David SimsEssays

Hitler and the Holocaust: You’ve Been Lied To

by David Sims

IF YOU WANT TO understand Adolf Hitler’s point of view, the best thing to do is buy a copy of his book, Mein Kampf.

Here’s a short summary of Adolf Hitler’s background.

Hitler was a corporal in the German Army in World War 1. For a while, Germany was doing very well in that war. England was out of money and out of bullets. The Kaiser, leader of Germany, made England an offer, which basically said “Let’s call off the war. We’ll demand no reparations from you, and you’ll demand none from us. We will both just quit fighting and bring our soldiers home.” Germany made this offer even though it knew the advantage was theirs.

England’s leaders believed that they would have to accept. They didn’t think they had any choice. But at that moment the Jews came forward and told the British government, more or less, “Don’t accept the German offer. We can arrange for the United States to enter the war on your side, and Germany will be defeated.” And that’s what happened.

And Hitler would later find out.

After WW1 was over and Germany was unable to fight anymore, the “Allies” imposed harsh reparations on Germany. (Notice how much more generous Germany had been willing to be earlier!) Germany was stripped of a good bit of agricultural land that it needed to feed its 80 million people. It was also required to pay the winning countries heavy reparations, which limited Germany’s ability to buy food to make up its agricultural deficit. [There was widespread starvation.] This is what gave Hitler a strong appeal to the German people and made another war preferable to continuing to labor under the unfair burden of the Treaty of Versailles.

It also seems that the Jews were involved in the creation of the Treaty of Versailles. It was not crafted by the political leaders of the Allied powers. In other words, the Jews caused Germany to lose WW1, when otherwise it would have won. And they so contrived the treaty that ended WW1 that another world war became certain. Adolf Hitler found out about that, too. Is it any wonder that he didn’t like Jews?

Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany, and he became Fuehrer, which means “Leader,” by proclamation. His intention was to help Germany to recover from the poverty and human suffering of WW1 without accepting any loan-money from the international Jewish banks to do it. The Jews had rather counted on Hitler playing their financial game and were sharply disappointed when Hitler found other ways to subsidize the postwar German economic recovery. One of them sent Hitler a letter of warning, that he had better return to their “Gold Standard,” or there might be another war. Hitler ignored this warning.

Hitler arranged for a barter system, at the international level, in which German industrial goods were traded for food. And Germany prospered. While other countries were foundering in the Great Depression, Germany was having moderately good times. Within Germany, Hitler had caused to be issued a debt-free money system that was backed by German labor power, not by Jewish “credit.” Hitler’s financial system worked so well that it prompted Viscount Lymington to declare (with reference to the Jewish debt-money system that had been imposed on the rest of the West) (The New Pioneer, May 1939): “If we have a period of peace for only three years, the financial system of Messrs. Frankfurter, Warburg, and Baruch and most of Wall Street, will topple of its own accord.”

And there you have the real reason why World War 2 happened. Because the Jews feared the loss of their global financial hegemony, they forced Hitler into choosing between the surrender of German sovereignty and going to war. Hitler basically invented a better money system that threatened to make the Jews uncompetitive and run them out of business, and the Jews didn’t like it.

Then the Jews counterattacked with a worldwide boycott of German exports. The boycott was organized by a Jewish banker (Bank of England) named Montagu Norman and a Jewish demagogue named Samuel Untermeyer. Germany could no longer get the food it needed by trade, and, because of the farmland lost by the Treaty of Versailles, it couldn’t grow the necessary food, either. Hitler had to choose: Accept the Jews financial system, and the Jewish control that came with it, or else go to war again. He decided to go to war.

On a related topic: There are people who have good reasons to doubt that the “Holocaust” happened. This is one of those things that “everybody knows” but might not actually be true. One of the reasons to suspect that it might not be true is the fact that there are laws in some countries which compel people to espouse belief in it. The truth never needs to be supported by laws. Only lies do.

Besides that, there are known frauds in at least some of the photographic documentary evidence for the Holocaust. Certain photographs that Jewish groups have said showed a big pile of dead Jews at Buchenwald really showed a big pile of dead Germans at Dresden. Another photo claimed to be showing German soldiers killing Polish civilians turned out to be a picture of Soviet soldiers, dressed in German uniforms, killing Polish civilians. The Jews had miscaptioned these photographs in order to fabricate Holocaust evidence.

Certain other alleged Holocaust photos were, in fact, photographs of high-quality drawings, and the photographs were deliberately made a little out-of-focus. Some actual photographs were altered to add “victims,” alive or dead, who weren’t really there, either by pasting from a different picture or by drawing them in carefully and then re-photographing the result.

And some of the “eyewitnesses” have given testimony in self-conflict, in conflict with other eyewitness testimony, in conflict with known physical evidence, and even in conflict with the laws of Nature. It is true that the Allied soldiers who “liberated” some of the German labor camps found many dead bodies. However, those soldiers did not see any “gas chambers.” Those who died there died mostly from a disease called typhus. The gas chamber on display at Auschwitz today is a fabrication built after the war as faked evidence of German war-crime guilt.

Also, the Holocaust has not always been in the form that you hear about it today. In the years following 1945, the Holocaust tales were different, and the gas chamber idea had yet to be thought of. In one of the Jews’ “trial balloon” versions of the Holocaust, the “Nazis” used an electrically charged floor to zap the Jews to death. Bzzt. That turned out to be unsupportable, so, in their later accounts, they changed the killing method.

The Jews were once swearing on a stack of Torahs that the “Nazis” made soap from the fat boiled out of the bodies of the Holocaust victims. Israeli rabbis went so far as to bury some bars of soap with great solemnity in consecrated ground. Today, even the Jews admit (Yad Vashem Institute, 1983) that the “human fat soap” story was a myth. However, in parts of Europe, this story is still believed. One of my Polish pen pals wrote to me that I should be glad I was not in Europe during the war, because the “Nazis” would have made me take a shower, during which I would have been magically transformed into the bar of soap to be used by the next victim.

So, keep an open mind about this “Holocaust” thing, too.

* * *

Source: Author

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22 March, 2022 2:42 pm

I didn’t know that Hitler received a letter from the Jews warning him to go back to the Gold Standard. Interesting.

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Joshua
23 March, 2022 8:43 am

For what it’s worth, I recall that Louis C. Kilzer’s book Churchill’s Deception: The Dark Secret That Destroyed Nazi Germany (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994) reports that a clique of German traitors conspiring to overthrow Hitler made contact with the British government, and one of the terms of the British was “the renunciation of Germany’s economic policies and her return to the gold standard” (p. 178). (I found the quote and reference at Google Books, but only snippets are available, and I can’t recall much about the context. Perhaps this is a topic that Peter Rushton of Heritage and Destiny might be willing and able to investigate.)

Jacques d'Eubanques
Jacques d'Eubanques
22 March, 2022 5:09 pm

I hate to say it, but White people are saps to believe this crap.

England was always looking over her shoulder at Germany, so they wanted a war. The Jews just gave them the extra push.

The Holocaust fable must be pounded in, year after year, so that the very real war crimes of England and America will not be investigated. Kurt Vonnegut somehow managed to get past the censors with the book, Slaughterhouse Five, and also the movie of the same name. The censors probably just wanted to blacken the US for being in Viet-Nam but they let the truth get out. A mistake—it can’t be unsaid, unread, or unseen!

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Jacques d'Eubanques
22 March, 2022 11:28 pm

Trust in government and their paid for historians in conjunction with repeating the Big Lie day after day, year after year does tend to sink into the heads of those “saps,” Mr. d’Eubanques. Critical thinking is not common within any population, most White people want trust in “experts” to tell them the truth. Thanks to National Vanguard, and its sponsor, the National Alliance, building platforms and putting honest content within it to counter these lies or other prevarications is essential. We just need support to expand our reach among those White populations.

And supporters don’t need to be experts, just admirers of the truth.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
23 March, 2022 4:36 pm

Isn’t that what national socialism teaches? Trust in government? China is basically running a national socialism/communism scheme now.
How were critical thinkers treated under Hitler?
I’ve talked a lot with a canadian of german decent who is only two generations removed. He is so brainwashed by trust government at all cost no matter who is prime minister.
Strong leaders have to be able to be examined and reproved if needed that is even taught by nature.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  cas
23 March, 2022 11:53 pm

What is this “trust in government” business you’re talking about here, cas? Do you trust a government that genuinely looks after the best interests of its people? Or are all governments the same to you and equally untrustworthy?

Do you claim the Chinese communist system equates to a National Socialist (German 1933-1945) type of government? That’s false equivalence, friend.

Those Germans that worked to subvert-in-order-to-destroy (critical thinkers or otherwise) the National Socialist government weren’t very trustworthy themselves, wouldn’t you agree?

Examine leaders at will if that’s what you want to spend your life doing. But if you’re just a critic, and only a critic, no one need pay any attention to you. On the other hand, build your own thing if that’s what you want.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
24 March, 2022 9:18 pm

Chinese system has the strongest racially motivated system on the planet. Possibly bigger than Jewry. As for building my own thing? In america’s current system to contract with government basically makes one a slave to the jew’s system . A new religion is the only right move and ya’ll i believe are on a right course. Combining race and religion is the best logical move the White race can take. I believe as the smart white founders of this country found out in their lives. Government(s) are force. More whites have been killed by governments in the past 2000 years it is crazy. i’m not an anarchist. i’m for racial cohesion. i believe in merit based leaders who don’t take part in secret societies i don’t trust men and don’t… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  cas
24 March, 2022 11:32 pm

cas said, “… ya’ll i believe are on a right course.” Apply to join with those on the right course then. http://www.natall.com/join-us/

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Jacques d'Eubanques
23 March, 2022 6:16 pm

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The only written plan for genocide during World War II was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather a Jewish plan to exterminate the Germans

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“Often the only real thing in a newspaper is the date.” Luis Fernando Verissimo Brazilian writer, humorist, cartoonist  https://ww2truth.com/essential-books/#jp-carousel-107

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ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Jacques d'Eubanques
5 April, 2022 3:33 pm

England wanted war at all costs – declaration of war on the German Reich was ready before the attack on Poland https://www.pinnunity.de/threads/england-wollte-unbedingt-krieg-kriegserklaerung-ans-deutsche-reich-war-vor-angriff-auf-polen-fertig.6612/) Part 1: What committed racist Zionist “Americans” in the “American” zone in 1945 http://www.hist-chron.com/eu/D/1945-rheinwiesenlager/ENGL/001-basics.html Part 2: German soldiers without rights after the end of the war: no rights and deprivation of all possessions Video: <Rhine meadow camps Rhine meadow caps – the planned death by the victorious power  http://www.hist-chron.com/eu/D/1945-rheinwiesenlager/ENGL/002-incredibilities-earth-holes-1million-victims-bodies-in-Belgium.html) Part 3: German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps presented as Jewish bodies http://www.hist-chron.com/eu/D/1945-rheinwiesenlager/ENGL/003-giant-Lie-german-bodies-presented-as-Jewish-bodies.html)      Part 4: German bodies shown as Jewish bodies for Hitchcock’s films about German concentration camps: wrong bodies from Rhine meadow camps, wrong lorries, showers and crematories etc. http://www.hist-chron.com/eu/D/1945-rheinwiesenlager/ENGL/004-German-bodies-for-Hitchcocks-films-German-ccs.html)   Part 5: Research by James Bacque 1986-1989 about French and “American” war prisoner camps 1945-1948 http://www.hist-chron.com/eu/D/1945-rheinwiesenlager/ENGL/005-Bacque-research-French-and-American-war-prisoner-camps1945-1948.html)… Read more »

Geraint Pendragon
Geraint Pendragon
24 March, 2022 2:29 pm

While the BoE is owned by the Rothschild family, I’m not sure Montagu Norman Governor of the BoE (1920-1944) was Jewish. In fact, it is known he was close friend of Hjalmar Schact. I quote this from Wikipedia (ok it’s Wikipedia!)  ‘Norman was a close friend of the German Central Bank President Hjalmar Schact who served in Hitler’s government as President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics between 1934 and 1937. Norman was also so close to the Schacht family that he was godfather to one of Schacht’s grandchildren. Both were members of the Anglo-German Fellowship. While in the past Norman’s role in the transferring of Czech gold to the Nazi regime in March 1939 was uncertain, careful investigation by historian David Blaazer into the Bank of England’s internal memos has… Read more »

24 March, 2022 9:01 pm

An interesting interview with former SS guy. Testifies of the brutality of many the “allies” and soviets. Testifies of the lie of a camp in poland.
Interview with Unterscharführer Hans Von Der Heide Waffen SS Veteran (1985)
<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border: none;” src=”https://www.bitchute.com/embed/oPLT21rhhPSx/”></iframe>

28 March, 2022 4:49 pm

Like the 9/11 19 Arab highjackers, LHO shot JFK, the ¨holocaust¨ is actually first in the Big Three list of massive hoaxes that have altered the world in major fashion causing enormous evil. Matching the scope of such hoaxes – is the nature of the evidence for and against them. To make a comparison or analogy one need only to allude to the OJ trial of a quarter century ago. The hoaxes succeeded completely…just as did the OJ defence

7 April, 2022 2:05 pm

The real reasons why international Jewry invented the holocaust story is to:
1. Conceal the truth about Hitler’s attempt to liberate his country from jewish financial slavery.
2. Justify zionist conspiracy to annihilate whole german nation.
3. Prevent any future critisism of Jews
Germans are colectively punnished for exposing international jewish criminals and trying to prevent their destruction of european civilization and culture – that was their only sin.

Reply to  Revisionist
19 March, 2023 9:51 pm

yes, and what about what jews do best….coverup. They needed to take the spotlight, for what would be made if more realized the actual circumstances surrounding the Bolshevik Revolution, and the killing of 60 million christians? Jews are Democrats. They project.

19 March, 2023 9:44 pm

I thought Hitler had written several letters to the UK and US expressing his reluctance to submit to war (II), hating war and its human impact and instead pleaded for diplomacy in its place?