
Who — or What — Are the Jews?

by James Harting

ADOLF HITLER wrote, “The mightiest counterpart to the Aryan is represented by the Jew.” *

But what, exactly, do we mean when we say the word “Jews?”

The question has been sincerely asked: “What is the problem, Jews, or the Jewish cult? Are Jews simply people with a horrible religion that makes the things they do justified in their minds?”

The root problem of the Jews is the Jews themselves, not whatever theology they espouse at any given point in history.

The Jews are defined by their racial soul, which in turn helps form their racial personality. This racial soul is encoded in the Semitic DNA of the Jews and cannot be washed away by baptism or other incredible practices. A pure-blooded Jew has a 100% Jewish racial soul; a half-breed (mischling in German and Yiddish) has 50%, a quarter Jew 25% and so on.

In terming the Jews a biological race or ethnicity, it needs to be noted that the Jews of the world are subdivided in several distinct sub-ethnicities. This is because although the Jews have an unmistakable core of Semitic blood, they have become a mongrel folk, who have liberally assimilated the genes of the host populations in the numerous countries in which they have historically resided.

The two main Jewish sub-ethnicities are the Sephardim, sometimes called “Mediterranean Jews,” and the Ashkenazim, or “European Jews.” Additionally, there are various minor Jewish ethnicities, including (but not limited to) the Mizrahim (so-called “Eastern” or “Oriental” Jews), the Romaniote Jews of Greece and the “Mountain Jews” of Azerbaijan and neighboring areas.

Because of the mixture of the original Semitic bloodline with the blood of non-Jews, terming someone a “full-blooded” Jew is only relative. Nonetheless, the Semitic core of the Jews defines who they are racially.

Here is how the Jewish racial personality expresses itself in the modern world:

  • Judaism, which has changed over the centuries, is the religious expression of the Jewish racial personality.
  • Zionism is the inward political expression of that personality. By “inward,” I mean that it is meant for the Jews alone.
  • Bolshevism (Marxism, communism, etc.) is the outward political expression of the Jewish racial personality. By “outward” I mean that it is directed towards non-Jews (goyim in Hebrew and Yiddish).
  • Cultural Marxism is expression of the Jewish racial personality in the cultural and social spheres. In art (music, painting architecture, sculpture and literature), the Jew upholds the cult of ugliness, and champions chaos and disorder; he pits men and women against one another, and the young against the old; he encourages every form of sexual perversion and degeneracy, and wages war against the nuclear family.
  • Capitalism is the economic expression of the Jewish racial personality.
  • Hebrew is the primary linguistic expression of the Jewish racial personality, although there are secondary Jewish languages, including Yiddish, Ladino, Bukharan, Judeo-Tat, Yevanic and many others.

To repeat myself, then, the fundamental problem with the Jews is the Jews themselves, and not the secondary expressions of their racial personality, be it Judaism, Zionism, Bolshevism, Capitalism or whatever.


* “Den gewaltigsten Gegensatz zum Arier bildet der Jude.” Mein Kampf, s/ 329; (p. 300 in the Manheim translation, p. 553 in the Dalton bilingual parallel text edition)

* * *

Source: Do Right and Fear No One

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22 March, 2022 2:46 pm

The Jews are a racially bastardised people created from the least desirable elements (criminals, the diseased etc) of many inferior races (such as Negroes and Arabs).

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Joshua
24 March, 2022 6:05 pm

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What the Jews Did to Germany Before Hitler Came to Power – The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany

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Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
2 April, 2022 8:54 am

It has been publicly noted that Alexander Dugin was a Satanist in his early life. The source for this was interview with the pseudonomous, “Apollonian Germ”. This is not a point of advocacy for or against Russia or Ukrania, since the old jew fratricide hustle appears to be happening again in real time.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  birch_bark
2 April, 2022 3:35 pm

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The true understanding of any organism, whether a High Culture, a nation, or a man, is to see behind and underneath the facts of that existence the soul which is expressing itself by means of, and often in opposition to, the external happenings. Only so can one separate what is significant from what is unimportant. Francis Parker Yockey

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Marxism vs. National Socialism = The Struggle Between Race & Internationalism

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History is led by the project of God, a project that is always focused on freedom and life.

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The fate of a society always depends on the attitude it takes towards this project: either it will have freedom and life, or it will produce slavery and death.

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David R Francis, United States ambassador in Russia warned in a a January 1918 dispatch to Washington: “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution

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Truth is an essential meal for the promotion and ordering of life

Reply to  Joshua
4 May, 2022 8:18 am

Modern genetic studies identify Ashkenazi Jews (92% population of Jews) as descendants of Eurasian Khazars (Turkik/Mongel), who converted to Judaism during the 8th Century a.d. Most remaining Jews are Shephardic and descendants of North African Berbers who also converted to Judaism, as did the Persian queen (a Berber) celebated during the Feast of Purim.

Jacques d'Eubanques
Jacques d'Eubanques
22 March, 2022 5:02 pm

Does anyone watch “Newsmax”? This John Hagee, the Evangelical preacher, has a commercial in which he begs people to “help the Jews in Ukraine.”

The Jews in Ukraine.

Why not the others? The White, Christian others?

This guy is a sap. And what he believes is merde.

Little Tim Wise
Little Tim Wise
Reply to  Jacques d'Eubanques
23 March, 2022 7:08 pm

Hagee is WAY beyond merely being a sap. He has had a major fetish for the tribe for many years. He is a traitor and cuck of the highest order. He cares nothing about the hardships of his fellow Christians in various countries. Not just Ukraine. Jews are the be all and end all for him.

ricck lineheart
ricck lineheart
Reply to  Little Tim Wise
25 March, 2022 5:47 pm

I have railed for years against this Israel Firster. Him and his son milking Christians for as many dollars as possible for the Jew . Another is former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee . Schills for Israel and the Jew so much its become a passion for them , its disgusting in the very sense of the word.

Reply to  Jacques d'Eubanques
23 March, 2022 9:31 pm

I guess he is going to wire the money to the US, Pissrael and all the rest of the countries the jews fled to more than one month before the war started.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Titus
28 March, 2022 8:17 pm
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Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
7 April, 2022 4:04 am

Judging from past predictive programming (really boasting) of 9/11 by Zionist Jews throughout the 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s, Trump will win in 2024 and be the last president of the US, if the cryptic boasting comes to fruition. Remember, signin’ off 2025 (I’m ready, I’m ready) and So let’s all have a good time before the great divide. ‘Cause things will start separating come 2025. So look for the subtle clues It won’t make the front-page news. That depends upon which side that you choose.
There’s a crack, there’s a crack in the world.”

A war is planned.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  hello
8 April, 2022 8:57 am

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Life is nothing more than an attempt to create beauty and order in a hostile universe that strives towards chaos.

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Just be thankful. For all the problems we don’t have.

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God is at the helm – therefore in truth, in life, in peace and in beauty

Reply to  Jacques d'Eubanques
1 April, 2022 6:11 pm

I got a spam email from Sean Hannity saying the same. what garbage.

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
23 March, 2022 8:57 am

“This racial soul is encoded in the Semitic DNA of the Jews and cannot be washed away by baptism or other incredible practices.” That reminds me of a Bulgarian proverb to the effect of “If you baptize a Jew, hold his head under water for several minutes.”

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Anthony Collins
3 April, 2022 10:58 am

Goebbeels was right, because he exposed what is real

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The truth, just as statistics and mathematics do not invent or defame, they just enumerate the facts, their causes and consequences.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
23 March, 2022 12:20 pm

This is all indeed very troubling.
For example, what to do about the
very Caucasian-looking Jewess
Scarlett Johansson?

Reply to  Walt Hampton
23 March, 2022 5:27 pm

Well are you cauc-asian or White? Are you part asian?
Seems like Caucasian is more of a label to make White something else entirely?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  cas
23 March, 2022 11:33 pm

How on Earth have you managed to pervert the word Caucasian as to mean someone not White? This strange twisting of words makes little sense. To follow this approach to word salad-making, I’d guess that “jewelry” was part Jew–a ridiculous thing to assert.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
24 March, 2022 8:56 am

Sound before paragraph for me at least. Since english is a highly christianized influenced language (robert cawdrey) After twenty or so years of studying the Joo. I am under the impression the Joo is basically neanderthal in origin and European is primarily of Homo Sapien stock or some other unknown. Neanderthal (orge type Joo(henry kissinger type) basically originated in the Caucuses from what i’ve studied. It is this neanderthal mixing with homo sapien type(s) that produces the mixed type of Joo. It’s just like the work idiot for example probably means two different things to you and me Jim. To me the word idiot at its root means private man – this is what american judges define it as in private as they use the latin still. (12century.), from Latin… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  cas
24 March, 2022 9:36 am

Perhaps you need a better look
at Scarlett Johanssen. What ever
else she may be, it is NOT Asian
(at least in appearance):

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Being perfectly honest. If given
the opportunity, I would have to
exert a might effort to resist 
the charms of this well-stacked

Reply to  Walt Hampton
28 March, 2022 1:26 pm

Knowing she’s a Jew would be enough for me to resist …

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Walt Hampton
23 March, 2022 7:02 pm

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Jews will never be able to subjugate a people who have maintained their racial purity. Jews in this world will always rule only over nations that have lost the purity of blood.


Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
24 March, 2022 9:08 am

So where is the mass outcry of Whites and even other Races when the Joos are saying this day they are tampering with the DNA of nations(races) via “science”?

Here is a Joo stating their goals openly yet all Races do not even make an uproar

Klaus is a Jew hiding behind a german name and this “doctor” Yuval Noah Harari is a Jew

Listen To JEW Klaus Schwabs Advisor Doctor (JEW)Yuval Noah Harari – We Can Hack Humans

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  cas
24 March, 2022 7:26 pm

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Faust and Mephisto -: The Devil is brewing his potion in a cauldron titled “JEWISH PRESS”: “With this drink in your stomach, you will serve the Jews – and attack your brother.

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Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race: What Jews OPENLY SAY !

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When we talk about creating a free Nordic Nation, we mean one free of multiculturalism and other anti-Nordic spiritual poisons. We mean a free North ruled be free Nordic men and women.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
4 April, 2022 4:42 pm

Why We Continue to Tell the Truth about Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany

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If we do not tell the truth about National Socialist Germany, why should we expect anyone else to do so?

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Suffices to see how they smile in old footage of the time. ( It is happiness coming from the depths of the soul. Because you have love, immersed in the love of your people (

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Reply to  Walt Hampton
23 March, 2022 9:31 pm

That’s what i call bait.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Titus
23 March, 2022 10:50 pm


James Harting
James Harting
Reply to  Walt Hampton
24 March, 2022 4:59 am

Scarlett Ingrid Johansson (b. 1984), known in Hollywood as “Scarjo,” is the daughter of a Danish father and Jewish mother. That makes her a “Mischling – First Degree” under the Nuremberg race legislation enacted in 1935. As such, she would not be considered part of the Folk Community, would be ineligable for Reich’s citizenship, and would not be allowed to marry an Aryan. Under halachic law as codified in the Talmud, she is considered Jewish because her mother was Jewish. A revealing profile of Johansson appeared in the November 2006 issue of Esquire magazine. It discussed her ethnic identity in length. Scarjo, it seems, considers herself a Jew and is fluent in Yiddish. Says Esquire, “Jewish men find her irresistable because of her Aryan looks and Jewish sensibilities.” This is… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  James Harting
24 March, 2022 11:51 am

This is a good post. Also, in all good
honesty – and if once again given the
opportunity – I feel compelled to state
that I would take my chances and make
my own determination on how she would
look in the morning after a good bedroll.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
5 April, 2022 1:18 am

To be frank, it throws me deeper into hopelessness to see how a tragic and urgent matter of survival is pushed aside to make room for an extended hormonal chat, and one going for our killers. Knowing who these people are and what they’ve been doing, I would never want to have anything to do with them, I never pay attention to their tv and movies, their ever-appropriated “culture” and “science”, and I actually feel repulsed by their race characteristics and the horrible thought that Europeans miscegenated with them.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
5 April, 2022 10:42 am

Guest, the presence of one commenter’s “extended hormonal chat” reflects his personal views, not of the parts of the White race whose comments lean more towards matters of racial responsibility than their libido. That Walt is supportive in other ways is laudable and worth emulating. If just 10% of the readers of National Vanguard made contributions or better yet, joined NV’s sponsor the National Alliance, our capabilities towards creating hope for our race’s survival would be greatly enhanced. As always, the initiative for doing that lies with you and each of us individually.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  James Harting
24 March, 2022 9:55 pm

Thanks for that, Martin. Walt fantasizes a bit much: Scarjo might rub up against him, blow in his ear and reverse his ED.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
25 March, 2022 9:29 am

There is always Viagria. It worked
wonders for Hef.

Roland Prestwick
Roland Prestwick
Reply to  Walt Hampton
26 March, 2022 10:21 am

I know that you are having fun with this, Walt, but the plain fact is that Aryans need to control their wangers, instead of the other way ’round.

A well-disciplined peenie should be required for every Aryan man. Otherwise, you will be exploited, I guarantee, and you will see your nubile, well-endowed conqueror stand over you in victory, while you lie there, your staff broken, your life-essence given to the alien.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Roland Prestwick
26 March, 2022 7:57 pm

I give credit where it is due.
I did have fun with this thread,
and it did not require the use
of my ‘wanger.’

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Walt Hampton
26 March, 2022 9:10 pm

Now can we return to commentary with more class?

Nat Sosh
Nat Sosh
25 March, 2022 1:55 pm

who could care less about scarlet johansson or any other “actress”???

acting is make believe nonsense and plays way too primary a role in the lives of the electoral peasantry…

life is way too short for make believe nonsense…..especially the kind produced by the filthy mind of the jew .

actors and actresses don’t belong on a pedastol …, they shouldn’t even be an afterthought in our lives. they are as fascinating as the pizza delivery guy.


26 March, 2022 12:38 pm

Great article, but I would add Globalism to the list as well.
In Mein Kampf, as well as Henry Ford’s book title, they were referred to as the international jew.

26 March, 2022 6:13 pm

Jews don’t speak Hebrew…that is Sumerian…they speak a fossil form of ancient Greek… not only that their formal culture is merely a fossil skiamorph an ancient Egyptian apostate through the vector of another Egyptian outcast, perhaps Hyksos, -Mosi-s…also not a Jew.

This makes of them and their diaspora offspring and their Goyish converts, a golem and that is why they are ruthless and stubborn being inhuman…going by the book is what machines do…we do not deal with individuals in them, thus their paranoid parasite strength inflicted on 8 day old boys along with the rest of the supremacist cultus in due course.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  stefan
28 March, 2022 8:52 pm

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The End of the Global Elite The Deep Fall of the Cabal

27 March, 2022 11:55 pm

“Who — or What — Are the Jews?”
Who — or What — Are the Jews? Well, if they are a Sean Penn, then they are preening, posturing, virtue signaling self-important Jewish twit. Sean Penn’s charity has agreed a deal to supply aid to Ukrainian refugees.

The 61-year-old actor has been filming a documentary about the Russian invasion of the country, and he’s now struck a deal with Mayor of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski to supply aid to Ukrainian refugees through his CORE charity.

28 March, 2022 10:19 pm

I’m not quite sure why we tend to focus on this obscure, and often terminally psychotic international human parasite, whereas perhaps we should be investing our energy towards ridding the rot within our own culture from seemingly treasonous lower conscious reptiles.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is not from a foreign enemy that we find ourselves on the very brink of ethnic extermination but rather an internal disease deriving from our very own kind.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  anonymous
28 March, 2022 11:47 pm

Good observation. “Diseased” or something else, we Whites in the main lack the will to survive. To re-instill that quality which we once had involves a program set up and ran by those who see this is what it takes. I believe the National Alliance is building that ability to do so as stated in its “About” section of its website located here: We have a mighty history of great accomplishments and daring deeds that ought to be taught, our bookstore has a significant selection of them. We’d like to expand and improve our electronic media (video and audio) to show that history and our grace and beauty as well. And of course, to organize in this day and age of intense spying and repression ought to establish our… Read more »

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
29 March, 2022 11:35 am

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Feminism liberated women from the natural dignity of their sex and turned them into inferior men. Francis Parker Yockey )

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
29 March, 2022 2:24 pm

You need a critical mass of racist Euro’s from EVERY land and only then will the scum shabbos goyim desert their paymasters and blackmailers…until then we are all a prey of the maggot gang…getting the truth out as best we can is the best we can do now…as to the NA, could this site not be made multi-lingual?

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Stefan
8 April, 2022 12:23 pm

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This speech should be seen as a continuous loop  on TV and heard on the radio!!!

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28 April, 2022 4:03 pm

The writer is racial philosopher that has nothing to do but copy archievils. Jews jews jews everywhere jews the jews spoiled my life.
Jewz always the amazing solution for all problems the holy indulgence blame them
And have no confidence to rule yourself