I offered to buy it but he sought obscene profit, wanting compensation for such horrors as having to attempt clearing a downed tree. Oh my, the poor soul…manual labor. Anyways I passed, along with writing off the purchase I eventually wrote him off, no spine & no sense of reality. On another tangent, the image for the article reminds of… Read more »