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WLP90: Toward a Healthy Society
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

A Puzzling Question Answered
THERE HAS been much wailing and gnashing of teeth at this chimpout on the NY subway whereby women were terrorised by a wildin’ jogger. Horrified commentators demanded to know why “real men” on the train didn’t come to their assistance. Even Douglas Murray took the opportunity to blast ‘demasculinised’…

What the Mountaineer Can Teach Us
THERE ARE aspects of mountain life which might well be adopted by persons now living the over-organized, distressfully busy lives characteristic of our overall society. Let the outsider consider seriously before he rushes in with preconceived notions of how to get the mountaineer to improve (translate:…

Dragging Us to Death
by David Sims SEVERAL MONTHS ago, I wrote about the Great Filter our civilization is undergoing in my article “Will We Survive the Great Filter?” I said, in part: I propose that there is an obvious Great Filter that comes somewhere between the rise of civilization and interplanetary colonization.…

Diversity Is Fatal
by Douglas Mercer ROBERT PUTNAM IS A descendant of Massachusetts Pilgrim folk — and is also both a convert to Judaism and a ruling class stink-sniffer. He has one of the most “powerful” names in American social science, but it will always be his lot to go down in history as the one who…

The Science Is Settled
OUR ELITES are just hell bent on conducting social experiments on us. I for one am sick of it. The science is settled. The experiments have been done over and over always yielding the same results. Why must they keep repeating the same experiments expecting different results? 874 AD: Let’s try putting…

Toward a Racial-Nationalist Society
by T.S. Francis What is Society? SOCIETY is the social organization of any like-minded, blood-related, indigenous people. And since man’s nature is that of the social animal we must have societal structure of some kind, for our very survival and for our progress. The level of culture, progress and…

Have You Noticed?
YOU NOTICE every day that simple things become more expensive. Everyone’s homes and apartments are a little smaller and shabbier. Your work hours are getting longer; increases are small and you can afford less, save less. Job security no longer exists as a concept. You see your family and friends less…

A Program for Survival
by Dr. William L. Pierce THERE ARE TWO things fundamental to every society: the quality of its human stock — that is, the vitality, intelligence, creativity, courage, and will of its people and the values which guide it. One may be tempted to reduce these two fundamentals to a single determinant — namely,…

Up From Christianity: An Ascent
by Stephen Leacock Eliot WILLIAM GAYLEY Simpson is an interesting case — one of those men who do an about-face in life in both belief and action. He lived an astoundingly long active political and literary life, from the 1910s through the 1980s. His book, Which Way, Western Man?, is the story of…