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What the Mountaineer Can Teach Us
THERE ARE aspects of mountain life which might well be adopted by persons now living the over-organized, distressfully busy lives characteristic of our overall society. Let the outsider consider seriously before he rushes in with preconceived notions of how to get the mountaineer to improve (translate:…

Fleecing God’s Sleepless Sheep, or “But Wait! There’s More!” (part 2)
Earlier this week we blazed new trails by offering an in-depth, super scientific look at info-mania, info-mercials, info-scams, and the worthless info-junk being hustled on TV. If you doubt that this stuff is info-useless, then go to any yard sale or snoop in any garage, basement or out-of-the-way…

Fleecing God’s Sleepless Sheep, or “But Wait! There’s More!” (part 1)
Back when I was living under a bridge, back about seven or eight years ago, I had a tiny battery-operated TV. When I couldn’t sleep I’d flip the stupid thing on. Except for the weather channel and two local access stations, at 2-5 AM every channel is airing an infomercial. If you think that this is a sure guarantee…

The Pyramid (Part One)
THE MEN WHO RULE over us today are the ‘economic men’ Brooks Adams spoke of in his book, The Law of Civilisation and Decay. Adams posited two types of man — ‘the spiritual man’ characterised by the farmer, the warrior, the poet and the priest, and the ‘economic man’ characterised by…

On the Zombification of America
by Martin Kerr THE CURRENT POPULAR culture fixation with zombies is ironically appropriate, since that is what the White population has largely been turned into by the Jews. I was over at a local shopping mall recently: The blank, soulless expression on the faces of the other shoppers as they shambled…

Capitalism, Marxism, and Too Many (of the Wrong Kind of) People
by David Sims STEFAN Molyneux occasionally says something wise, and one quote of his I just heard is this: “Hard times build strong men. Strong men build good times. Good times breed weak men. Weak men bring hard times.” Breaking that cycle so that men stay strong even when times are good…

The Total Collapse of America’s Anglo-Saxon Ruling Class, part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by Cholly Bilderberger IF THE ENORMOUS inertia of the American produce-and-consume system is too strong to be changed, then what is going to happen? What is, in current cant, the scenario? An inertia too strong to be pulled off its course by an outside change must run that course…

To Have — or to Be?
The essence of National Socialism is racial idealism. In the following commentary, we are called to deep personal reflection and commitment to a cause greater than our own petty existence.
by Matt Koehl THE TWO MOST COMMON VERBS are “to have” and “to be.” No one knows this better than those who have struggled…

The Total Collapse of America’s Anglo-Saxon Ruling Class, part 2
A ruling class which no longer rules; but scrapes, bows, gives its daughters to its enemies, and does absolutely anything to hold on to its wealth. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by Cholly Bilderberger AT THE CLOSE of the first part of this series I described Tom Grenham’s betrayal of his gardener, Jim…

The Total Collapse of America’s Anglo-Saxon Ruling Class, part 1
And things have only gone from horrible and unsustainable to grotesquely pathetic in the years since this 1979 article was penned. It is time for a new White elite to rise. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by Cholly Bilderberger THE TOTTERING leadership of the United States refuses — and is probably unable…